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User: katie40


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Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-09-17 10:31:38

Further update - I was caned every work day for a week, after the initial 20 lashes on the first day he reduced them by 2 each day, so 18 the 2nd day, and the final caning was only 10! He then gave me a weekend off and the following monday when I reported to him I received 30 spanks with his hand, this continued for the whole week - 30 each day and then the week after he reduced it to 15 each day. He also added a little humiliation into the mix by getting me to spank myself whilst bent over his desk - he found this highly amusing!

In addition I have pleasured him a number of times, although I get pleasure from this too of course!

In terms of my husband finding out, the first two weeks of caning coincided with him working away and to my knowledge he didn't notice the cane marks, well he certainly didn't mention it! He hasn't spanked me for a little while, probably due to my perfect behaviour whilst this punishment at work is ongoing!

Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-08-27 14:15:46

Update - I was told to report to my bosses office after work 10 days ago, I knocked on his door and went in. He was sitting behind his desk with a stern look on his face. I was told to stand in front of his desk take off my skirt and knickers and explain to him why I had done what I had done and why it took so long for me to come clean. This was quite embarrassing standing there naked from the waist down with my $%!@ on display! I did my best to explain myself and he got up and came round to where I was standing and bent me over the desk, he picked up his cane and said this will probably hurt and deservedly so. I was then subjected to 20 lashes with the cane on my bare bottom.

I have been caned many times before but for some reason this was far worse!

After the 20th lash he stopped and explained that for the punishment to fit the crime I would have to report to him at the same time every day until further notice. So every work day since then I have had my bottom spanked by my boss. He used the cane for the first week then went "down" to his hand and the spankings are ongoing.

In terms of the satisfaction part, so far I have had to give him a blow job, had him finger me and have had intercourse with him. None of which I mind to be honest!!

So I am certainly paying for my errors and for taking so long to come clean, I can't help wonder if I had confessed straight away the punishment would have been less severe. Still as most of you on here had said I NEEDED to be punished for what I had done...

Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-08-16 14:56:32

An update - I confessed all to my boss a few days ago, he told me he knew it was me and was waiting to see how long it took me to admit to my behaviour and the longer it took me the worse things would be. He gave me a long lecture about honesty and deception and how I could be in a lot of trouble - this was to lead me into asking him - no, 'begging' him not to report me or fire me.

Eventually we got to the nitty gritty and he told me he had a special way of dealing with people like me! He then spelt out in glorious detail that if I wanted him to deal with the problem & not the authorities & if I wanted to keep my job then I would have to accept his discipline. This would involve a bare bottom caning across his desk at a time to suit him, then I would have to submit to regular hand or ruler spankings for a period of time he has yet to determine. He also asked if I would be willing to satisfy him if it meant he was more lenient & discreet & I agreed I would be! The caning session is tomorrow so I will report back on how it went...

Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-08-07 10:06:36

Hi Andrew

It's not really about being unfaithful to my husband, it's not like an affair or anything, besides he has slept with his younger secretary (he doesn't think I know)!

I think the most likely outcome will be my boss does cane me, then requests I do indeed bend over his desk and take whatever comes my way and then I will probably have to submit for regular hand / slipper / ruler spankings for a week or two and if he requests I do "more" for him too then I can't really refuse in the circumstances.

To be clear on this - the honest mistake I made could look like dishonest theft to some - so I have to be very careful and remorseful.

I do need my job and if I have to go the extra mile to keep it then so be it...


Posted in Should I be spanked? (female 44) on 2013-08-07 10:00:30

Hi Penny

I can't really disagree with you about deserving the cane so I'm just going to have to grin and bear it!

I haven't told my boss yet but I know I'm going to have to very soon.

I am still deliberating about what to do / say and how to go about it.

In all likelyhood I won't tell my husband and will just take whatever punishment my boss decides to give me.
