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User: hppavilion


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Posted in Christianity Vs. Evolution on 2007-10-20 17:54:23

Sure no problem

Sure you can. Or it depends what it will say to be christian in your mind.

If you are a fundamental christian you probaly can't but if you are a "normal" christian there should be no reason why you could not believe in evolution.

Posted in 2008 Presidential Election -- Voting For president on 2007-10-20 17:23:09

Watch the video, and spread the words: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/03/11/firefighters-blast-rudy-giuliani/

"ruffled some firefighting feathers last week when he decided to pull out of a planned appearance at the International Association of Firefighters presidential forum. One of the nation's largest firefighting unions came out swinging, blasting Rudy for his "egregious acts" against the FDNY after 9/11. Just one more example that should shatter the America's Mayor myth."

Posted in Is Hugo Chavez Good or Bad? on 2007-09-28 02:52:18

Hugo Chavez is good for creating socialism in Venezuela.

Normally i don't like socialims because in a socialistic society you take money from the rich and give it to the poor. You take money from the people who earn a lot of money because their working skills are needed, and give them to people who don't work as hard and are not so much needed.

In a free marked society where the government don't have any power to regulate free trade by making trade restrictions/laws socialism is only hurting because supply and demand 'knows best'.

But in a society as the Venezuela, where the upper class has sieged the power of much of the mainstream media and the government, and where most of the income comes from 'dead' oil in the ground and not from ordinary people working hard, i think socialism/universal healthcare/free education is the best solution to get the democracy back on track and to give ordinary people their lives back.

Why? In a society where the working power of the people don't mean much, where the people don't have value, because most of the income to the country comes from oil or other riches in the ground, who only take 'few' people to manage and where the super-rich only can be super-rich by controlling the government so the ordinary people don't get their fair share of the income (meaning less money to the rich) the best thing the rich can do is to corrupt the democracy or destroy it, or at least siege hold of it so the people won't make any strange things like taking some of the rich peoples money which the rich have stolen from the country. In such a society the people need a extra boost and they can get that through universal healthcare/free education.

Watch the documentary before you post please.

A price winning documentary about Chavez, Venecuela and it's super-rich upperclass.

The war on democracy http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3739500579629840148

Posted in which is more evil microsoft or al qaeda on 2007-09-20 18:58:30

If i remember right Obama said something with that it was ok to attack Pakistan (an US ally) with nuclear weapons if Osama were in the country and the Pakistan government would not take actions (which they of course would) This nuclear preemptive strike (a tactic also used by Hitler) should be carried out to increase stabillity...what?? xD

Ron Paul for president? Why him? He has the best policy! Theck it out on youtube :)

Posted in What America Needs on 2007-09-20 18:44:25

Big Business is one of the best thing ever to come from the USA. Free unregulated capitalism. Beautiful. It only get destructive when you mix it with socialism "aka the state"

All the socialistic services you have in the american society, police, firefighters, schools, pension, homeland security, CIA m.m. is paid by the coorporation tax, tax on cooporation.

merely none of the money you pay over your federal income tax helps the american society, the money from the FED tax, with a few twists, goes to wallstreet.

Theck ' the money masters' if you need proof :) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-515319560256183936