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User: Jedi Lucas



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Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-07-08 15:16:29

Hey Ben,

Ur welcome dude. Glad I could help. Your swimming place sounds like fun. We got a place like that where guys go to skinnydip. I only go there when Caleb is grounded or gone someplace so I cant go to his house and skinnydip in his clean pool. Hahahahaha. I always wonder if there is something in creek water that might wanna take a bit of worm. Hahahahahahaa. OUCH! I aint never heard no one ever say it happen to them, but juz wonder about it when I swimming nakers in the creek. But Calebs pool is awesome. Nuthing going to bit me in there. hahahaa

But Ya I think your mom probably knows you skinnydip. Course ur trunks can dry out riding ur bike back home. But she probably knows. cause creek water smells diff than pool water. My mom knows when I been swimming in the creek and not in the pool. She makes me go take a shower when I been swimming in the creek. hahahaha

Ya I wouldnt want gurlz watching me swim either. especially when I running on bank and jumping in. Dont see too many gurlz at our creek. its mostly guys only, at least during day. I know some boys take there g/f there at night to swim nakers. But I aint never seen any do that in daytime.

Kewl you leaving door open so mom can see. I dont think she ever gonna say anything about it. Juz be sure to close door when company is there, especially ur moms or dads company. Cause that will make mom say something about closing ur door so they dont get embarrassed. They probably wouldnt and probably would like seeing u, but moms are funny about stuff like that. So be safe and if ur parents got company then close ur door. But heck dude, glad u got that over. Now u aint gotta worry no more about accidently getting seen and get all embarrassed. Glad u getting used to it. Wont be long before u can go nakers in front of anyone and not get boned or embarrassed. hahahahahahaa. Guys always worry about that and once you get used to being nakers it dont happen very much. Its juz when its all like new and all.

I dont know if most boys sleep naked or not. I think lots of boys doo. I think most probably try it and if they like it they keep doing it. Heck I hate to wear anything to bed. I even hate it when I gotta put a sheet or covers over me when its cold. Course I very wrestless sleeper. heck I turn over and over and over. I get all tangled up in sheets when I cover up. So I like it better if I dont have to have annything on me when I sleeping.

Well I better go finish my yard work so I can go have fun later. Calebs got chores he gots to do to, so when hes done and I get done, going swimming at his house. Its like a zillion degrees here.



Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-07-02 20:38:25

Ben. Moms know everything. So ya she knows u skinnydip if u skinnydip. Ya I think most guys get all worried about sleeping nakers because they think there mom will get mad or something but moms know we like being nakers. Heck it was us running around naked when we was little until she made us put clothes on. so she knows when we get older we gonna want to get naked again.

If you aint let ur mom see u naked u might as well do it so you get used to it and wont be all worried she gonna see u naked in bed or something. Juz leave ur door open so she can see and then it all be over with and u wont get all embarrassed.

Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-07-02 20:34:19

Secretskyguy. No she took me to Calebs house to swim first time I went there so she seen caleb and his brothers naked all time. It aint embarrassing for me or caleb, I dont think it embarrasses mom noe cause she dont say nuthing.

Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-06-29 01:49:58

Both mom and dad come in my room anytime they want. So when we in there naked mom or dad could come in and see us. Mom also comes in to tell me goodnight every night so when caleb is here she tells him goodnight too. So she sees both of us naked. then and anytime she comes in my room and we are naked.

Posted in Sleeping Naked on 2010-06-28 14:28:10

Hi Secretskyguy.. Ya Caleb sleeps opver here sometimes. Most times I sleepover his house juz cause he gots more we can do specially in summer since he gots a pool. but sometimes over winter he sleeps over here. Ya mom and dad both seen him naked. My sisters aint, least I dont think they have. But never know wit gurlz they might of sneaked a peek. hahahaha. Caleb wouldnt care if they did anyways. We aint skinnydipped at my house. I aint got a pool. We do sleep nakers. No we dont walk around the house naked cause of my sisters. but we get naked in my room. My sisters aint allowed in my room.