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User: lollylou


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Posted in Raspberry tickles on 2013-01-07 11:54:36

I love raspberries (the tickling kind). I don't think they tickle me but for some i bet it kills. I've had them happen to me a couple of times and probably quite a bit when i was little, and i know that they would of killed then as i'm extreamly ticklish and i was when i was little.

Please share some experiances. I am simply a 15 year old girl not a perv.

Posted in Online Comfort (Children and Adolescence mainly) on 2013-01-07 11:49:33

Also you'd think she'd take that into consideration beforehand, as her daughter (me) had once been living with her without any man for 11 years.

But no.

In guess that's love for yuh. But even Phil notices and he has to tell her that i'm trying to talk to her.

Posted in Online Comfort (Children and Adolescence mainly) on 2013-01-07 11:45:15

I mean right now my mum will be married for two years in May to my step dad Phil. But very often they argue and my mum cries because he says such hurtful spiteful things and always puts himself first. My dad left when i was 2 so i didn't remember what it was like to live with a man. Phil is the worst for the first experiance for me. He also complains twenty four seven over stupid things like a sticker being on the radio and he has a go at you for it. He is so childish. They do get on well, but not all the time.

Also since mum has married him she ignores me when i try to speak to her or interfere's to start a conversation with him when i'm talking to her and quite oftenly she get's herself and phil lunch but not me. And she offers him a drink but not me. It hurts sometimes. At te beginning of their marrige i would just stay in my room because my mum acts like i'm not there most of the time.

Posted in Family you miss on 2013-01-07 11:37:03

I SOOOO miss my second cousin Toni and her two daughters Carly and Robyn. When i was little i really loved Carly and i looked up to her loads. Then i saw all my family including them in 2009 at a get together. Since then there is not 1 day that they never come to mind even now almst 4 years later. I really hope i grow out of it. I'm 15 and i'm still having one of those little kiddy look up to people type things. Ever since i was 11 in 2009. Before then i never thought of them. It was really funny though because i was too shyto properly talk to them and the next day i was so cross with myself for not talking to them properly that i cried in bed and didn't want to eat. It most probably was because i new i wouldn't see them in a long time. Lol! The things you do when your kids.

Posted in Over grooming cat on 2013-01-07 11:29:35

I have read through leaflets and it brought up living with another pet, a dog mainly. And i have a labravisla cross called Chieftain. When we first got him she wasn't very sure and was nervous but she has improved really well with him. Though she will tell him off if he comes too close to her. I have tried giving her more toys to play with and playing with her which was also in the leaflet. We give her lots of cuddles which she loves and distracts her from licking.

Oh, and when we're away for a whole day or on holiday etc. She hates it and over grooms. She hates to be alone as she is strongly a people's cat. Like i said in the poll, she is a very affectionate cat.