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User: poll guy


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Posted in boys swimwear (ages 10-18) on 2004-09-10 23:05:40

well, obviously "What do you think is the most sexy?" is going to be nothing.

Posted in Who sees you naked? (boys only please) on 2004-09-10 02:30:06

i'm from the uk. what is "bokuwa?" i know it is Japanese for "I" (when I is a teen male boy)

Posted in Soccer Boys on 2004-09-09 21:10:32

I was playing soccer and about to score the winning goal (there was like two minutes left in the game) and some wise guy from the other team who also played football decided to show how well his tackling skills were, so, from four or five feet behind me, he lept on me, attempting to attack my ankles. He wasn't a very good tackler because he missed his target and ended up landing at my waist. My pants and boxers (yes, I know, it was a school intramurals team) came down and, well, that was it.

Posted in Boys, in a school stage play on 2004-09-09 01:07:57

Well, when I was maybe a senior or a junior in college I played the part of Romp in Grease. I get pantsed in the play, with my butt facing the audience. My on-stage friends are supposed to only pull down my pants, but they (accidentally, I think, but I'll never know!) pulled down my boxers too, and the whole school saw my butt. That was pretty funny.

In another play (I forgot the name of it, I was maybe in seventh grade), I was like a hunk by the pool. I had to take off my shirt and then my shorts but (obviously, I was 12!) leave my boxers on while all these girls (and the rest of the school) watched me. Well, I took of my shirt, and I was about to take off my shorts when I remembered this morning there was no underwear and I had to freeball. Well, I stood there, after having practicing this a million times, and it was silence. Totally dead. I know you want the story to end with me taking off my shorts and standing there nude, but the only way one could get off stage was if they were sick. So I pretended I had to throw up.


Posted in Share your Shirt? on 2004-09-07 13:32:04

This is what has happened to me: My cousin (13) and I (12) were biking. He was wearing long pants, and his pants somehow got caught in the chain of the bike. I was wearing sweat pants and boxers (and a shirt), so I offered him my pants. You'd think that would be enough for him, but a little further on two rowdy 17- or 18- year olds come biking at us. It's a pretty narrow path, big enough for only two bikes to pass. So these two idiots keep on biking, not getting into single file. So my cousing thinks he can sneak by on the grass, but I decide to wait for them to pass. My cousin, trying to manage off the pavement, ended up falling into the pond. He didn't have the greatest bike seat, so if it got even more wet, it would come off and he'd have to tell his mom what happened. So I ended up giving him my dry boxers and dry shirt for the rest of the ride. I ended up naked, and he ended up just in the boxers, as it was such a warm day.