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User: Marie



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Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-04-09 06:30:55

I got spanked while I was having my mouth washed out with soap! AT first the concentation would be me having to scrub my toothbrush with bar soap, then concentrated on removing the hairbrush from the dreaded drawer. As I had both treatments, I had to keep brushing my tongue for about 2 minutes. before I could rinse my mouth out and the concentration was once again on my bare bottom....usually bent over the vanity or (if dad) over his knee while he sat on the toilet seat. I would never do this together....it was too much.....and I only got it when extreme circumstances applied....severe talking back! I knew the consequences usually, but anger would take over before my brain did! Horrible habit, putting it mildly....I couldn't for some reason remember the pain of the last spanking/soaping. I do subscribe to both theories....only one at a time! Unfortuanatley, our society as a whole does not subscribe to this theory and we are suffering the consequence of our children! I honestly hated them then....but now????

Posted in Back To The Future? on 2002-03-10 22:33:10

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i think i can not have anymore kids because of depo can this really be? i have one son then started depo after i had him.i was on it for a year and two months.i was always having chest pain to the point that i would fall to the floor.i didn't get my period for a year .when i did it was for about two to three days and stop.i started in june of 1998 til aug.of 1999.oh i did go to the hospital for the chest pain i had x-rays done nothing showed. i aksed the doctor if the pain was from the depo they said no but i wonder about that.i asked a friend about a law suit he said it would be hard but if i could get alot of people to stand together something could be none.please help with anything you can. thank you ,marie

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2002-01-11 01:02:38

========== In Reply To ========== I was spanked by mom growing up and theses spankings was very effective. Sometimes i was in public bare bottom.

Posted in Which Punishment? on 2001-12-30 20:11:14

I am a fifteen year old girl. My mother always gives me a choice of punishments. And I always choose a paddling. I would much rather bend over for a few licks with her paddle on the seat of my pants than be grounded for a whole week-end. It only stings for a little while and then its over and done with.

Posted in I Was Spanked Poll on 2001-11-24 21:49:47

I received some very humiliating discipline from my father when I was a teenager. This usually involved stripping nude in our garage, bending over and grabbing my knees, sticking my $%!@ out and getting it slapped with his hand 10-20 times. A couple of times it was a little worse.

I thought this was wrong so I asked my school advisor and she called CPS. They came over and I had to show them and the police my $%!@ which was as bad as showing it to my dad. They said that there was no real marks and that my parents could punish me as they saw fit as long as they didnt leav marks. They sent my parents a letter saying they could discipline me that way as long as there were not lasting marks.

My dad told me thats why he used his hands and that the stripping was to humiliate me and remind me who was boss and to fear getting disciplined even more.