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User: GymnastZoe



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Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2023-05-26 21:52:45

Lol yea that game sounds really one sided. Same with pretty much all sports when its girls v boys there gotta be way more boys to be fair. One time i set up a dodgeball game but that was a big mistake, even when i put only two 5 or6yo girls against all the teen boys the boys couldnt get any girls out and a bunch of them were crying cuz they were hit too hard with the ball.

Yeah the boy was reading while i was writing it and when i got to that part he got all embarrased and red in the face. He tried reach out to touch the phone but i pulled his hand back and said if he doesnt like sitting on my lap i can put him down and let another boy on there. Then he quieted down but he was still embarassed i was talking about him and he put his face into my shoulder. Boys get like that a lot, i remember one time i was babysitting this 17yo and when i went to the store i carried him with me on my hip with his legs round me, he was really tall so it looked funny when i carried him. Anyway at the store i met my friend who was also babysitting a boy about the same age and she was carrying him too! We stopped to talk and after a while the boy i was carrying started bugging me to move on but i gave him a little swat and told him not to interrupt. Then i started talking to my friend about the boy and what hes like, how cute he is and how he begged me to keep him on my hip going to the store, and how light he is for a tall boy and easy to carry and i bounced him up and down to show that. He got super shy, hugged me really tight and tried to hide behind me and put my hair in front of his face so people couldnt see. And he was poking me and trying to get me to stop talking about him but i just said 'well if your saying you dont like being carried i can just put you down' and that always shuts them up lol. Then my friend talked about the boy she was babysitting and he got embarassed too and did the same thing, my friend awwd and told me how shy he gets in public sometimes. Boys that age are so cute! Definitely try writing a message about it with the boy on your lap his reaction will be so funny!

Im kinda jealous tbh having free time like that, the only things i do these days is take care of teen boys and work out. Damn summers gonna be busy im not gonna have free time like that for a while. Anyway good for bella too getting lots of experience. What kind of boys she babysitting, can she handle late teen boys like 17+?

Ill re read that story but it was about the boys climbing on the girls and falling asleep right? Sounds fun to re create and i hope theyll wanna do it! I bet they will, boys love that kinda stuff. Just pick them up first to remind them how nice it is. Bella coming with you too?

Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2023-05-24 14:33:08

Yeah take his laptop phone and comic books or whatever he has in his room to entertain him out, then carry him to his room and keep him in there. A couple hours later he will promise to be good if he can come out. Another thing is when hes being good carry him as much as you can, i think that kinda flips a switch in a boys brain that makes him more sub missive. But you gotta combine that with spanking for punishment to work properly, you need that carrot and stick. My worst boy recently just turned 18 first time his mom hired me and he was so angry cuz he was saying hes an adult now and hes not gonna follow orders from little girls. I had him every day after school and he was so bratty and disobediant that first 2 weeks. Now a month later hes like a totally different boy, hes so polite and well behaved and he always calls me miss zoe. But i couldnt have done that without spankings, lot of those at first. I couldnt train a boy like that without it.

The game sounds fun! I organize soccer games at daycare too its a good way to keep them busy and tire them out and its fun. Girls v boys is fun but you gotta balance the teams so boys have more players or its too easy. I had 1 on saturday where it was 5 of my helper girls (age 5-7) v 10 boys age like 14-19 and i was the ref. Still way too easy for the girls so i made it 3 v 10 and girls couldnt use a goalie. Then it was more even and the boys managed to score a coupl goals but it still ended like 10-2 to the girls. What were the teams in your game?

I got a boy sitting on my lap right now as im typing this lol! No school today so the house is super busy, parents at work need somewhere to put their boys and the only way to make the boys sit still is to pick them up or put them on a lap! I hired 6 girls to help so its not too bad, lots of laps to put them on! Im sure youre not as busy as me but how much babysitting you doing these days and what kind of boys? I always got a lot of business when summer starts since parents are going out places and need someone to watch the sons.

Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2023-05-13 13:09:15

Hey gina you tried out my suggestion yet? Saturdays are always super busy for me and right now i got so many boys to take care of and all the nagging was driving me crazy, i had to put my cousin in charge and take a 10 minute break. Everything cool with you and your bro and sis?

Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2023-05-08 16:59:08

Yeah of course i got boys bugging me all the time for all sorts of stuff. Sometimes they want food or something, sometimes 2 boys get into a argument and call me, sometimes they just want attention or to be carried yeah. These boys really cant solve any problem by themselves, its exausting. I make the same food for every boy for lunch and dinner and the moms pack a meal for them if they wanna eat something else. I always have snacks and candy for treats and rewards for good behavior and stuff like that. Boys always wanna be lifted aswell and i just tell them to wait their turn, and the girls i hire help with that too. By now i can carry alot of them at the same time tho, all that exta working out i can do thanks to the home gym really payed off. The difference from last year is pretty big, boys feel like they weigh nothing now and a couple times i walked around and didnt even notice i was giving a boy a piggy back ride! Its true that i have way less free time now and that kinda sucks, but i enjoy the work a lot. I mean i complain about them but really i like babysitting teen boys and carrying them around and stuff, i have a good time and save money for later. I still have some free time tho, even when the boys are over i can leave my helper girls in charge for a bit. On weekends i send the boys to bed pretty early and stay up watching movies and stuff and i invite friends over. And i take days off where i tell all the moms i cant work.

I still go to the gym too just cuz i like doing it around other girls too and i can easily afford it now. My friends come over to use my gym too tho and i let the young girls i hire use it too when they work. Thats a big part of why they wanna do it, tbh i dont pay them that much but there are always so many who wanna do it, i have to say no to most of them. Theyre young so it seems like a lot of money and they get to use my gym. And girls that age like being in charge of boys 3 times older than them and bossing them around so i think most would do it for free. Some are getting really strong too after a couple months using my gym, which is useful for controling the boys.

That boy sounds annoying and thats why i never babysit any boy if i dont have permission to spank him. Like if that boys mom wanted to drop him at my house id say no deal if i cant spank if i need to. But if you cant do that then then i guess try the other normal punishments like making him stay in his room with no tv or phone or laptop. You could say you wont carry him anymore if he doesnt behave but i guess you already tried that. One thing that could work is intimidation, girl muscle can be really scary to boys so if you show it off to him and act angry at the same time he will probably do what you say. Even if he knows you wont spank him, just seeing you flex might intimidate him enough to work. Seriously, when i wear a sleaveless shirt i notice my boys are way better behaved, seeing a girls biceps will do that to teen boys. Idk if his mom would mind if you did it like that but its work a try.

How old are the boys bellas babysitting now? 7 is a good age for it, i think she can handle any teen boy now even like 19yos. The oldest boys in my daycare thing are in college, i had a 21yo all last weekend and a helper girl younger than bella took care of him fine for alot of that. Thing about him is hes in college for some science course and hes really smart but still super immature and scaredy, funny how boys are like that.

Posted in When is too old to still have a babysitter? on 2023-05-07 13:22:00

Well usually boys dont sleep over on weekdays so theres noone there in the mornings or at school time. The moms drop them after school and pick them up before bed usually so its just in the afternoons that the house is a daycare. In weekends its all day and also overnight, thats when its most busy. My mom thought it was a great idea at first cuz she liked that i wanted to start a kind of business and earn money. She comes home pretty late from work most days and works a lot on weekends too so shes not home most of the time when im working anyway. Once it got busy every day she got kinda annoyed but she lets me keep doing it cuz i agreed to a bunch of rules. One is that she doesnt help or cook for the boys or clean up after them or anything like that, when shes home when im working she ignores the boys and its all my responsibility. The most important rule my mom made me agree is that all the boys gotta be really really well behaved. No noise or misbehaving or rudeness and no teen boys running thru the house etc. So i gotta be pretty strict for discipline with them and not tolerate much misbehaving, which i do anyway but with this i gotta be extra strict so my mom doesnt get mad. But i have a reputation for that for years of regular babysitting and all the teen boys know im not afraid to spank them so most of my boys are well behaved. When its busy i have those younger girls i hire to help so its not hard to control them even when there are alot of them. At first my brother hated it it but now he actually likes having other boys his age in the house he can play with and he likes the girls i hire too.

I spend the money on gym equipment mostly, i buy so much of it now and it gets really expensive. I got so much in the basement now i dont need to go to the gym at all i can work out even better in the house. But i still do go to the gym sometimes just for social stuff. But its amazing having it all in the basement, lets me work out so much more than other girls can can and im getting really really strong now! Like i can put in 30 mins before school and stuff like that, really squeeze in way more with real high quality equipment. Also im saving up for other stuff like a really nice bike and a big tv for my room and stuff like that. And mom makes me put a lot of it in a savings account for college which i guess is a good idea. I make more than some grownups now and its pretty awesome having money!

Bellas like 4 or 5 right? Cool that shes babysitting solo. I remember there was a thing where she was too nice to punish boys properly when she needs to, she gotten over that? Anyway if you got any cool or funny stories about her or about your babysitting or anything thatd be cool. And if you wanna know more about my teen daycare thing thats cool too!