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User: Karina.owner



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Posted in Judicial Corporal Punishment on 2014-05-05 16:17:33

Frazz, Surely being punished with the cane or strap would have caused you lots of pain but it is the nature of the punishment and children, whose instincts not yet are blunted, understand that punishment is the natural reaction to misdemeanour. You and their mother would have been able to explain to them that you deserved it and that it was beneficial. By imprisoning you the authorities made also your family suffer the punishment for your crimes and that you were unable to support your family at least could have caused a social disaster. I also assume that it must have been even more difficult to explain to the children that you had to be away than it would have been to explain that you had to be caned for violating the law. Your canings probably also would have had a preventive effect on the children. You cannot change the past but by here explaining that it would have been better for society, for your family and for you if you had got a number of canings instead of being imprisoned you help changing the public opinion. Hopefully testimonies like yours and the many rational arguments in favour of judicial corporal punishment will eventually cause a public demand that forces the lawmakers to re-introduce judicial corporal punishment.

Posted in SHOULD SLAVERY RETURN on 2014-05-02 03:39:44

There has always been slaves (often called something else like thralls or serfs or today, Pilipino au pair girls) and there will always be slaves. There are millions of slaves – un-free traded persons - in the world today serving mostly in sweatshops or as prostitutes or as domestic servants, In general they come from poor countries as for instance several of the ex-communist countries in Europe such as Romania, Albania and Ukraine. They usually are a great benefit to their owners and they also are an asset to the economies of the countries to which they have been imported but because slavery is illegal and unregulated the slaves do not even enjoy the legal protection and security we in the rich part of the world give animals. Slavery is the natural way of providing the well-off with workers and servants at a reasonable cost and at the same time provide he poor and inferior classes with work and the benefits that comes with the owners naturally taking as good care of their slaves as at their other livestock and property. As a business woman and lawyer with good contacts in ex-communist European countries I have had no problems with purchasing three young slaves, now aged 18, 20 and 21. Officially I only employ and house them and paid their wages in advance but in reality I own them. For each of them I paid approximately what I earn in a month but to their families who sold them this were substantial sums offering new possibilities in life for the remaining children. The families are happy and much better off than before and also the slaves are happy because they enjoy a much better living standard than ever before in their lives and they are lucky not having been sold to prostitution. My slaves are domestic slaves and not sex slaves. I keep them simply because I enjoy the luxury of having all domestic chores done, my house and my garden kept spotless in shipshape order at all times and servants being at my beck and call. They are well fed and well, they sleep in good beds and each of them has a chair and a small chest of drawers in the small rooms. In my own best interest I make sure that they thrive, are kept busy but not overworked and are healthy. I demand that they do every chore to perfection and I have zero tolerance for laziness, disobedience, careless and slovenly behaviour and work, lack of respect or poor attitude. In general they are treated in a patronising and gentle manner but they know that the slightest infraction results in severe punishment. If my mood is good they can get off with only being scolded, slapped on the face and kicked for minor offences but is my mood bad the first one who displeases me in any way is punished severely with the cane or the heavy strap. It is necessary to be firm and strict so the slaves never forget that they are slaves, my property and existing only for the purpose of serving me but I have from the first day carefully taught each of them humility and obedience so in general I experience only few and small disciplinary problems with them. The only one who is causing me problems is the boy and it is his ungovernable hormones that cause the problems. I had foreseen this and from the first day equipped him with a chastity device that effectively prevents him from offending against the two girl slaves. I also have humiliated him in front of the girls in order to make him ridiculous in their eyes and the last eight months he has at night and when I have visitors been chained in his room but his restless, undesirable and at times obstinate behaviour is beginning to cause too much trouble and unrest. Had slavery been legal it would have been easier to deal with this and as a last resort I could have him castrated but now I consider selling him. I assume it is possible to find a gay man who is willing to pay a good price for a well-trained, young house boy who even is a virgin. I intend to replace the boy with a third girl slave. It is easier and more comfortable with only females in the house so it was a mistake to purchase the boy although it was fun to train him and teach him good manners. The slaves are never leave the premises and in the garden they only come when ordered but I have a small closed yard where they are allowed to go out. All three wear ankle chains with GPS tracking devices that make it possible for me to monitor their movements at all times. The girl slaves are trained to be humble and obedient enough to serve also when I have guests. I do not have to hide from my friends and relatives that I have servants; they think that the servants are only employed as au pairs and the girls would not dare complaining or being obstinate in front of guests. They know that not only would I be furious and cane their bottoms bloody but I would also sell them to prostitution if they ever breathe a word to outsiders about being kept as slaves. My lover is the only one who knows that my servants are slaves. She fully agrees that slavery is a natural thing and she too enjoys the comfort the slaves provide. In my opinion it would be much better for everyone if slavery as the natural and beneficial institution it is was legal and properly regulated by law. The advantages would be numerous and obvious: Poor countries could earn good money and diminish unemployment, starvation and shortage of proper housing by selling surplus population as slaves. Rich and well-developed countries would benefit from importing slaves to take on unattractive jobs and to be in domestic service. It would make life much easier and comfortable for people in these countries and probably it would also cause a drastic decline in rape and other sexual crimes. In almost all countries the inequality becomes bigger every day; the rich become richer, the middleclass shrinks, the underclass swells and becomes poorer. The best, easiest and most profitable way to keep the underclass in line and avoid massive social unrest is to introduce slavery. To begin with people who are unable to pay their debts should be sold as slaves or handed over to their creditors as slaves, either way the creditors would get at least some of their outstanding account. Special social comities should order parents who cannot afford to take proper care of their children to sell either themselves or the children. The social comities also should take in to custody and enslave people who because of the immaturity that is typical for people of the inferior classes must be deemed unsuitable for managing their own lives. Also people of the inferior classes who more than once are convicted of petty theft and other minor crimes should be turned over to the social comities and sold as slaves. With these few simple initiatives a large number of lower class people will be fed, clothed, housed and kept in line by owners who have a clear interest in taking good care of them so they can be useful and good investment. Enslavement, slave trading and slave keeping should be regulated by law and the slaves should like other livestock enjoy a certain protection from neglect. Unemployment would not be these people anymore because a slave owner cannot just sack the slaves as an employer can sack surplus employees. This would ensure most slaves better treatment and healthier living conditions than the still not enslaved lower class people and slavery will at the bottom of society be experienced as protection against misery and starvation. Not only the inferior classes will benefit largely from slavery becoming a legal and encouraged part of the social order, the lower middle class will be erased, 70 – 80% of the population be enslaved and the remaining upper class and higher middle class will be able to enjoy a much more comfortable lifestyle as well as economical progress. Neither the lower classes nor the upper class benefit from equality being a fundamental principle in society; only the lower middle class benefits at the expense of everybody else and of economical growth. It is abusive especially because lower middleclass people in general are just as inferior and suitable for enslavement as the lower class.

Posted in Judicial Corporal Punishment on 2014-04-26 23:02:00

Frazzled, very wise words from an experienced man. Sad that society wasted lots of money and half your life on keeping you in prison instead of teaching you the necessary lesson with the cane or strap.