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User: Grad2004


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Posted in Showering in front of other guys on 2006-09-06 20:17:13

did you use baby shampoo?

Posted in Kids and Bath Time on 2006-09-06 20:15:17

I was just curious when you were young and being bathed did you autually phyiscally do any washing yourselfs are did the parents wash for you?

Posted in Pool Change Rooms on 2006-09-06 20:12:39

Some of the pools I've been to over the years showers with soap are manditory before you even go near the pool.It wasn't like there was someone there watching to make sure you showered or anything like that they just looked at your personal appearance as you entered the pool area and I guess that's how they enforced the policy.Of all the pools that I have gone to only one autually had private stalled showers the rest of the pools showers were open rooms with heads with soap despensers between each two heads.

Posted in showers at middle schools on 2006-09-06 20:07:40

We Had Showers in middle school but no-one really used them,for one they were kindof being used as storage and two there wasn't really time built into our schedule for showering.Although I wish they had allowed us to shower it would have made a big difference in how we smelled and looked to others plus we wouldn't have had people almost keel over from the overwheming deorderant smell.

Posted in school showers on 2006-09-06 20:03:16

I would also say that we should at least if we provide showering facillites we also need to provide soap/shampoo and towels.