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User: porno_historian


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Posted in Privacy Within Families on 2022-12-06 22:27:00

I take issue with a few things said in the poll and in this thread. Most of all I am bothered by the conflation of a desire for privacy with prudishness.

Sure these two things often intersect in many ways, but that doesn't mean they are the same or similar. Privacy (within certain bounds), has nothing to do with prudery. Also, prudes do not necessarily value privacy. In fact, it is a favourite tactic of prudes to limit other people's privacy, in order to inhibit any "indecent" behaviour. If I'm not mistaken, the open door policy was first used as an anti-$%!@ion measure.

Let's make it clear, that I am not opposed in any way to nudity. Quite the opposite. I think it is silly to want to hide one's body all the time, especially from one's own family. Shyness should be respected but it shouldn't be catered to. And it certainly shouldn't be fostered. I don't practice nudism myself for various reasons, but I recognize, that it is an ideal lifestyle, healthy for both the body and the mind.

That said, privacy doesn't just concern nudity. People might want to hold secret conversations or do some other things in private. Or just have some peace and quiet. I think everyone needs some alone-time every once in a while. Some people more, some less. And I think parents, who don't want their children to have any secrets from them are creepy, not gonna lie. Having enough time without supervision is important for the development of a child, to form a distinct and independent personality. Even in past times, when people didn't have seperate rooms in their homes, privacy was still an option for most people. Not too long ago, it was quite easy for most people to just find a secluded spot somewhere in nature close to their home or some other secret hiding spot. Higher population densities and people being less familiar with their surroundings make that difficult today.

I might be overreacting a bit here, but I'm just really opposed to government and corporate surveillance and spying and I'm disturbed when I hear of people, who really don't value their privacy. Even if it's in a place like this.

Again, nudity is always a good thing, as long as you're not freezing to enjoy your freedom. Even nudity being a requirement at home would be totally fine with me (within reason). The same goes for bodily functions and body maintenance. No reason to hide that. Bathing used to be a social event in most places for most of history. Even defecation was done in public in ancient Rome and the giant latrines were a place for hearty discussions. Personally, I don't pine for those days, but to each their own.

The only thing I really disagree with is the open-door policy and the justifications for its implementation. It's okay to require open doors at certain times or for certain activities, but it shouldn't be overdone.

Also, a door is a two-way device. It doesn't just shield the person inside from the scrutiny of the people outside, but it also shields the rest of the house from any loud or annoying noise or even from smells, in the case of the bathroom. It is also insulation. Unless you want to heat your entire home all at the same time during the cold months you and don't care about the utility bill, you are well advised to keep the doors.

Oh, and about shower doors/curtians. Yeah, of course they serve a function other than preserving modesty and you can get clear ones. But wouldn't it be nicer not even needing them? I am very interested in asian-style bathrooms, that have a drain in the center of the room. Basically the entire room is a shower. You can shower anywhere (if the hose is long enough), even while sitting on the toilet! It also makes cleaning a breeze.

Posted in Marriage: Your Thoughts & Opinions on 2022-12-06 13:23:18

There wasn't really a good option to choose from in the poll. I went for 'both should work', because it's at least fair, but it's actually terrible, if both parents work full time.

Both parents working part-time is the ideal solution. But that's not always feasible. Having one breadwinner and one dedicated homemaker can also work, but I find it ludicrous to suggest, that these should be rigidly assigned by sex.

Anyone, who isn't willing to sacrifice living standard in order to adhere to an ideology, will consider these factors: Which parent earns more? Which parent's career has more long-term potential? Which parent's career is more negatively impacted by taking a long break? Which parent is more satisfied at their job? Which parent has better skills as a homemaker? Do the job hours allow to see the children during the day? etc.

I always hear the argument from tradcons that so-and-so many housewifes report being happier than working moms. But they never bother to inquire after the feelings of the stay-at-home dads. Of course most people will prefer raising their children and being their own boss at home instead of working the average soul-crushing nine to five job.

Posted in Magician's assistant on 2022-11-17 17:34:35

This would obviously draw a huge crowd and be a big anticipated event like a championship boxing match. Something that people would talk about long in advance and long after. There would be big money in it. Enough to justify ending a fledgling career prematurely.

If parents or managers suspected, that a girl's career might be about to go down a bad path, as has happened with many child stars, they might convince her to end her career on a high note and be loved by the world forever instead of possibly ending up as a washed-up, drug addled mess and target of ridicule. Killing them might save them from an even grislier fate.

Young celebrities nowadays are brought up to have a strong social consciousness. A good-natured girl might want to donate her life-savings to a good cause, like a relief fund, where the money is needed NOW, not later. She hasn't lived long enough yet, to have saved up enough, so she might give her life instead to raise the necessary funds. This would also send a strong message of love to the world. A girl sacrificing herself to save others would be an inspiration for everyone and immortalise her.

Would the magician be the seen as the bad guy? That would depend very much on the circumstances. What kind of star is the girl? Who are her fans? Is the outcome certain or is there a chance for survival? Whatever the case might be, the magician should definitely be anonymous. There are always some bad obsessive fans out there, who take things too far. They might want to save the girl or take revenge out of grief or out of jealousy. There should also be plenty of security at the event.

If the girl wasn't a star herself but merely the daughter of a star, that would certainly also arouse attention, but a lot more of it would be negative. This would obviously lead to accusations, that said celebrity wants to sacrifice their daughter to further their own career.

Did you have any particular girls in mind, who would be a good choice for a deadly magic act?

Posted in Nudity in Film and Television on 2022-10-13 21:45:58

Ah, yes. Young Arya Stark. I've been thinking about scenarious for her a lot. And not just her.

Indeed, the world of GoT is very much devoid of modesty, at least by the standards of our times. We see adults being very blasé about nudity and the topic of sex. Children aren't seen naked, but they would logically be just as or even more immodest in regards to nudity. And the adults aren't shielding them from the topic of sex either. They're just leaving out most of the details.

Obviously, there were plenty of opportunities to see Arya naked while changing or bathing or such. But there also could have been scenarious, that would be interesting from a storytelling perspective. I'm thinking of the sword training. Her instructor, Syrio Forel, was quite unorthodox in his methods. He could have required Arya to train naked, to reinforce the notion, that the blade is an extension of her natural body ("Girl, boy - you are a sword.").

While imprisoned in Harrenhal, she and the other prisoners were kept in awful conditions and some were tortured to death. They could have worn tattered rags, that barely cover anything (or just completely naked), to add to the humilation and also to expose them to the elements, while they are couped up in the courtyard, awaiting their fate.

Or how about, when Arya was assassinating Meryn Trant in a brothel in Braavos? Trant was ordering some very young prostitutes and Arya hid among them. She really should have been naked then. It would have made her disguise more convincing. We could have seen her naked body bathed in blood, after she slits Meryn Trant's throat. An avenging angel, beautiful and deadly.

I'm sure I could think of more.

Little side note to anyone currently watching House of the Dragon (which I recommend, if you enjoyed the scheming in early GoT seasons): Pay attention to the backgrounds in the palace. There are some very interesting decorations on the walls. Basically pictures of orgies, stylised but very explicit. One of the rooms is full of them.

Posted in Nudity in Film and Television on 2022-09-30 11:20:05

Agreed, awayness. I'm not really well-versed with anime, but I understand what you mean. It's particularly egregious, if the intent of the original artist gets violated by the adaptation, in order to reach a wider audience. And too many people in the industry still believe, that to reach a wider audience, you have to appeal to the lowest common demoninator and not challenge anyone.