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User: ilovepantsing



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Posted in Charity Calanders on 2009-01-14 00:49:11

relly that is relly cool i would love that to happen to me but as im a boy i would everyone else to be girls lol but good on ya for doing have you got a coppie of the video

Posted in pantsed, de-bikined,stripped on 2009-01-06 17:29:57

shygirl24 i have read alot of your stories and think iam in love with you and your sisters would love to spend a week at your house but nothing comes up when i put that website in it goes to youtube and then says id not right

Posted in pantsed, de-bikined,stripped on 2009-01-06 17:27:04

if this is true then u are lucky and i would love to meet this girls

Posted in Sleepover (Girls Only) on 2009-01-06 17:10:28

sounds like u relly no how to have a sleep over did you get any photos and can 1 come to the next one

Posted in pantsed, de-bikined,stripped on 2009-01-05 17:15:52

that sounded like a good thing