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User: Jamon


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Posted in Dominant Little sister on 2009-10-21 19:21:02

But we guys used to be in charge not that long ago. I'm wondering what happened?

Posted in girls controlling men on 2009-09-26 03:15:56

What can we men do to stop this decline in our power? Is there anything we can do? Is it too late?

Posted in Would you choose to be a guy or a girl? on 2006-05-10 04:05:19

I chose girl because girls are on their way up. There is no limit to what they can do. Boys are falling behind fast and even in this life they won't have things as good. By the next life they will be irrelevant.

Posted in Submissive Men on 2005-12-30 18:01:50

I think men are becoming submissive towards women because a shift in the collective unconscious of the species compels them to embrace this new role. Women are by contrast are exhibiting more dominant qualities such as superior willpower, confidence and ambition. I hope it will lead a beneficial shift away from warfare and environmental decimation. I hope it will bring about a positive transformation of society and eventually lead us to lasting equality.

Posted in Are Women Taking Over? on 2005-11-23 06:29:51

Women are still women and men are still men. when you go out on the street you see feminine women and masculine men. It seems that nothing has changed. the numbers tell a different story. women are overtaking men economically. It appears that women will soon earn more than men. Women will find themselves (and already have) in a lot of leadership roles once held by men. Women will probably have more power in society than men. Alot of these changes are alredy happening and people seem to be adjusting just fine. Your world view may be in danger but I'm sure women will manage society just fine and men will adjust to being the second sex.