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User: keith



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Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-05-30 06:22:29

You know, I'm not saying it's bad to have and enjoy a fetish. I actually intended to leave this post alone... but i guess I don't have the grace to do that.

I'm not judging your fetish. And I'll try to make this my last visit to misterpoll. I asked people to admit once in awhile that it's fantasy and you did, and it's not advertised on misterpoll's front page anymore. I should leave this site alone. I'm sure I have lots of agreement on that.

But pretending to be parents on the FEN (Family Education Network) boards is causing trauma to survivors of abuse and further misleading some really messed up abusive real life parents, if there even are real parents there. I hope that there's not. I don't want to think that any of it is being done to children. I researched spanking just to see if there are adult play sites where you can type messages like you do here and on FEN. There are. They are easy to find. Just type spanking into a search engine. I think that one is called spankschool. Don't worry. I'm actually not there! I was curious as to why you would be so upset at me for posting on a parenting site about parenting, so I wanted to see if there were other outlets for you. There are.

I can't believe that you have the gall to be so annoyed with me when every other legitimate play site posts a warning and explanation at the entry that it is play. That's all I'm asking. Not to mix S/m with posts from abused children or survivors. Not to traumatize people needlessly. It's common courtesy and most intelligent players have the kindness to avoid hurting rape victims and other survivors before they begin to play.

========== In Reply To ========== I saw where you went crying to your friend Barb on the FEN board, warning everyone about the nasty fetishists. It must gall you to no end to realize that you can only 'pretend' to be God. Why don't you drop the goody-two-shoes act?

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-05-25 19:49:36

If everyone here called it erotica, porn or pedophilic fantasy I would honestly leave you alone forever. I'm not interested in your fantasies. I don't waste time on adult entertainment sites that say adults only. Pardon me for clarifying what a lot of people here are too irresponsible to be honest out - that you talk about spanking to jerk off and entertain yourselves. If that's how you behave on a family education web site (Discipline and spanking at home) you ought to expect polite clarification from me. Go find an adult entertainment site or deal with the fact that there are see serious parenting posts on parenting boards.

========== In Reply To ========== Yes, your fault for posting yet another tear-jerking appeal to people's better nature. You've all but taken over the "Discipline & Spanking @ Home" forum with your pulling of everyone's heart strings as you argue against spanking and quote extensively from the Bible and list umpteen anti-spanking web sites and tell us how distressing it is for you to read of children being spanked - and still you keep showing up on spanking message boards. Still, I guess it beats standing on the sidewalk with some pamphlets in your hand.

Posted in C.P.in girls schools in England only on 2002-05-22 06:22:49

All of this makes me so sad. You're a good writer. I hope it's just erotica that people like me are just too dense to get.

I really hope that neither of these posts are true, Cheryl's or the reply. My sister and my wife have such bad menstrual cramps, I couldn't imagine adding more pain. It makes me angry and sad to hear about people being treated this way.

Also, spanking someone because they kissed? Sex is natural. Spanking is abuse. And Cheryl never got to explore friendship/ relationship with a guy she may have liked.

One of the reasons I became a high school teacher is because I am so tired and frustrated at the injustices done to youth. I want to be part of changing people's attitudes toward youth and children. I find it apalling that paddling and caning ever existed, whether or not these stories are true.

Take care

========== In Reply To ========== Cherry, I think you and I may well have gone to the same school, but a few years earlier. Your descriptions match my own experiences so well. I too got the statutory one on each hand when I was 14 and then two on my bum less than 6 months later. The $%!@ was dreadful and I thought I was going to faint, but the bending over time was so embarrassing, not only because I showed my knickers but also because I was on a period at the time. I was horrified when the deputy head told me to bend over the desk and then when my summer school skirt and slip were pushed up I was horrified. We wore great big sanitary towels then, attached to a little belt, Dr Whites (it was 1960), no little panty liners or tampons and it stuck out in my knickers from under my bum. It didn't stop her though, and I got the two strokes and didn't I ever cry? I soon forgot my embarrassment, I'll tell you. I hate thinking about it, what a site I must have been. Pamela

========= In Reply To ========== I've had a couple of emails asking me to tell about ths, so here goes.

