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User: JohnnyBlaze


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Posted in Have you ever lost a shoe (for women only)? on 2005-08-26 18:36:41


My husband has an account here so his name might show up instead of mine. What happened was is that we were at an anniversary dinner for his grandparents. We were just boyfriend and girlfriend at the time, and we ourselves were approaching that six-month mark of our relationship but we were friends since the time we were two(we're both 19 years old now). This happened when we he was 18 and I was 17 about to turn 18 in a month from then. Well, we were at a restaurant right across the river from New York City, so our restaurant was on a pier. What happened was that we were waiting for some of the other guests to arrive. We had our table so we went outside. There was a bench right near the edge of the pier and it had a wooden fence like three boards across. So, I sat at the bench while my hubby was watching his little brother and his cousin. I had white slingbacks on with a peep toe and a three inch heel with a bow at the top. Really cute I might add. I was walking in those heels since seven in the morning so naturally, I wanted to slip them off. I crossed my legs and took off the sling on my right shoe. It was still on, but the sling was not. Anyways, I was dangling it trying to get some circulation back in my ankle. Well, the damnest thing happened. A mouse passed me and I literally jumped up and my nice $200 shoe just came off my foot and fell about 30 feet into the water below. You couldn't believe my shock. I was looking over the edge of the pier in such a shocked way. I screamed for my husband and he rushed over. He was tushing over and holding me. He asked me "What's the Matter, babe?" I was like "I lost my shoe!" He was like "What?" Then, I put my leg on his lap and said "My shoe! See? It's gone!" I explained to him the situation and he laughed his $%!@ off. He told me to just hang in there and that we'd be home soon enough. Well, what started out as a terrible incident, turned into the most memorable moment of my life. Later that night, he proposed to me and we've been married for a year now. So, in my mind, now that I look back on it, it was like the shoe was a sacrifice for a higher plateau. But, I sometimes wonder where my little darling is now. She could be in Africa somewhere being worshipped or something. Hey, you never know ;)