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User: plywood


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Posted in elderly abuse? on 2005-02-22 21:31:36

Thank you for bringing up a subject that most people don't want to discuss. It seems our elderly homes are quite disrespectful for seniors. .. I find it interesting that the Baby boomer generation (born between 1946-and 1964, roughly) has not really felt the need to deal with this problem, and soon they will be entering retirement.

There were so many baby boomers born, there will undoubtably be quite a mess when they retire, due to our current healthcare crisis, as well as social security problems. It doesn't help that they have driven all their lives and never put in efficient public transit.

For example: How will they get around when their eyesight goes? They won't be able to drive! Then what? Will they walk? It's too bad they weren't walking the whole time, perhaps we wouldn't have the health care problems we are having. And if so many baby boomers hadn't gotten divorced (the last stat I saw said 80%), perhaps they would already been able to retire, and start thinking about these things instead of working an extra 10 years.

Some things to think about, for sure.

Posted in Poll on 2005-02-22 21:22:35

A "rape arist"? Did you mean 'rap artist', or did you mean 'rapist'?

I don't think there's anything artistic about rape!

Posted in Survey About Urban Decay For School on 2005-02-22 21:09:20

Urban Decay

Anyone who's interested in this matter should definately see "The End of Suburbia".

It's a new movie that just came out on home video. It's a great introduction on becoming aware of how badly suburbia will be a huge problem in the future, and what we should do about it.

I totally agree most suburbanites are out of touch with this problem. They don't live in the cities, so they don't see what's so awesome about them, and they don't understand why they should be preserved.

Plus, a lot of the suburbs where families raise children are new communities that were recently built during the 90's. Over here on the west coast, there's been an absolute explosion of "nice-looking", yet very poorly built new housing. (It looks okay right now, but it sure won't stand the test of time!)

Meanwhile, the cities suffer at the hand of all these new developements; no funding flows into them. We should be renevating, not relocating. Soon we'll have paved all of our countryside and farmland!

We should be looking at countries with dense popualations and long histories like Europe and China, and taking note. We cannot just make all of our land suburbs.

Then what will we eat? How will we go camping or fishing? Yuck!

Posted in Marijuana Use on 2005-02-22 20:52:25

Marijuana is the best 'drug' in the world. I use quotes because I don't think it should be classified as such... it's about as much of a drug as coffee. It's cheaper than alcohol, and NOT addictive. I haven't been able to smoke in three months, because my husband had a drug test for a new job so we both stopped for a time...(so dumb-he's in the computer industry! baby boomers are so stupid, here they were alive during the 60's-all that free love and acid-but they LOVE to give the younger generations drug tests, total hypocrisy! I can't WAIT to ban all their drugs in the old folks' homes! That will be a hoot!)

Anyway, I miss it, and I can't wait to smoke again.

p.s. To all the people who don't think marijuana is okay... go drink your beer and get fat and stop criticizing others for keepin' it real. Oh, and don't wreck your car while you're drunk, okay?

Posted in Neil Bush, younger brother of GW on 2005-01-12 06:20:56

My Point

My point is that the "family values" of the Bush family are not up to par, and I really don't appriciate their holier-than-thou attitude about everyone else's business when they themselves aren't up to snuff! Gay marriage is wrong? Give me a break! ...But the Bushes can run around costing the tax payers billions and sleeping with whomever they want to, fathering children out of wedlock?! (D. Cheney's daughter is gay, for crying out loud, what is he going to do on HER wedding day, should she choose to have one? Not attend?) This hypocrisy is un-acceptable. Once a coke-head, illiterate, alcoholic DUI-driver, ALWAYS a coke-head, illiterate, alcoholic DUI-driver! But GWB puts people behind bars left and right for drugs! It must be nice to have daddy erase your 'mistakes' and buy off the press so that people "forget" what really happened! Too bad we don't (quite) yet live in 1984 (we're just getting closer with every Patriot Act) and right now the people can still dig up the dirt and show each other. And that is also my point. Never forget the past. I read about the past, and I want others to know what I find. I hope that maybe this will help people see that they are being lied to, like you are being lied to. And quite possibly, thinking they know what's going on when they actually don't, like you. Have you read 'The Biggest Secret', by D. Ickey? If you haven't, you really should. It's an eye-opener. Just consider new ideas, and you'll see my "point".