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User: Keven


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Posted in What is your view on atheism? on 2010-03-10 18:34:47

To whoever made this poll:

I wish there were more of you in this world. Dunno if your athiest/thiest, and frankly I don't much care. Seams there are FAR to many steriotypes in this world, from 30 year old bible-thumping deep south conservatives, to Richard Dawkings "the Anti-christ."

I do believe in God myself, and.....this is something that puts me in a certen group? Should I care if you don't believe? I can offer you the option to convert, shure, but It's not like I'm going to go kill someone in a crusade if they don't convert (allthough thats what most atheists seem to think of Christians these days....(silly, silly, Crusades)

Keeping this short, so people mind to read it. Anywho, nice poll dude. Going to go keep takeing them (this site is a great time waster) Few polls are unbias though. The one's that are though, well, go ahead and do it for teh luls.