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User: Lil_Bear


Polls Created


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Posted in ROCK WAR! on 2004-05-12 04:22:33

========== In Reply To ========== well that's your opinion. now a days no bad is concidered rock. plus i'm not saying they're my favorite. i chose the most popular ones from where i'm at. you don't like it then too bad. there's a $%!@ load of Korn, Kittie, and other songs from other bands that i can play that are easier than the simple plan songs. you go ahead and speak your mind, i can care less. and no they're not a boy band, a boy band dances, and lip sings. and they don't fit with Britney Spears, how dare you fit them in with Britney Spears.

Posted in ROCK WAR! on 2004-03-17 21:54:05

========== In Reply To ========== You're an idiot, you know nothing about rock music.

Hey now a days everything is concidered rock . Even Britney Spears . You wanna run around saying I'm an idiot go for it. Just cause i'm not into those suicidal black metal bands, and those idiotic suicidal bands, don't mean i don't know nothing.

Posted in Cloning on 2004-02-14 03:58:05

i don't think scientists have a right to clone humans just for studying things on them. i'm against animal testing also, so why in the hell are they gonna let scientists torture a human life???? that is just wrong!

Posted in tralalala on 2003-11-10 03:42:18

hey thanks man! yes yes they do rock! i made 2 new polls. one has been approved already , but i'm still working on the other one... so if any has any questions they wanna ask me or tell me something then feel free to do so

========== In Reply To ========== i said u needed help and were psycho bcuz... u do and u are. you are a crazy child who loves crazy polls. that is DEFINITELY not wrong!!!! crazy polls rock. keep them coming! oh ya... i luv crazy polls like urs. yahoooo for crazy polls!!!!!!!!!

Posted in kittie on 2003-11-10 03:40:07

ok yes i'm a hard core kittie fan, but i haven't heard any news from them or Talena. i know Fallon is in another band and Talena was debating on whether to start another band or go back to school. but that's the last thing i heard. does any one have some other news??