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User: philk



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Posted in A good girl with a naughty bottom on 2015-04-13 16:11:18

Hi Amber,

Yes, it's very good for a girl to get spanked every day. Ideally, I reckon, at bedtime - a pajamas-down spanking - with hand, or, if she's been a little naughty during the day, with hand and hairbrush - will send her off to bed with a nice red stinging bottom and the comforting feeling that she's loved and cared for. Quite a few girls have told me that they never sleep so well as after a bedtime spanking.


What does this poll have to do with spanking?

Sounds like your mother enjoyed it, Susan - but did you?

Posted in Ever spanked by an in-law? on 2014-12-22 13:40:06

Interesting poll, spankeree. But why start at age 25? The most likely person to be spanked by her in-laws, I'd have thought, would be a young newly-married woman, in her late teens or early 20s. She might well have been subject to spankings from her own parents until fairly recently, and so would be more inclined to submit to the discipline of her parents-in-law.

Well, that's good to know, Greta. Teenage girls' bottoms are beautifully shaped for spanking. About how often do you get punished?