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User: Murphylee


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Religion has so many flaws that can be traced back through history we should learn from our mistakes and remove oranized relgion from sociaty and stick to spirituallity. Where there is no one in power who can abuse such power. Just people having faith.

Posted in What are your dealbreakers to Christianity!? on 2009-11-21 17:50:20

This is whyyyy I don’t like Christianity actually there are soooooo many reasons.

The bible was created by man I don't care if man said that God told him all these things. The fact still remain that amen are corrupt and that explains why the bible contradicts it self. So the fact that people follow it word for word is mind boggling to me. (It does have some good ethics (sometimes) but most of it is just bull$%!@.)

Christianity was made at a time when the majority of people couldn't read and followed people that induced fear into them. (The followers didn't really have the option to research into it they just followed blindly.) Thus priest and monks told them that if they didn't believe in God they were going to hell. And then they made the people pay a tax to them because God said to. God takes money from the poor to give to religious leaders who by the way live very well. (I was in a church of maybe 50 people and my pastor lived very comfortably. Way more so than my family ever has. Yet my family for some reason even though they are poor kept giving him 10% of their income. Theft really. Because if you don’t give money then your are not living how god wants you to so its kind of a sin not to. So if you don’t want o be a sinner you better give the church that 10%.

All religion is so similar they have many similar stories that they tell but just aimed towards the way they believe it.

Plus when I went to church the leaders told me bull$%!@ lies probably because they didn't bother researching into what they were teaching. Such as they told me worshiping idols was bad blah blah blah but we worship jesus statuess. Catholics have Mary and St. Patrick which they pray too. And then they tell us that religions like Hindu are idol worshipers. But their beliefs are so similar(not exactly the same) to how Catholics worship the saints. They put all this false $%!@ in your head because many of them follow blindly. (At least the majority of Christians I have meet do.)

Oh and answer this one to me this really got to me. A preacher told me that god made bad people so that good people could go to heaven. I was like why doesn't he just make good people. He answered because everyone has a choice. I said well if he made them bad so good people could go to heaven then they really didn’t have choice. NO ANSWERRRRRRRR. Try answering that one. Why does all powerful god who knows you before he makes you make you even though he knows he is sending you to hell. He didn't have to make you. I don't care that he gives you choice the fact he knows what choices you are going to make, that makes it God a psychopath are you sure you aren’t worshiping the anti Christ. Oh and with that did you know they can track the time that the devil was first brought into existence by man. Yeah a power hungry priest in Egypt made evil gods to scare people and gain more power. That was one of the first times the devil was seen. Hmmmm odd that they can track that.

Some people that aren't Christian have researched into things and look at the facts. I personally believe that there is a higher something. I can wrap my head around that. Buttttt religion is a power trip and ignorant in so many ways.

I however think that some people need to believe they are going to heaven because they can't wrap their heads around nothingness.

Posted in Dating Abuse on 2009-11-21 17:12:04

Just letting you know that your poll doesnt work because there is a required question that doesn't have anyway to answer so it wont let anyone submit their answers. Plus you need to take off the required feilds for the question that say Guys because I am a girl and I had to answer because you put them as required questions so your poll wont be acurite.

Posted in A question for women on 2009-11-21 08:08:04

First of all there is to much grey areas to just say yes I would or no I wouldn't. How close of friends? How well do I know him? Why hasn't he been able to have sex? If he was a good guy but just shy I would talk to him and try to get his convedense up. There has to more underlined reasons for him to want to kill himself. I would let him know I am there for him but I would stand my ground. Having sex with him wouldn't help him plus he would be guilting me into having sex with him by purposly putting his journel there for me to read. However I don't think I would have read the journel in the first place unless he had written a note ontop say read me. So this is to hard a question to answer yes or no to. Plus the two options you gave are kinda harsh. Yes I would save his life.

No I would let him die. How bout No because I am not going to self degrade my self because someone is to high class to pay a hooker and to low confedient to ask a women on a date and there are other ways to help him.

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2009-10-04 03:29:27

I made a fill in the blank poll and made it mandatory to answer and I am unsure how to view the replies?