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User: James07470


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Posted in Never Been Loved on 2003-07-08 07:40:05

Hi Christy =) thanks for posting your thoughts. I still need to check out the links you recommended.. in fact I'll do this after responding to you.

Everything you said makes a lot of sense. As far as looks go, I'm so damn hot that chocolate melts when I look at it... hehe.. jk. Seriously, I think when it comes to attraction, women definitely have physical preferences too. Looking at a dating service... women can choose "no preferences" but instead most of them choose a prefered height, build, hair color, and nationality (facial features?).

Part of me agrees with you that a guy who can make you feel special, make you smile and laugh can really help keep things more fun and easy going.

For the record, I know a lot about experiencing an abusive childhood, having serious clinical depression, hormonal imbalances, adhd (attention-deficit-'something'-disorder), among other serious personal issues I go through on a regular basis. I also live in an area full of segregation and stereotyping. Hey don't cry, really it's not meant to be a sob story.. haha. My long-winded point is this: as much as I keep moving ahead in life, as good as I treat the girl I have feelings for... fact is that I CAN be sensitive to emotional pain and maybe she sees it in my eyes.. so she moves on to another guy who's more fun and carefree.

The women that I've been with have cared about my feelings for them, they cared about the good times we had, when a time came when I was hurt, looking for a little something.. a hug, a smile, any little thing to tell me "I love you, I'm here, and you're special to me".. all I've actually felt was a very cool air of indifference like she really could care less, and call me over-sensitive but never knowing what it feels like for a girl to love me back hurts me more than I want to admit.

Again, thanks for your thoughts and words of advice Christy. I always like hearing the honest opinions of others.. it helps a lot.

Bubye for now James

Posted in Never Been Loved on 2003-06-28 10:39:38

Thanx for posting your thoughts here =) I can certainly relate with anyone who has ever searched for love and gotten their heart broken instead. My heart goes out to anyone who suffers from such a thing.. it's not an easy road, I know.

Old-elf, from your message it sounds like you're an older man, and most likely you were where many younger guys and girls are today.. having faith, waiting for the right one, etc. Assuming you've done all that, fallen in love, been involved for any period of time, had close female friends to confide in... I want to know what is it that you feel keeps women from desiring you more? And yes there is always hope for you as long as you acknowledge and respect yourself... and I really hope you do.

Matt, you said that someday we will all find love, probably when we least expect it. I agree, and I always keep having faith no matter what. So what separates the men from the boys, what separates hot from not? If a girl looks at you and picks up a vibe that you're confident (but not $%!@y), self-sufficient, fun to be with, and at least fairly physically attractive (work out, dress nice, hairstyle, etc).. since you can take care of yourself so well, well that's the kind of man most women want.. a provider, a strong shoulder, a strong future. I know, it can sound intimidating.. but we're MEN and if we feel intimidated, we don't feel confident.. and women will sense it and not want us. Because we're guys, we're not allowed to show nearly the same emotional vulnerability as girls can and do. We are the backbone after all. And women, yes there is a very good reason why so many men seem insensitive.. some guys are just jerks.. lol.. but read between the lines.. there are other reasons.

For all the women on this poll, I'd like to hear your thoughts and feelings on this subject as well... offer your opinions or advice .. ask me anything you feel like if you want an honest, male point of view.

Bubye for now =D

Posted in Female Superiority - Are They? on 2003-06-28 07:03:01

You made several references to a site called Von Bluvens or some such name, all about white supremecy.. sounds like a German name though.. enlighten me, are Germans considered white (ie: PURE 100% caucasian)? How about Italians, or Irish, or French.. they are not purely caucasian.. do you hate all of them too? Answer this question.. which races DO you consider white? Guten tag, mein Amerikaner Fraulein Amy.

Posted in Who is stronger?Boys or Girls on 2003-06-22 08:56:58

1) Raw physical strength is often not proven through wrestling, since speed, leverage, and fighting knowledge are also factors. How about competing olympic style... three lifts, deadlift, bench press, and squat (comparing bodyweight vs. total weight lifted optional).

2) Guys... if a girl grabs your balls in a fight and causes you to submit, she won.. unless rules are set beforehand for playfighting, fighting isn't fair, she will do what she needs to win. Simple as that.

3) Girls.. if a really street tough guy really is determined to prove his fighting ability to you and you're not above grabbing his balls.. don't think it's brutality if he does manage to seriously injure you.. in a real fight, anything goes. And if you make him drop first, more power to ya.

4) Almost every message here is about girls saying "we're better than men" and men saying either "yes that's true" (submissives) or men saying "no of course men are stronger" (male chauvenist pigs). I'm not trying to take sides here, but based on all these messages, it SEEMS like so many girls go for the balls (so to speak) to prove themselves, and setting up men to look bad no matter how they respond (ie: men are either weaklings or they are chauvanist pigs).

5) Some guys are stronger than girls, some girls are stronger than guys. Can we all put our stupid egos aside? Will a girl desire me more if I'm able to smack her around every day and make her cry? Does a guy find it sexy if a girl unloads all her rage on him so he feels like sh-it so she can feel better? It's all about egos.

6) Girls' lower bodys are usually a lot stronger than their upper bodies... look at their body structure. Their hips, butt and thigh are fuller than most men's... true, bodyfat levels are generally higher, but at the same time, so are the muscles (which is why so many women have very strong legs). Guys tend to be built more up top, which means strong chest and shoulders... hence the question "how much can you bench"

So there, I've written a novel and bored you all to death with it.. hehe. Bubye for now ;)

Posted in who is stronger? boys or girls on 2003-06-22 07:31:31

A correction, I said 150kg for 10 reps when Michelle really did 15 reps. Sorry about that. =) In any case, has she been involved or thought of becoming involved in powerlifting competitions? If she doesn't already compete, she should... she'd find a lot of success with it, at the very least she'd place very high on a national level competition.