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User: klimbrox


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Posted in boys in skirts on 2003-10-19 05:53:43

Im in my early 40s, and wear clothing that has been, in modern times at least, traditionally accepted as women's clothing. Im out to have more options, not to appear as the opposite sex -- nothing wrong with that, but want to chime in and say that there are those of us who want to have more options in our closet than pants.

I prefer skirts (knee length or just above) to pants or shorts. Much cooler in the summer, and frankly they are much more stylish. There are places where I will not go wearing a skirt, but those are few. Yes, heads sometimes turn, but I find that more often than not people dont notice or just are so wrapped up in their own little world that they dont care.

When I first started going public with my clothing choices I was afraid that I would lose all my friends and that would be the price Id have to pay to be able to finally be me. As it turns out, not a single friend has had an issue with who I am, and more suprising my daughter (17) thinks its great that I am someone willing to dress as he pleases even if its not within the norms.... but those are changing!

It sounds like you are supportive of your son and that is absolutely the best thing for him. Its not easy as a parent to let our kids be who they are, especially as they try to figure it out for themselves. As much as we all want to say "you go boy" for being himself, we have to say "you go mom!" for trying to understand his perspective, and for letting him be who he is.

Ted Texas, USA.