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User: MisterWallace


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Posted in Spanking my daughter. on 2015-03-13 23:05:25

So far she has responded fabulously. She is extra helpful around the house and has yet to misbehave since her two spankings. I expect that she will slip up again at some point, but I think the punishment has worked well enough that we will be repeating it as needed from now on.

Posted in Spanking my daughter. on 2015-01-23 19:02:53

Hi everyone,

This is Haley, otherwise known as the girl whose spanking you all helped pick out. For the final part of my punishment, I've been ordered to give a full recap of my second spanking on here for you all to see. First, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the poll. Thank you for helping me to receive the punishment I deserved. A week ago, on Saturday was my second spanking. Since I knew it was coming all week, I was a little more relaxed even though I knew it would hurt. I'd been on my best behavior and hoped my parents would let me off easier, but they didn't. This time, I was stripped and put in the corner before hand. My sisters, parents, and grandparents who were visiting all got to see. Then I was brought onto a table and told to hold my legs up in the diaper position. I got the wooden spoon on my bottom for what felt like forever. After that I was pulled over my dad's knee and given a hand spanking. During this part, he made me promise to behave again and went over all of my transgressions so that I had to apologize again. I was sobbing my eyes out at this point. Lastly, I was strapped ten times. Then, I was put back in the corner until dinner. At dinner, I remained naked and served the courses to everyone. Then I was sent to my room for the evening. My butt is no longer sore, but it was for quite some time afterward. Everyone at school asked why I was so fidgety and it was soooo embarrassing. I know I've learned my lesson and I want to thank you all for teaching it to me.

Best, Haley.

Posted in Spanking my daughter. on 2015-01-05 00:20:23

Indeed. She's been a pleasure to be around today and seems actually remorseful for her behavior. I think we should have stuck with spanking from the beginning!

Posted in Spanking my daughter. on 2015-01-05 00:19:02

Perhaps you and your sister ought to come up with some sort of system for finding each other when you go out. Breaking curfew seems to be a reoccurring problem for the two of you and I'll bet your mother spanked you both last time out of frustration that you still don't seem to be getting the message. Again, I don't think you were as bad as your sister in this most recent instance, but instead of talking about how unfair it is, why not just adjust and avoid having to worry about this situation entirely? I hope you will come to see the reasoning behind your spanking soon.

Best, MisterWallace

Posted in Spanking my daughter. on 2015-01-04 15:10:44

I will say that if things are as you present them, it doesn't sound like you should have received the same punishment as your sister, given that she was extremely naughty, while you were just marginally irresponsible. However, as a parent, I think your mother may have been trying to accomplish two things: One- by punishing you along with your sister she adds to your sister's guilt so she will behave in the future. Two- by punishing you she ensures you will do everything possible to check up on your sister BEFORE her curfew next time and not just when you're about to leave. I know your bottom probably hurts right now, but give it some time and see if you don't find it helpful.