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User: Passersby



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Posted in Cloning Ethics on 2003-05-20 23:24:05

========== In Reply To ========== The mother still goes through 9 months of pregnancy, and the child is still raised to adulthood. Therefore, this is really not very different from having a child the "normal" way--ie, through conception. By "not very different" I mean that there are no additional negative effects. I think it is highly unlikely that a 'clone army' will be produced; if a 'clone army' were to be produced, then we may as well make an army of regular people, because either way you would still have to go through 9 months of pregnancy and raise the person for 18 years of life before they could join this army.

I don't know too much about what cloning is capable and incapable of at this point. But wouldn't there be a possibility for the cloning process to progress to the point that implanting them into actual mother's wombs would no longer be necessary, but that they can provide a virtual type enviroment for the fetus and grow in, like test tube babies? If thats the case, all you require are donors, not mothers, and only for the first generation of these collective clones. Granted that raising a clone army from childhood probably costs way more than maintaining an army of regular people, and would not be feasible, would it not be possible for a caste of slaves to be derived? Or people existing solely as organ banks? After all, mothers who actually had to carry the clone child in her womb would be there to ensure her child's rights, but donors would not be there to ensure the rights of these progeny. What do you think?

Posted in Alcohol Vs. Marijuana - Which is worse? on 2003-05-20 22:53:08

So why is alcohol legal and marijuana illegal? I'm not too sure, but one fact remains: The government can tax sale of alcohol and cigarettes easily enough. But they'll have a harder time taxing sale of marijuana if it was legal. Pretty much anyone can grow weed in their backyard or indoor setup, and sell to anyone they want without getting taxed. So I guess Uncle Sam is not too happy about that. They'll promote the commodities that give them money, and drown the one that doesn't.

Posted in Alcohol Vs. Marijuana - Which is worse? on 2003-05-20 22:45:14

Weed being illegal is just downright ridiculous. Propaganda in today's media like to have you believe that smoking weed turns your mind to criminal and other violent behaviors. That is so far from the truth. Marijuana has a mellowing effect on the smokers, unlike alcohol which tends to make drinkers hostile. The only reason weed is linked to any criminal activity is because of the fact it was made illegal, so any business conducted involving weed becomes underground, hence the source of these criminal activities. If weed was legal and normal people can grow, buy, and sell them openly without fear of cops busting their doors down, then there would be no place for shady criminal underground activities to take place, because there would be no need for them. All these criminal activities involving weed would not exist if weed was legal. This is similar to the Prohibition in the 30's on alcohol. When they made alcohol illegal, all they did was help give rise to organized crime, which found a profitable niche in bootlegging that was never there before when alcohol was still legal. By the time the gov't realized they were jackasses and lifted the prohibition, the mafias had already became deeply entrenched in society, existing to this day. Look at the city of Vancouver, where weed is legal. Vancouver is cited as one of the best cities in the world to live in as far as quality of life is concerned. Apparently MJ's presence didn't do too much harm.

Posted in What's up with the Asian sistas?! on 2003-04-29 04:38:45


Black women? So who the $%!@ wants to see them. Anyways, me a rich Arab man, looking for blondies to join my harem. I post in many polls. If interested you send dirty photos to desertsheik@sand_dunes.com No black women! Black women good only for feeding camels. Zubunas Kabiran, ya sharmuta!!

Marwan ibn Abbas

Posted in INTERRACIAL POLL FOR BLACK WOMEN. on 2003-04-28 06:59:43

Any fool knows, we Arab men best! Why are we not listed in the polls! Outrageous! Le matha, ya sharmuta? (Why, bitch?) We Arab men should be most preferred, cuz we Arab men got really big $%!@, bigger than black ones! Zubunas kabiran! (our $%!@ are big!) Read up on 1001 Arabian Nights, you imperialist fools. We have harems, women love to share us Arab men because zubunas kabiran! Oh yeah, to all you blonde Ameriki women, I am lacking your type in my collection. You interested you send me dirty photos to desertsheik@sand_dunes.com No black Ameriki women, black women wasihh wa gbeeha, good only for feeding camels. Actually, my camels are hungry, so black women send email to brownhay@camelfodder.net. So blondies, dirty photos please.

al'Sheik STRIKES! (suicidally),

Marwan ibn Abbas, al'Kawad fee teesukum