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User: Mark A.


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Posted in Attitudes about Breasts Questionaire on 2004-04-20 02:48:06

I couldn't answer 3 Qs in the poll with the choices given, so here they are:

4: It's a tie between size, sagginess (not) and real or fake. 5: It would be "it's not a big deal" if it wasn't a big deal. In America it is a big deal. It's not like Europe where people are used to women being topless in certain places. 6: The only time that I think it's a good thing to have implant(s) is if the woman had a mastectomy or if she lost a lot of weight and they were really saggy.
Posted in C'MON GUYS... GIVE US GIRLS SOME CLUES!! on 2003-08-26 03:44:14

You're missing a choice for the braces question: like it when a girl has braces.

Posted in Candid Photos on 2003-08-13 07:23:46

What do you mean? There's nothing illegal about it - as long as she's in public - no matter what age she is. Now, if the photographer is making money from it then the photos shouldn't show her face because she has a right to be paid for it.

Posted in WHICH IS SEXIER ON A BRUNETTE on 2003-08-12 12:16:46

OOPS sorry. I just read the title. I thought it was about color of clothes. lol I was wondering why most people said brown. ========== In Reply To ========== Red is definitely the best color for dark haired females - then blue, then pink, then black IMO.

Posted in WHICH IS SEXIER ON A BRUNETTE on 2003-08-12 12:10:37

Red is definitely the best color for dark haired females - then blue, then pink, then black IMO.