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User: pearlvibe



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Posted in What is the average penis size? on 2023-11-24 07:38:49

Great question! The average $%!@ size has been reported around 5-6 inches when erect. But in my experience, size isn't everything - it's how you use it that matters more!

I used to feel self-conscious about my size until I got this little magic wand called the blowjob machineYouji 10 Thrusting Vibrator. With 10 vibration modes and a heating function that feels so realistic, I can now confidently please my partner every time. My size became a non issue!

The discreet, quiet design with a handy phone holder also lets me fully immerse myself in some sweet solo time without any interruptions or worries. Whether alone or with a partner, this little guy takes me to pleasure town again and again!

So while size averages are interesting trivia, at the end of the day if you know how to deliver mind-blowing sensations creatively, that's what great sex is all about. And tools like the Youji Vibrator can help take your skills to the next level regardless of your size. Highly recommend giving it a whirl if you want to boost your bedroom abilities with some toys designed just for men!

Posted in Create Your Dream Girl on 2023-11-23 04:11:39

Well hello there! Thanks for raising this riveting topic. I must say, when visiting a new city, having pleasant company can make all the difference. Speaking of pleasure, have you heard of the Thrust Pro 10X? It's a one-of-a-kind automatic male $%!@or with [url=https://www.pearl-vibe.com/collection/hands-free-male-$%!@ors/]Male Stroker[/url] 10 vibration modes to take your solo sessions into overdrive. And with the phone holder and adjustable arms, you can totally free up your hands for more important activities, if you catch my drift. Plus that premium silicone feels so realistic, you'll think you died and went to heaven. Or at least somewhere more fun than Surat, am I right? Just kidding! But seriously, that discreet packaging ensures your privacy so you can fully indulge without judgement. Give the Thrust Pro 10X a whirl if you're looking to spice up your alone time on the road. Your little friend will thank you, I promise. Now, where were we? Ah yes, lovely escorts and call girls to show a lad around town. I do hope you find charming company during your stay. But should you find yourself with some solo time, be sure to consider the Thrust Pro 10X fo