The school I attended was an all-girls grammar school. There was also in the town an all-boys grammar school and we joined with them for social events (by the way both school were joined together along with a mixed secondary modern in the 1970s to form a big comprehensive). I was in the Upper Sixth form, doing three A levels and had an offer from a university based on getting three grade Bs in the A levels. It was two weeks before Christmas and on the Friday night we had the usual Sixth Form Christmas disco. I was quite a bit innocent at the time - a bit shy around boys, probably the product of an all-girls school environment and, unlike some of the girls, I had no brothers so had no contact with boys who were their friends. I had played postman’s knock at a couple of parties but hadn’t had a real kiss, so when mistletoe was introduced at the disco, it was a whole new experience for me. I ended up snogging (as we called it) a lot with one of the boys from the boys’ school called Derek and when the disco came to an end I was quite aroused. Derek offered to walk me the mile to my home but as we passed the PE changing rooms (the disco was held in the gym) he opened the door and pulled me in. Pretty soon we were really getting going. He kept trying to put his hand up my skirt and I kept pushing him away but he pulled me really tight to him and slipped his hand down to my bottom (little did I know how that part of me would soon suffer for all this) and I felt his $%!@ big and hard pressing in to me. I could resist no longer as his hand slipped round, up my skirt and down the top of my tights but he didn’t manage to get it down my nylon knickers so ended up stroking me through them. I was getting so wet at this and I remember sighing and moaning and goodness knows how far we would have gone had the door not suddenly opened on us. We sprang apart but there was no hiding what we’d been up to from Miss Parker, the RE teacher. She gave us both a telling off and asked Derek his name and then told us to go home (separately). I walked home and thanked my lucky stars that the incident seemed to be over. Little did I know.

I went to school on Monday morning, full of myself over what I’d done with Derek (I spent a lot of the weekend in an aroused dream) and it came as a surprise to be called to the headmistress’s office at about 11-00. I went there a bit puzzled, thinking it may be to do with my university interviews but there, in the office, was my mum. Miss Parker had told on me. There was a lot of "you’ve let the school down" and "you’ve let yourself down" and "you weren’t brought up like that" and so on before the head said "I considered expulsion for this young lady, but your mother has pleaded for you and I would not wish your university chances to suffer. Accordingly, your mother has agreed that you shall be caned." I nearly died and gave a gasp and stared pleadingly at mum but she simply said "it’s for your own good Cheryl." Miss Parker went on "Miss Johnstone is, regrettably, very busy at the moment, but will see to you when she has the time, now, go back to class." And I went, in a daze, wondering how long it would be before I was over the desk in her room.

I told none of my friends. I couldn’t have stood the teasing and so on. I sat a nervous wreck the rest of the day, waiting for the call. It didn’t come and I went home. Mum sat me down and gave me a very stern and embarrassing talking to about sex and getting "into trouble" and asked me point blank if I’d let Derek have sex with me. I protested NO (the truth) but she sent me to my room and told me I was grounded until further notice. I spent a sleepless night and next day searched high and low for my thicker cotton knickers as I was sure I’d be caned that morning but I’d thrown them all away when I went into more grown up thin nylon panties (I had several pastel shades). Tights weren’t allowed by the way for school day wear. I went to school despondent and spent another day waiting nervously but the call never came and it didn’t come on the Wednesday either.

By the Thursday morning I’d decided they’d let me off - school finished at 12-00 that day for the Christmas hols. But - at form period, Miss Johnstone appeared and I was escorted by her to her office. I was nearly sick with nerves. My bottom felt enormous to me under my skirt and petti with just the baby blue thin nylon pants covering it. Miss Johnstone never said a word as we walked to her office. As I followed her in, though, my heart stopped as I immediately saw the cane and open punishment book on her desk. She then said to me "you understand what has been agreed Cheryl?" and I nodded. Then she indicated a table at the end of her room and said "bend over the table, please." I felt tears starting to well and drizzle down my cheeks as I made myself walk across the room and lay over the table, my tummy pressed to the top. I felt my rather short pleated grey uniform skirt and rather frothy nylon petti being hauled up and the cold air on my thighs and I knew my pastel blue panties were on show and I was SO embarrassed. It’s so humiliating this part. The pants offered no protection at all from the cane and I was brought up to be modest and that I shouldn’t let others see them (even changing in PE, we used to pull our pants down under our skirts, keeping them a bit hidden in our hands, and put our PE knickers on before taking our skirts off). Then there was a cut like an electric shock across my cheeks and I know I screamed. Before I could catch my breath it happened again and then again and I was in so much pain. It is simply indescribable. There was a bit of a pause and I wondered if she’d finished and then there was a fourth which caught me on the tops of my legs. I screamed again and lay there sobbing, loudly until she said "get up." I did so, slowly and painfully, and found myself rubbing, tears coursing down my cheeks as she made the entry in the book. I could feel the lines under my thin pants and my whole bottom felt as if it was swelling. Finally she said "you may go."

