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User: greenpee


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Posted in children on the bus on 2010-02-06 23:10:01

This is one thing that bothers me as a middle aged person. The YOUNG people should give up their seats to people who need them (disabled, elderly and even middle aged with health issues - we are old enough to be your parents). Adults should not give up their seats for children. Pregnant women whine and expect people old enough to be the kid's grandma to get up - forget it YOUNG lady. If there is a teen or 20 something and an older person sitting, the healthy young person should give up their seat - both male and female - and not expect someone old enough to be their mom or dad to get up.

Posted in Train Seat on 2010-02-06 23:04:37

If she is elderly or disabled and he is a YOUNG HEALTHY man, yes, he should give up his seat. I am tired of YOUNG pregnant women expecting EVERYONE to give up their seat, even people over 45 with health issues - forget it - you YOUNG lady chose to get pregnant. Also, some seniors expect people over 45 to get up - NO, the YOUNG, AGILE people should get up, not people who are also OLD ENOUGH to be GRANDPARENTS.

I pee outdoors due to urgency and frequency and if I am in the middle of sports, recreation, etc. At the marathon, many people pee outdoors. In the pool I have seen many men and ladies peeing at the end of the lane; that is where many lane swimmers pee. You can't tell but you assume that is what they are doing. I would rather pee outside than use a gross outhouse with fecal contamination. If I had a son I would tell him to pee in the backyard to save on the water bills. On my biking expeditions, I stop in the bushes to take a leak.

Posted in Would you die for your national flag? on 2010-02-06 22:28:05

I see the way today's seniors (world war II vets) are treated by younger generations so I would not die for my country. Also, if someone burns a flag, so what, it is an inanimate object. Even if someone burns down a church I would not kill them ; God is outside the church and a church is an inanimate object. I don't believe in vandalism but even if my house caught fire, I would try to save myself and my family and alert the neighbours. We have insurance for the inanimate stuff. I would try to rescue any pets but not at the risk to my own life.

Posted in Depend diapers on 2010-02-06 22:22:12

These are sold at most grocery stores and are great for stress incontinence or urgency or between bathroom visits. They are great for travel and they even are good for heavy menstruation (think giant blood clots of perimenopause). They don't show much under clothing either. I wear them for shopping, errands, travel, and even biking. I don't wear them for swimming since if you need to pee noone can tell. I wear black pants or a dark skirt with Depends. I like to wear them with skirts since they are easier to change in a public bathroom stall this way.