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User: Jackie2


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Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2010-11-07 22:37:09

I deleted the first launch of this poll soon after I made it, but that's the one that was approved to the directory! How can I make the 2nd Launch (the current one) go to the directory?


Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2010-09-14 22:35:32

Huh? Here I am wondering why I'm getting fewer votes than normal? I look at the first question "how old are you" And it looks like one big ad!

Can something be done about this? Here's the link: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/500069

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2010-07-09 16:58:00

By the way, the poll in question is: http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/491241

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2010-07-09 16:54:32

Hi, as bad luck would have it I made a poll regarding shoes about a day before the Fashion directory was introduced. Now it's lost and stagnating in Miscellanous.

Is it possible to move it to Fashion? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2010-07-03 20:45:36

But when I go to my "promote" page it says it was submitted on the 3rd, today. What's going on? And does this mean I've been pushed back to the end of the line and have to wait even longer for it to be approved?