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User: garyhinchcliffe68


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I don't think that's strange at all. So long as you look smart (and you will wearing black socks) then I can't see the problem. Just do it, I wouldn't be at all surprised if loads of other guys join you (if they don't beat you to it!). It makes way more sense to just stay in socked feet. What would be strange is to keep wearing your shoes if they are killing your feet, that would be stupid. It will only make you miserable and spoil the wedding, so ditch the shoes and just enjoy being in socks. It will be so much better. And I bet you'll see others doing the same too.

Posted in Feet on 2010-05-13 18:30:51

Good poll. Like most lads my age my feet sweat a lot (especially as I mostly wear trainers) and my socks stink when I take my shoes off, but I don't let it bother me, when me and my mates pile in the house, and we all take our shoes off at the door, all our feet stink so nobody feels singled out. I often slip my shoes off in class too, but then so do many other boys in my class. Like all my mates I wear black socks all the time, and I usually take my socks off when I'm at home. I quite like being in bare feet, but I like being in my socks too.

Posted in Men Socks on 2009-09-01 18:57:56

I love wearing black sports socks. All my friends wear the same. I wear them with everything - my school uniform, tracksuit pants, shorts, everything. I think they look really cool with black trainers. I change my socks daily but they still tend to stink. I usually take my socks off when I come in and just leave them by the door, though sometimes I'll keep them on and take them off later, then just dump then on the floor.

Posted in PE Class on 2009-07-21 18:56:57

We have to wear a specific PE kit at my school, but the actual kit varies depending on what activity we are doing. Outside is usually school football kit in winter, and athletics kit (white vest, black shorts & socks, trainers) in summer.

Indoors is usually white t-shirt, shorts and either socks & trainers or bare feet (I prefer bare feet). Though sometimes we are allowed to do PE in white t-shirt, navy-blue tracksuit pants and black socks (no trainers) which is good fun and looks cool.

Posted in wearing socks on 2009-07-17 19:48:42

I quite like wearing socks and going about in my socked feet. I like to wear black sports-socks or thin black socks, and wear them with everything, including my school uniform. I usually kick my shoes off in class and wander around the classroom in socks - it feels good, and most boys in my class do the same. We have to wear socks with our school uniform and during PE (if not in bare feet)

When I get home, I always take my shoes off at the door, and usually take my socks off too and stay in bare feet. Same goes for when visiting a mates house - most people I know have a shoes-off rule indoors, and many have a socks off rule too.

I always wear socks with shoes or trainers, because I don't like wearing shoes sockless. But any chance I get I kick my shoes off and wander about in socked feet or bare feet. I wish we could spend all day at school in socked feet, I'd love that!