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User: piano55565


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Posted in PE punishments on 2005-09-29 19:22:39

Running shirtless was part of the punishment. I remember one particular run where one of my mates ran only half-speed on purpose, and the teacher caught him. Not only did he have to do well over 100 situps, but the teacher made him come back for the next 5 days after school and run 20 laps instead of the normal 10, followed by the situps, and then in addition, he had to do 100 jumping jacks too, but with girls from the kick-boxing team practicing their punches (with gloves) to his stomach during the jacks. I'm surprised that he could breathe at all during that punishment (the pe teacher was female too).

Posted in PE punishments on 2005-09-07 19:28:04

At my school, we were made to run with no shirts too, but in addition, we were given a time limit of 1 minute per lap (usually 10 laps), and if we went over, we had to do one situp for every second we went over. This was brutal, but for those of us on any sports teams, we really got in shape quick (plus our pe teacher had the girls smack us in the stomach during the situps too).

Posted in Dumb and Stupid PUnishments in School on 2005-04-18 19:53:43

One punishment my (female) teacher had the boys do was 20 inclined situps in front of the whole class, shirtless! If the boy couldn't do it, then any girl who hadn't misbehaved that week was allowed to stand on his stomach, one minute per each situp not achieved. Looking back on it, I guess she was building more than character...

Posted in PE punishments on 2005-04-18 19:38:28

When I went to elementary school (back in the 80's), our gym teacher (a female) allowed the girls to choose the boys punishments, which were usually a choice of running twice the number of laps, doing 100 extra situps, or 25 extra pushups. If the "crime" was large enough, the teacher made the boys do these punishments in shorts and without a shirt outside. One lucky kid was forced to do all three punishments, and also had to carry the girl he had offended around on his back for the rest of the week.

Posted in Schoolboy Pinning on 2005-04-12 21:43:47

I recently had the pleasure of pinning my next door neighbor's kid...I weigh around 175, he weighs around 90 pounds, but has muscles...I sat on his bare stomach/chest for over 30 minutes...he didn't give in until after I bounced on him a few times...love the feeling of crushing his body!