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User: mellissas



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Posted in The Greatest Rock'n Roll Poll on 2022-05-04 14:34:36

Looks incredibly cool! I liked the set on the hero on the left the most. Looks like a huge strong hero who can tank everything that flies into him. I would like to have such form irl lmao. By the way, if you want to improve your armor set, I think you are missing some kind of bright lighting on the armor. For example, you can look at yes gamers for what runewords are. It's a feature in diablo 2 where you combine certain gems with sets and get buffs. But the point is not that, but the fact that these stones glow in the set and it looks very cool, and I thought that something like this could be added here.

Posted in The Greatest Rock'n Roll Poll on 2022-04-26 09:33:22

Me either!

Posted in The Greatest Rock'n Roll Poll on 2022-04-23 15:27:25

And have you done after it?

Posted in The Greatest Rock'n Roll Poll on 2022-02-23 09:37:21

For such things, I usually used email automation, which allowed me to track all my emails and put protection against spammers. This is a really useful tool for those who often use Outlook or Gmail. If this does not help you, you will have to create a new account on Outlook or Gmail. By the way, there is a lot of spam in your mail because you most likely register on forums that use your email to send you spam messages. Be careful next time before visiting any website or forum. If you have any questions, PM me. Good luck!

Posted in The Greatest Rock'n Roll Poll on 2022-01-31 12:55:05

Not the best shoes from Adidas, definitely. These shoes look both ugly and uncomfortable. I'll never pay $200 for them, even $100. I managed to find the same platforms shoes by Reebok and Nike, and they are of the same quality...ugly too. It seems that famous brands can't make good platforms shoes, lol.

It's better to get Air jordan shoes or even Adidas yeezy sneakers. At least, they look pretty decent...I searched for black&white Jordan on forstepstyle but couldn't find the one I needed. BTW, I heard that Reebok gonna make some new platforms shoes this year...let's hope for good shoes.