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User: mee



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Posted in I spank my children.(What of it?) on 2004-04-04 15:15:38

yea i am sorry .....apes r more socally avolved than humans i didnt mean to insult them like that

Posted in I spank my children.(What of it?) on 2004-03-28 15:18:19

i have heard a lot of b/s in my days but this poll is the most b/s i have heard in a long while.Most probly r americans takeing these polls and most r still unevolved sadly like urself.I know a lot of adults that deserver their $%!@ spanked a million times harder than what these kids get but never get anything.i am really suprised at how unevolved this whole dame country is and how we have just started to evolve from the ape stages of our evolving.i mean we got the looks and the brains mostly but we still have the brutileness of the apes.so hopefully in feature generations soon we will fully evovle.