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User: Prtydude


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Posted in Hazing and Initiations on 2003-08-17 21:04:51

========== In Reply To ========== Hey Robbie...

I had somethina lso happen just liek that man.. where are u located at and how many times they ram you into the pole.. did u pass out???

Posted in Sleepover pranks on 2003-02-05 03:35:59

What is pole racking? I saw it on the survey but do not know what it is or how it is done for sure...

I know all the other things mentioned here.

Can someone explain.. and is it a good prank?


Posted in Hazing on 2002-12-15 03:57:47

I feel the same way man I am pro hazing also... what is your email it would be great tot alk to you or email me at prtydude@aol.com.

I think it is funny if the guy passes out from poling.. is that funny to see and do you think that is too far or ok?

Please respnd with email too.... or IM name!

========== In Reply To ========== Pass out? Yes. Injured? Well, I saw one person poled(I wasn't a participant) and his testicles swelled quite a bit. He ended up going to the doctor. Fortunately, there was no serious damage. THere was, however, a lot of hassle caused over it, as parents of the victim and perpetrators got involved. A few kids got in some trouble. A couple suspensions were handed out. I'm of two minds about this: One, the kid this was done to would hang around and annoy the kind of people you shouldn't be annoying. He learned a painful lesson. Two, the kids who did it, got exactly what they deserved. Every time people haze someone else, they need to understand that there's nobody else responsible for their actions. I think if more people gave the consequences a little more thought, there'd be a lot less injuries and hazing would not have such a media hailstorm lately. I happen to be pro-hazing. I think it builds character, courage, shows commitment, and bonds people together. It's also just plain funny. However, people need to stop hiding behind other people, schools, rules, coaches, etc. People need to accept responsibility for their mistakes. :-)

Enough preaching. Poling someone is just plain fun as long as you're trying to mess someone up, and not injure them. I've heard people say they wanted to destroy someone's testicles. I think they legitimately tried, too. I think that's disgusting.

Posted in Hazing on 2002-12-06 03:12:10

When you got poled like that it sounds bad...

But have you ever seen someone pass out cold from it or worse? Can you tell me if you saw that there?

Posted in Hazing on 2002-11-22 13:39:54

Loonatic.. did you post about poling also for hazing?

How bad did you get the poling and how did they do it there?

========== In Reply To ========== I was a magnet for people's pranks, and my freshman year was more or less one big hazing. Even in my sophomore and junior years, I had a number of pranks that I would categorize as hazings played on me. My senior year, I instigated most of the hazings on others.

The reason why I was such a target in high school was because I was such a good sport about it. The problem is that I enjoyed the attention and humiliation, even when I didn't enjoy what actually was done to me. One good example was in my Sophomore year. I was tied up with jockstraps and left in the locker room in a prone and wide open position with words written on my belly with a magic marker. It said 'Kick Me' with an arrow pointed at my crotch. I was like that for three periods of gym before the gym coach finally found me like that. I'm reasonably sure he avoided the locker room for so long on purpose. Well, I got kicked, all right. Three gym classes worth of kickings. Punchings and squeezes too. I went to the school nurse after that, and had an icepack on my nuts for the rest of the school day. It was all I could do to keep the nurse from sending me to the hospital. The pain lasted all day. By the next, I was fine. But even just a few days later, I was laughing about it with the guys, providing a blow-by-blow description. It didn't faze me that these were the guys that did it to me.

Unfortunately, College was a lot tamer than I would have liked. College hazing was getting hammered with legalities at the time.