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User: JockedAndCupped



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Posted in Use of Jockstraps in America on 2006-01-24 01:51:54

Yeah i got my first cupjock at 10 for taekwondo. Didnt have formal cup/jock checks, but everybody knew if you didnt have it on. I'm big into sparring so always get a couple good hits every practice.

Got my 3rd degree blackbelt.

My fav now is a underarmour jock. Wear it all the time... got it on sitting here.

All you guys gotta try the underarmour stuff, feels GREAT.

Posted in For gay teenagers on 2005-09-05 16:35:34

anybody know how?

I want to come out to a best friend of mine, j/o with him, u know. He is a wrestler, sometimes I think he is checking me out in class. Anyone know an easy way to find out if he is gay or somehow get him to have sex with me?