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User: grocer


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Posted in Skinny Dippin (MALES ONLY!!!!!!!!!!) on 2010-01-03 02:40:21

Thought I would post the story I put in the poll.

At about 15 a group of us (all guys) went camping on Dartmoor for a long weekend, we got off this bus then just walked and stayed on the moors. We were camping in the middle of nowhere, no facilities etc , there was a dedicated rock to $%!@ against and we went in this crater a short distance away when we needed to crap and had to use grass or cardboard from beer crates to wipe as nobody thought to bring any paper. One day we went on a bit of a walk to this river for a wash/swim. Some went in in shorts, some went in wearing pants and about 5 of us including me went in naked. When we got out some of our clothes had dissapeared including 3 of us who were naked. It was freezing once we were out and nobody would give us anything to cover up with, so the 3 of us had to walk back to where the site was (about 20 mins) naked. When we got back to our horror there was some kind of army cadet group with girls and boys in it in between us and the tents - the 3 naked ones of us had to go in the crater which about 20 guys had been using as a toilet for 3 days and wait for someone to bring us some clothes (this took ages), in the meantime this lad from the army group came up to the crater with a trowel and toilet roll, took one look at us and said something along the lines of "this is where we are meant to use as a latrine, but I think I can hold it a bit" and walked off. The missing clothes were never found and nobody ever admitted taking them!

Posted in Should Males Be Required to Pee Sitting Down? on 2007-09-22 23:22:55

This is one of the most stupid ideas Ive ever heard, and not that well thought out. Many mens toilets only have one of two stalls, and when someone does use them, they will be using them for longer, so when guys need to take a dump, we often have to wait a very long time (one toilet stall, 4 guys in line in front, up to 30 min wait).

Also, sitting on a toilet can be unpleasant for some guys, who, like me, make an unpleasant discovery at some point during adolescence that their $%!@ has grown to a length where it rests against the inside of the toilet when sat down, at the point where other peoples urine would hit the toilet. Hardly a "triumph in masculinity".

Also, what about when answering a call of nature outdoors, should men drop their trousers and squat down rather than discretely unzipping against a tree/bush?