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User: HumanIce


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Posted in Best Tekken Character on 2007-07-23 18:27:13

damn... why did so many vote Ling Xiaoyu as their worst character.. pff.. noobs..

Posted in Best Tekken Character on 2007-06-11 21:04:33

my best:

  1. Xiaoyu
  2. Lili
  3. Paul
  4. Eddy
  5. Hwoarang
Posted in Tekken Characters on 2007-06-08 07:58:27

Best Characters

Lili ain't there! and she's a very good character

my best Tekken character is Xiaoyu

(I've played Tekken for 10 years, and Xiaoyu has moves that you are good using and becomes your best character after a month practicing on her, I never knew she was so good)

and second best is Lili,

(she is very good character, and first time you play her, you stop playing anything else, and start playing her with her awesome moves all the time in Tekken DR..)

people that voted Jin or Hworang are noobs, Jin IS NOT GOOD, Devil Jin is at least a little better than Jin, but Jin is just awful.. and Hworang, X and O kick, kick, kick.. yeah whatever, I can beat the crap out of him whenever I want..

Posted in Best Super Smash Bros Melee Character on 2007-06-08 07:46:40

My Best Characters

My Best Characters are:

  1. Mario

Mario has all the moves I want, and I play best when I use him, and I'm also very speedy using his moves.

  1. Dr. Mario

he's not as good really, but he has the same moves as Mario, and looks cooler with the black suit.

  1. Kirby

Kirby is a lot better than you think, and he can do lots of stuff, and I almost thought he was better than Mario, but he doesn't have these kind of moves I can get used to.

  1. Samus

he's a good character, but I just can't get used to his moves..

  1. Gandorf

he's a strong character, and very slow, but he can throw people out of the level easily..

The worst character of Melee for me are: Ice claimers, Ness, Mew two