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User: Irene


Polls Created


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Posted in Those Gay American Idols on 2002-12-01 17:57:26

that was the worst poll ive ever seen

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-04-01 22:49:51

Well Allison, I hope you're not right! The older my two daughters have got, I've had to spank them more, not less. The eldest is now in her early teens and it seems to be nearly ever other week that I need to put her across my knee and warm up her bottom for one reason or another. In my experience it's the only way to get them to behave and is always done after due warnings. I'm a widow, so having no man around to be firm with the girls they try it on with me and would get their own way if I dealt with them any less severly. I don't know if a bottom needs to be bare for a spanking, although the shock tactic makes sense and I can see it as a serious possibilty in the near future for the eldest the way she carries on. Meanwhile, the girls' thin skimpy knickers offer little protection to what my hand delivers to their bottoms and their tears and promises to behave suggest so too.

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2001-07-03 02:44:14

Who are YOU? Mrs. Duh???========== In Reply To ========== I think I speak for all of us when i say, stop being a jerk and get a life! if you dont like this message board dont come and look at it! its not that hard. so why dont you mind your own business and SHUT UP!