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User: iaboy


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Posted in Peeing contest on 2003-11-11 02:31:56

Actually this is done in alot of bars at happy hour around the world. drinks are at a very cheap price, and the first one to (break the tap or pee) sets the prices back to normal. there is alot of competition in doing this and alot of hounding on the first to break the happy hour prices. sorry guys but this does happen.

Posted in Body Modification on 2003-05-22 17:37:36

i have 6 tattoos, and a frenum piercing (underisde head of $%!@) i love my body mods and will get more as time goes on. it felt weird at first getting a tat on my upper left arm, but then i got more bold and had a pic of Mr.s Burns from the simpsons in leather and a whip put on my left butt cheek. its about 5" tall. i then got a large bears head on most of my pubic area, and a red heart on the top of my $%!@ head. the last one was bear claws around my bears head. i love them all, and plan on getting more piercings, probably a guiche ring on either side of my $%!@, or in my scrotum.

Posted in homophobia on 2003-05-10 05:17:58

"what if he/she tries to harass/rape me?" i am a 38 y/o gay male and my answer to this in the past has been, "so what makes you think you are beautiful enough to even be noticed?" i know its snotty, but really, who cares. i used to work with a man that used those comments all the time, when this gay couple came into our towns grocery store. yeah like they really noticed him and his black and rotting teeth and his pimply face, and he was the one who would go up to any woman, put his hand on them and say,"hey i'm a virgin, would you do me?" but it was the gays who were the problem. sick just really sick.

Posted in Strip Poker - Ever Play? on 2003-05-08 18:42:02

we used to get a group of us guys together all the time and play. when ou didn't have any more clothes then it became nasty and you had to do tricks to play, hehehe (use your imagination of 15-18 y/o's playing and you get the idea.) it was great fun, and i would do it again.

Posted in Homosexuals on 2003-04-25 13:53:16

I'm sorry but you need to do your history young man. The u.s.a was created with most of the signers of the Constitution being of the Atheist persuasion. Look it up. Next this country was founded on the principal of Freedom (of) religion and freedom (from)religion. It works both ways. Just like you having the right to swing your hand, but (not) having the right to hit someone. As for religion and war, religion has for over 10,000 years created some of the most hated and bitter wars, and its still going on, go ask someone in Northern Ireland or the Middle East about it. More people were killed in Renaissance Europe from religion than in all the last century with the world wars, and most of it from the cleansing from the Catholic church of so called heretics and the wars to come later between the Lutherans and the Catholics that devastated all of Central Europe.
As to gays and religion, here is a quote by Bishop John Shelby Spong on the matter.

"But how accurate is the claim that the Bible condemns homosexuality as a sin? At best the record is ambivalent. There are seven biblical passages that are regularly cited by fundamentalist Christians and their fellow travelers to justify their condemnation of homosexuality. Three are in the Old Testament and four are in the New Testament. However, three of the four found in the New Testament are highly suspect and appear to refer to sexual anomalies such as temple prostitution, pederasty or forced sexual activity which are quite unrelated to homosexuality. So the biblical texts that actually condemn homosexuality as we today understand it, are only four in the entire Bible and none of them, interestingly enough, is found is the Gospels. According to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. Given the all consuming nature of the current ecclesiastical debates on this issue that fact comes as a shock. Jesus does talk about those who are victims of prejudice like the Samaritans, and those who are marginalized and rejected like the lepers, but he never says a word about anyone's sexual orientation. Perhaps church leaders should contemplate the possibility that they are, as one man once suggested, "making much of that which cannot matter much to God." The first passage is found in the Book of Genesis, and relates the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. That narrative has given us the rather inelegant words sodomy, sodomite and sodomize. It is a strange story about ancient middle eastern hospitality laws and the right of the people of any town to harass and to violate sexually, any strangers to whom no fellow citizen has extended the protection of hospitality. This failure of hospitality left strangers at the mercy of the base elements of the city. Humiliating an unprotected visitor by forcing him to act like a woman in the sex act, was the supreme insult in these cruel and insensitive days. That is the underlying reality described in this biblical episode. Lot, Abraham's nephew, gave his protection to two male visitors at the end of the day when preparations for sexual abuse had already begun.

QUOTE: and the only thing religion has given is wars based on wht some people interpret ignorant scripts.

WRONG WRONG WRONG! You can't be much more incorrect than that, I'm sorry. Religion gave us something to live for. It gave us something to love, it gave us something to be glad for. Religion created a great nation, the U.S.A., and if you live there, that nation was built upon the foundation of Christianity...a religion!