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User: Kate



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Posted in Female body hair (for girls only) on 2002-05-30 20:58:57

I wax my bikini line and trim. I think its the best of both worlds. I get a bit freaked out with the whole bare thing because it reminds me of being 7 years old. doesn't anyone else see that?

Posted in Question on 2001-08-06 17:16:03

God is a trinity, God has three parts, The Father, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit, Jesus is the son of God the Father.

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2001-06-01 05:44:05

Alicia, you rock! Thank you so much for being here and for sticking it out on this discussion board. I've read every entry on thic board, as I was traumatized when I ended up here by accident and read some of these postings. I was on the Three's Company television show web site (ok that doesn't say alot about my happening life)when there was a link asking if I wanted to do a survey. I got here and the survey of course, was on spanking. I was completely unprepared and have been upset for about two weeks now. I tried to just stay away, since it is so upsetting to think that there's any chance that anyone may doing these things to children or teens, but I decided to come back and post my opinion. So for anyone reading, here are my views: Spanking children and youth is wrong and I consider it to be pedophilia and assault. Fantasizing about spanking anyone is perfectly healthy. Spanking consenting adults is perfectly healthy. I believe that like any sex act, spanking between consenting youth of the same age is also acceptable. But it is serious, like any sex act, and ensuring consent is extremely important, as well as ensuring that you really do want to try it in real life and that either one of you can stop the situation at any time. I think that exploring the fantasy in discussion, as people are doing here is a much better choice than acting it out, BUT it is every individual person's choice to act out whatever fantasy they want with consenting people of the same age, or to explore it in anonymous discussion.

My final point is to please be responsible, by being honest that what you are writing here is fantasy. If it is not fantasy, this is not a good place for you to be. Someone made a posting earlier saying that this is not a safe place for survivors of abuse and violence or even parents, and I agree. Parents on here are reading other people's sexual fantasies and using this to justify and encourage corporal punishment of their children(or what I would consider to be sexual and physical abuse). This confusion is crazy and irresponsible on everyone's part. I know that this survey evolved into this discussion on it's own, but it's time for some awareness and responsibility. Thanks everyone! ========== In Reply To ========== First of all, this is a decision that you really have to make on your own, because only you know your son well enough to know if a spanking will help him or be damaging. While you might perhaps want to get a handle on the backtalking, I wouldn't worry too much about not listening. That comes with the age, and even if he does listen to you, at three, his attention span is pretty short, so he'll most likely forget what you tell him as quickly as several seconds later. Don't worry about it, though. It's not necessarily defiance. It comes with the age. There are a few circumstances when not listening to you can be dangerous for him, so you do have to keep an eye on him, but that, also, comes with the age. For example, if he is outside, you need to be with him to keep him from running out in the street or something like that. If you do decide to spank him, remember that he's only three. It doesn't need to be hard or ceremonious in any way. Sam suggested you get a paddle, but I disagree with that very strongly. There is absolutely no excuse to use a paddle on a three-year-old. One or two light swats with your hand to his clothed bottom ought to be enough to get your message across. It doesn't really even have to be enough to produce tears, just enough to sting a little. Does your husband ever spank him? That should definitely have a weight in your decision. I would say, though, that it sounds like the problems you are having are not big problems, and you should be able to solve them with time-out, or you could set up a reward chart. Teach him to be "a good listener", and praise and/or reward him every time he is. It won't take long before he'll start asking you "Am I being a good listener?" And it will be so rewarding to you to get to tell him "Yes, you are." Or set up some kind of chart and every time he is a good listener, give him a sticker on the chart. Make sure every time you give him a sticker that you also give him lots of praise, and he will be very proud of his stickers and want to get as many as he can. Also, you could maybe tell him that after he earns a certain number of stickers, the two of you will do something fun together, like going to the park or going out for ice cream, something inexpensive but fun. And those times will become very special to both of you. Now, I know this has gotten long, so I'll stop now. I hope it turns out okay for you. And one more time I am going to say that it really shouldn't be necessary to have to give your son a spanking. You should be able to control the problem with some of the methods mentioned above, or even some I haven't mentioned that you may come up with on your own. Just be creative. Good luck! Take care, Alicia

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2001-06-01 05:17:03

I think it's respectful to try to give things away and resuse them rather than just throwing them out, but I certainly hope that whoever accepts/ buys them is not really using them on children or teens. The fact that you have to buy this stuff in a sex shop should tip people off. Play with this stuff all you like, but play with consenting adults. A lot of people on this discussion board need to wake up and become self aware. You are on an anonymous spanking discussion board. Spanking is a sexual fetish. Think aobut it. Most of these postings are pretend creative writing and erotica, but the fact that it is not completely clear is scary. I think it's time for people on this board to start to find and create sites that clearly state that this is erotica, discussion and play. It would save a lot of worry and sleepless nights from people like me, who feel afraid that this might be happening to actual children, and it would let me get back to enjoying my own fantasies. Peace, Kate

========== In Reply To ========== I would be interested in the tawse. I have a stepdaughter, 12 and a stepson, 14 who are both in need of some discipline. They both talk back to their Mom, and I don't like it. She has said I can now handle the discipline any way I see fit. I know how the tawse feels because my Dad used one on me until I was 18 years old. I know they would straighten up after a few sessions with it. I of course would pay the postage on having it sent. I would even pay for the tawse.

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2001-06-01 05:05:38


You said to reply if we have any advice. Maybe you're already doing this - my advice is to get genuine information you can trust from places other than this poll board. Try parenting books and sites. This board is not a reliable place for real parents to connect with each other. I suggest talking with your children's teacher's or guidance counsellors at school. This board is too much a magnet for people to discuss spanking fetishes in erotica. It scares me that people refer here for real parenting issues. I wish you all the best. One more piece of advice - take care of yourself too. Try to treat yourself to a few things. Moms deserved to be well cared for too.

========== In Reply To ========== I was a mother of 7 and my three aolder children are now with thier bio. mother. She had filed for custody and got them on a emergency hearing when she told a bunch of lies in court. while they was gone my son was taken because the baby sitter didn't get him from the bus stop. we called the children that next night and they knew but we was told not to tell the children. So when the kids aked where James was we said at a frinds home well we had never lied to the kids thier mother had told them and they thought we lied to them. we went back to court in three weeks and she got full custody at this time because she had the 11 yr old boy say that he was affraid of his dad and that he was maid to sleep in the tub and more stuff. Yes, there was some ihings that happend that was not good but I never beat my children now we are struggling to get the 5 yr old home and will be able to bring the other kids home after this. if you have any advice or questions write me back.