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User: james_mike


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Posted in guys getting beaten up on 2007-04-04 10:05:15

I forgot to add that his injurys were a broken nose, seriously winded, 2 broken ribs, and a dislocated wrist. This is on top of numerous cuts and bruises on his 4 pack belly and chest.

Posted in guys getting beaten up on 2007-04-04 10:02:12

Last year when I was in year 8 I was mates with some lads who planned to beat this boy up and I just followed along.

The 4 of them bundelled him into the toilets at the end of school and batterd him. They told me too go through his bag for money, and I new ut was the wrong thing so I told them there was none, but there was!

Sam was by now lieing down feebly when they asked me to kcik him. i tapped him in the stomach, and then they said I didnt do it hard enough so they pelted himin the balls.

I thought that they were going to turn on me for not wanting to do it, so I quickly got out a marker pen and open up his shirt.

I then drew all over his stomach and then they decided that it was enough. To cement myself safely, I said we should stay a while longer.

So then, they decided to pull his shirt from him and then pumple his bare, but grafitid stomach.

then something happend that nobody expected, he punched one of them, and so they were incenced and halled his arms whilst they beat him up.

Then, they did someting horrific to him, they stripped him of his trousers, and were going to take his boxers when I said that would look wrong.

They then told me to hold his arms, and then they gae him a hard punch, which even winded me through him.

I hadnt realise it, but we had been there half an hour and so they all left and said I could stay if I wanted.

When they left, I began to tell Sam I was sorry, but then he said that he could tell I didnt want to do it.

I wasnt told off for the attack as sam tld the teachers I didnt want to do it, but I still feel very guilty, and well thats my story over.