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User: Motherof2



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Posted in Girls in men's changing room on 2021-06-18 18:25:34

I find it sad that Don was so uncomfortable around casual nudity that he forced his gym to change their rules and prohibit girls from joining their fathers in the locker room (or boys their mothers). As a culture, we need to be opening up more towards casual nudity, not shutting it down.

Katherin - I like your suggestion that your girls sit with their legs open. We've just recently started venturing out into the public with regularity again. I haven't told my girls to do that, but, well, they're becoming natural exhibitionists and nearly always sit with their legs apart, no matter where they are.

Posted in Airport Security and Kids1 on 2021-06-18 16:27:23

Awayness - I agree. There's no reason to expect kids to wear underwear. Simply let them travel nude. Far more comfortable.

Posted in Modesty for female athletes on 2021-06-18 16:24:07

All - on the one hand, I love the idea of private sports clubs in which kids can participate nude together - or at least change and shower together. That is the ideal. But as has been commented on, too many parents are overly restrictive refusing to permit even the smallest level of nudity. We all seem to believe that casual nudity when growing up is beneficial. That's why I'm actually in favor of a more mandatory type of program. If schools required co-ed changing rooms and showers, and even nudity in particular classes or programs (biology, sex-ed, gymnastics, swimming) - I think we would be surprised at how quickly people became accustomed to public nudity. I've personally be surprised at how quickly people overcome their embarrassment at being nude in public situations.

Posted in Modesty for female athletes on 2021-05-25 18:06:16

If it's OK for someone to see my face or my hands without receiving special permission, why isn't OK for them to see the rest of my body? Just because it is unusual to be nude around others, why is it wrong to do so?

Posted in Modesty for female athletes on 2021-05-22 19:46:53

Awayness - We haven't seen the shows. What do the two episodes show?