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User: JMark



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Posted in General Questions for Males on 2009-04-28 23:11:20

I've always just worn a plain jock for underwear. No big deal to me.

Posted in Am I Gay? on 2009-04-28 23:05:26

It really doesn't matter what kind of underwear a guy wears as far as sexual attraction or preference. I wear a jock mostly as my daily underwear but that has nothing to do at all with my sexuality. As far as that goes, my underwear is just totally for my personal comfort and the way I was raised and what I'm really used too. Some may thing that guys wears certain things to make a sexual statement, and sometimes thats ture. But, not always. For me, wearing a jock is completely for my comfort and beleive it or not, modesty.

Posted in Athletic support on 2009-03-25 19:54:39

when playing baseball i usually wear a regular jock with the pocket for the cup and compression shorts over that. sorta the best of both. the compression shorts do keep me dry and the jock and cup stays put. it takes a while to get used to both, but its really very comfortable. of course we always have to adjust some when on the field, but anybody who ever played ball wearing a cup understands that.

Posted in Jockstrap for school on 2009-03-25 19:44:10

our gym shorts were so short our coach always just had us pop the leg strap when he called roll.

Posted in Jockstrap for school on 2009-03-25 19:40:06

i lived in south texas at the time and it was mandatory for boys pe class. i had to start wearing one in the 8th grade, there was even a list of supplies that i had to take home and the pe uniform included (athletic supporter). from the 8th grade through high school all us guys had to wear one and in the first couple of years there were ever jock checks at the beginning of every class when the coach checked roll. if you didn't have one on you had to sit out the class and get an "F" for the day. it really didnt take that long to get used to, no big deal.