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User: Mickey Steve



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Posted in Females / Girls who like wrestling on 2004-12-21 13:57:03

Hi Mgb,

I was afraid you would ask me that! Now you’ve got me wondering just how long I would be able to last in one of your BCs! I’m slim and weigh 133 pounds (about 60kg) and fairly fit, although that probably counts for nothing in the BC. How much do you weigh?

What makes the BC fascinating for me is exactly what you describe – about staying on the top and not letting go until you decide the time is right. I am simply not sure what my pain threshold would be in your BC but it would kind of “fun” to find out! Mickey Steve

Posted in Females Outwrestling Males on 2004-12-20 12:57:43

You must belong to the same polls as I do, as I just replied to you on another poll! I realised I had mistyped your name there, so apologies. Anyway, I'm sure your leg scissors hold is just awful, but I'm also interested to know if you ever use the Boston Crab on a guy and just how long it takes to extract a submission. What's the longest time you've kept a guy in a Boston Crab, and what does it take for you to release the hold? Thanks for your patience!

Posted in Females / Girls who like wrestling on 2004-12-20 12:25:25

Hi msg,

I'm impressed! Have you used the Boston Crab ever? And what's the longest a guy has been able to survive in one of your Boston Crabs? What does it take for you to release a person from the Boston Crab?

Posted in Females / Girls who like wrestling on 2004-12-20 12:21:19

Have you ever used the Boston Crab on a boy, and if so how long did you keep him trapped?

Posted in Females Outwrestling Males on 2004-02-06 14:34:03

A while ago (last year in fact) I wrote to the poll to get some insight and advice on becoming the lower partner in a Boston Crab with my female partner on the top of me. I got some really useful information and advice from ‘madman’ (such as showing my partner photos of the position so she will understand it), and some warnings from others on other polls saying they would never allow anyone to put them into a Boston Crab. I thought it was time to report back to the poll what has happened since. First, let me explain that neither of us have wrestled before. So I wrote my partner to explain what the position involved and suggested we try it with her as the partner on the top. I included some photographs like ‘madman’ had suggested, and also wrote the advice that we should be very careful to avoid injury. I got the impression (simply by the way she looked at me when we first met after she had received that letter) that she would be delighted to try it. She was probably waiting for me to raise the subject in conversation, but I guess I was not brave enough to mention it to her right at that moment. So the opportunity slipped by, but at least she knows something about the position now, as well as my thoughts on us doing it and allowing her to have the pleasure of being the partner on top. The Boston Crab is still something I’d really like to do and experience with her, so in the near future I will write her another note and suggest we talk about it. I am sure that when we start to talk about it we’ll both get very curious to find out what it is like for real! I can’t say for sure when I’ll write that note, but as soon as I do I’ll report back again to let you know what happens!