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User: Partyer



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Posted in Are you a "Peeping Tom or a Peeping Tommie?" on 2007-05-05 00:14:39

I was once at scholol in a stall (putting a jockstrap on) and saw a kid watching me. Once, i went to the locker room to put my lacrosse stuff in it. I saw a kid trying to grab my cup out of the locker.

Posted in men and porn on 2007-01-21 18:24:58


I am a 13 year old boy. I love sports cars and porn. My older brother gives me his old porn magazines and lets me use them . I love the lesbians and the $%!@. My friends and i sometimes look at it togather and have fun with it.

Posted in Wrestling Weigh-Ins on 2006-12-20 15:00:54


Im in 8th grade at my school. Sonce it is a competitive school, we take wrestling very serious. To participate, we have to be wearing a cup at all times and wiegh ins are allways done naked. My friends don't care if we soo eachother naked. Before every weigh-in. The coach makes us all line up at the urinal and take a long $%!@ to get the wieght off

Posted in peeing in public on 2006-10-21 14:11:41

Peeing in public

I used to always have a problem with peeing near other people. In 8th grade, I had a biking trip for the whole grade. As usual, the people split up into thier friends, I am a jock/prep so I went with them. I had to $%!@ extremely bad and all of my friends were $%!@ing on the side of the road. I then had to go so bad that I just ended up finding a tree on the side of the road, unzipping myself, taking a $%!@, shaking to get the pee off and then I was fine. Now it is 9th grade and I am fine peeing near other people. I will use the school urinals near my friends, I will pee in the woods near them.

Posted in Are you a "Peeping Tom or a Peeping Tommie?" on 2006-10-14 23:56:40

I have been peeped on lots of times. Once i was at the urinal peeing and i saw a small camera above me. Theres my brother, he and i are both 14 and share a bathroom. When i pee, i usually leave the door open. I saw him looking at my junk once.