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User: Jarod


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Posted in What is your most common punishment on 2002-03-29 02:42:28

Growing up, I never learned it seemed to shut my mouth. I always had some smart answer for everything & dad had a simple & consistent remedy...his belt. It was always "get to your room" & I knew that meant an $%!@ whipping. The usual 5 minute wait added to the punishment but when dad came in, there was no delay. As he unbuckled the belt, I knew better than to argue & started the ritual of dropping my jeans then turning around & bending over. He seldom looped the belt, using it straight like a strap & depending on how angry I made him, he laid 5-10 licks across my briefs & bare thighs. Even last year at 17, I got my $%!@ whipped & it was difficult not crying. I've gone a while now but bet dad would still use the belt if I needed. Any other guys still getting a belt whipping at 17-18?