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User: James07470


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Posted in What is ideal weight for 21 year-old, 5'6 ? on 2003-10-06 05:58:41

========== In Reply To ========== This poll caught my eye because I am only 5'6 cries and Im 21, hehe. But yeah, I dont think it matters too much, whats on the inside counts way more. If anything there should be a rule that no girls may grow taller than 5'5, which will make me feel better....looks up at all the tall girls.....

Lol... that would be an interesting rule to have, maybe if enough of us write to congress they'll do something about this rule =) but you're right, it's what's inside that really matters the most. I think that, deep down, most people know this is true. But for all the women who don't feel they are the "ideal" weight (and who are nodding their heads when we say "it's what's inside that counts") .. remember that's the same kind of feeling some men get just because they are not the "ideal" height. The best thing is for everyone to learn to be confident within their own body and to be proud of who they are .. confidence is by far the sexiest thing a person could have. =)

By the way, don't worry cuz the average American woman is only 5'4", so just wear platform shoes and you'll still be taller than most women with heels. =)

Posted in depression in young adults on 2003-07-18 09:35:06

At this point I think about suicide every day. I know that we all need to help ourselves.. but day after day, month after month, year after year goes by.. and when I'm like this it's can be very difficult to NOT let extreme lonliness affect my condition. Have you ever gone through something very difficult, and even though it has nothing to do with anyone else, deep down you knew that no matter what there are people who care about you, people who love you no matter what condition you may have.. people who call you and invite you over and you can laugh with them, do things together, go places, become closer and as time goes on, you move on together.. people who you can talk to when you want to feel.. something, anything. I know I'm in another state of serious depression now, but the truth is that simple things like affection, love, desire, it's very much a part of me that truly wants and needs to be shared.. but it's a feeling that I don't EVER seem to feel from others, to me. It's never there when I need it. Ever. At this point, I accept that I will not be missed by those around me (if all the pain should finish tonight), and this final realization is what hurts the most. I really don't want this, but the pain has become too sharp, too extreme. My depression is a constant, recurring clinical problem.. but there are definitely other factors that makes life so hard to embrace.. and I'm tired of always being strong, for once I want love, compassion.. a hug.. something, anything at all so I can know what it's like.

always, me
Posted in boys vs. younger girls who are stronger on 2003-07-17 10:02:37

Hopefully this will never happen, but if it comes to a life or death situation and some guy tries to mug a girl, I don't think she would think "Oh I'll just grab his balls".. I hope not, cuz if she tries, he'll likely shoot for her larynx or her eyes. And for the record, there is a fairly easy way to counter a ball grab (or any grab) and simultaneously snap the offender's thumb out of alignment.. tsk tsk, such talk of violence.. lol. My point? Going for the balls is hardly practical in a real situation, but yes it can be a big advantage if she's play fighting with a guy... or in a real fight with an incompetent guy ;)

Posted in Men v.s. Women on 2003-07-17 08:49:29

On the subject of this poll, does this mean who should be entitled to more rights (to fit their wants and needs) or does it mean who actually HAS more rights available to them in day to day life?

In any case, I feel that both men and women should have equal rights. Of course there are things women must go through that men don't (pms, child birth, etc) and men should respect that and do what he can to try and make life a little easier for her. And if you think about it, men can have it rough sometimes too.. after all, a woman can be insecure and emotional and the right man for her can (should) still support her needs and desire her every bit as much. For a man to feel insecure, he will be abandoned or otherwise rejected (which in turn would do wonders for his insecurities.. lol).

As far as jobs go, I think it's b.s. that a woman who is equally qualified and able to do the same job should be paid any less than a man. I personally haven't seen positions that actually say "women's salary will start at 70% base" or anything like that, but apparently it exists because it seems that men DO tend to bring home more money than women (on average).

Posted in Never Been Loved on 2003-07-09 07:28:06

Hi again. Yes, I do agree with what you said about the looks thing. On the surface (with a little "research" help from my male friends) I'm fairly attractive, have a good build and dress well. Personality-wise, (supposedly) I'm sweet, charming, compassionate, and easy going, maybe a little bit shy. When asked about what she looks for in a relationship, I'm "not her preferred type of guy", or "no offense but I don't go for guys of your nationality" (Hey I get this from American girls, and I'm ALSO American... haha)or "you're really nice but I'd like you better as a close friend". So I'm trying my best to understand what I CAN do better to find someone special who can like me, and love me, for the good guy I can be.

Ok... I'll level with you and everyone else on this poll... I never, and I mean NEVER used to question my relationship successes (or lack thereof). In my life, I've made all sorts of friends and aquaintances.. the popular crowd, the geeks, the freaks, the good and the bad.. you get the idea. Throughout it all, I remained easygoing and happy, enjoying life as much as the next person. I was known for being the guy who always had a smile on his face, was happy to be around others.

As uncommon as it's supposedly made out to be, I noticed that most of my male friends have been picked up by nice women at some point or other... I just thought "lucky guy". I wasn't jealous, wasn't tossing a male PMS against the whole world or anything like that... just happy because my friends were happy, enjoyed hanging out with everyone, and thought "someday soon I'll find someone special too". I'm easy to talk to, easy to hang with, and I know what I like so.. it's all kool, no problems here =)

That was me FIFTEEN years ago. Today many of my friends are quite happily married, some even have kids. Others are engaged or seriously involved, and when I see them together, it's obvious there is chemistry and love between them. The CLICK, I like to call it =)

I've been patient, perservering, optimistic and strong for fifteen years now. Is it ok for me to say that the pain of lonliness and rejection is hurting me in ways you're never likely to understand?

Of course I'll ALWAYS do what I must to get what I want. And I WILL find her because I know someone out there can love me for real. But I have to go into this learning to cover my pain so she NEVER sees me bleeding... I just need to be happy for myself, absorb the pain as men are supposed to do, smile like I always used to, and move on.

Bubye for now James

PS: No... I'm really NOT attracted to the sound of my own voice, but when it comes to stuff like this, I guess I've had a lot to express. So there =p