I walked very awkwardly out of her office, praying no one would see me. Luckily there was no one about and I went to the toilets, locked myself in a cubicle and got my skirt and petti up and my panties down (carefully) to inspect the damage. It was awful, my bottom was red and there were four angry lines. There was already some bruising. I stood there rubbing my poor bottom and crying until the bell went for the end of the first lesson and then I went and washed my face and tried to compose myself. I couldn’t face going to class and so I went home, slowly - it was sore to walk quickly. When I got in, my mum looked up and saw the state I was in and said "they’ve done it then?" and I burst into tears and nodded. She cuddled me but told me again it was for my own good and suggested I went up to bed which I did, grateful to take my skirt, petti and pants off and lay there on the top of the bed, crying still, with the cool air on my bottom. Gradually over the day the soreness wore off but it was still sore to touch and sit over the whole of Christmas. The marks were still faintly visible when we went back to school two weeks later. The good thing is that no one at school seemed to know about it. One of my friends told me that her brother had reported that Derek had also been caned "for something" but I didn’t make her any the wiser. I saw him briefly around town a couple of times after, but I was so embarrassed at it all that I deliberately avoided him. Mum had also, by the way, rung the head and made it OK about me going home after the caning.

It hurt both physically and also my feelings and caused mea lot of embarrassment, but I knew I deserved it and mum was right, it was for my own good.

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-05-22 00:18:17

If 80% of parents still spank then 80% of parents belong in an extended parenting course. Very few people are advocating that spanking parents be locked in an asylum or even put in prison. But they should be required by law to attend parenting classes.

Who said anything about locking your chid in a room and taking away possessions? If spanking and locking away are your options you should enter parenting in a search engine and get reading.

Oh my god take a parenting class!

========== In Reply To ========== Dear Maggie (and Elizabeth), In a more perfect world I would agree with you that spanking would be unnecessary and redundant, but the reality is different. I read an official survey recently that stated that over 80% of parents admit to spanking their children-Are you saying that over 80% of the adult (parental) population are wrong and should be locked up in an asylum? When I was your age I'm sure I felt the same, but having been a grownup and parent for a number of years I have learnt that one's ideals don't always work in the real world. And incidentally Elizabeth, we've already tried your 'methods'. Our Sara didn't just get a spanking for being rude at lunch yesterday, that was the last straw of a long series of bad behaviour. When I ordered her to go to her room she ignored me and rolled her eyes so it was necessary to escort her there by the arm inspite of her curses. A brief visit across her mum's knees with her panties off, Sara was soon back quietly eating her lunch with only wet eyes and a sore bottom to show...and a very changed attitude towards doing as she's told. In retrospect, I think spanking can be a simpler, quicker and more humane form of discipline rather than locking a child up and taking away their belongings.

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-05-22 00:07:06

You're worried that she may associate it with sexual feelings. That is a good reason to stop. The damage from ONE orgasm after a spanking is life long. Why would you hurt her in that way? How old were you the first time you touched yourself, had spontaneous sexual arousal or a wet dream?

Maybe this is just fantasy and I'm all worked up again about nothing. You people are putting my blood pressure through the roof with these fantasies. (Because I keep getting caught up in the fear, sadness, anger and heartache that they may be true.)

My fault for reading.

========== In Reply To ========== Thanks Mona. Yes David hasn't been spanked for more than a year now, or is it two, I can't remember. Sally on the other hand has been across my knee much more recently and I know her bottom well! I always smack her until she's crying (which takes very few smacks) because I worry that she might start associating being smacked with sexual feelings. She is developing frighteningly early hence the reason I asked the question about up to what age should she continue to get a smacking. She still behaves like a child most of the time and seems to respond to being smacked more than trying to reason with her verbally.