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User: Lunars


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Posted in Political Affiliation on 2004-06-21 20:43:25

Why is it evil!? Black people and other minorities have been treated HORRIBLY in the past by white people, so don't they deserve some kind of retribution!? Or are you actually for the opposite of affirmative action? Where white people get the advantage over black people?


========== In Reply To ========== Affirmative action is the most hypocritical evil perpetrated on Americans today. Also, Lunafae is a douche.

Posted in A very perplexing math problem....... on 2004-06-11 02:37:51

I see.....But just curious, what if a^2-ab WASN'T equal to zero, but rather something else? Wouldn't 2 actually equal 1 in that case? (Note: I've only finished grade 9 math, so I'm a bit rusty on this)

========== In Reply To ========== Division by zero is undefined. Consider the following:

let a = b

Multiply both sides by a
a² = ab

Add (a² - 2ab) to both sides
a² + a² - 2ab = ab + a² - 2ab

Factor the left, and collect like terms on the right
2(a² - ab) = a² - ab

Divide both sides by (a² - ab) 2 = 1

The last step is the problem because (a^2 - ab) = 0. Therefore, since division by zero is undefined, the step is invalid.

Posted in The Mac Cult on 2004-04-27 01:18:09

As of now, the Dual 2.0 Ghz G5 with a 64-bit processor and 512 MB of RAM is the fastest Macintosh computer. Sounds pretty appealing, huh? Well, it is, actually. It's not a bad computer. But contrary to what Apple originally claimed at its release, it's not the fastest personal computer (nor was it back then). Read this article (written by a Mac user, I should point out): http://spl.haxial.net/apple-powermac-G5/

This is actually a well-known article nowadays. It's thanks to this guy that Apple was forced to change their slogan of the G5 from "world's fastest personal computer" to "ONE of the world's fastest personal computers". Still, benchmarks overall aren't the most reliable ways to determine comparative speeds of computers, so it might not be the best to listen to Apple OR this guy. Still, if I had to choose one to believe, I'd pick this guy. After all, many other articles have been published comparing the G5 to other computers (PCs, obviously) and in their articles the PC was proven to be faster as well. Now, obviously it can be a bit difficult to compare speeds between computers, since they run different programs (most of the time). That's why when comparing speeds most people use Adobe Photoshop, since it's on both conmputers. But if something like Final Cut Pro HD was made for PCs as well, it wouldn't necessarily be faster. So, I'm not saying Macs are bad, I just think that they tend to be a bit inferior when it comes to speed OVERALL After all, you can't customize and mess around with Macs as near as much as you can with PCs.

Posted in Israel v.s. Palestinians on 2004-02-16 04:35:16

Please.............isn't that a little harsh? WAY too harsh! Israel is being unjust to the Palestinians and are treating them similar to the way white people were treating black people during the Apartheid. Yes, it is pure racism. And obviously, you yourself are racist. You think ALL Palestinians supported 9/11? There are millions of them! A lot of them seem pretty damn innocent. And you're hearing this all from me, a Jew!

========== In Reply To ========== Palestine is a lost cause morally. Nobody has the right to care about it. Today in the West Bank, Palestinians celebrated the attacks on New York and Washington. They have to die simply for thinking that this was a good thing. I demand that Israel and the US mobilize to exterminate the Palestinian population.

Posted in Pro-Palestinian or Pro-Israeli? on 2004-02-16 04:30:39

I agree completely, pretty much. Yes I am Jewish myself, but I am definitely against the current Israeli government, in the same way that I am opposed to the current American government. Seriously, what the Israeli military are doing to Palestinian people...............Well, it's just like the Apartheid, is it not? Bulldozing houses, segregation laws, segregation WALLS, preventing innocent people from going to work.............Seriously, that's not right. The war on terror didn't accomplish anything. Wars on actual concepts suck, okay? Like the war on drugs. That got no one anywhere. The reason for most terrorism in the world is due to the fact that the Republicans and right-wing corporations are mistreating people in third-world countries. They force them to work in horrible conditions, they don't let debts slide, they take away Democratic leaders and install dictators, etc. People in these countries are naturally going to get upset at this, and as such, they decide to rebel in terrorist acts. Not that I'm for terrorism, but it seems like that the reason the world is in such horrible shape is almost entirely due to the fact that the Republicans (as well as Sharon's government [I believe it's the Likud]) are in power.

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