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User: Punished Angelle


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Posted in Mothers who like give spankings? on 2013-10-25 02:17:26

80% of what is posted on an open forum polling site is BS. But again.. this message thread is for a poll about mothers who LIKE to SPANK thier children disciplinary wise... Not about playful spanking... I believe Dazo has a poll for just that in his what 15 polls now? And if not, this may give him incentive to write one or four about that lol. But his interests is primarily disciplinary spanking also..... Most of the polls he authors specifically lean towards hard to severe discipline of ANY and ALL females by MALES. I can't fault him for his interests thus his research. I am a disciplined female, by other females.... I won't discuss the full aspects of my psychological/sociological standing/status or well being here as that would just be retarded. And I sure as heck won't openly discuss the sexual aspects of what my mindset and spankings are. as that would just lead to flame wars. And also keep in mind, any sane mother/teacher/aunt/babysitter that openly admits to getting off by spanking the one under their care is either a outright liar, or is stupid. It is far too easy to trace anyone on this site and thus investigate/prosecute said individual for multitudes of abuse/sex crimes against children etc....

Posted in Mothers who like give spankings? on 2013-10-24 22:00:42

This is not a poll about "happy spanking" Its about mothers that like to spank. Before complaining about the messages for the poll... Actually reading the topic may be wise.

Posted in Teenage discipline on 2012-09-15 09:26:25

OK is it just gay males that pretend to be teen boys that like to get swat bots??? Iether that or that CRAZY kung fu boy that says beat up the one that spanks you, or other anti spanking nuts..... How about honest teen of iether male or female persuasion putting some input... Or am I the only one left????? Oh well on with the "sweet butt" gay fest.

Posted in Mothers who like give spankings? on 2012-06-04 19:02:35

Dazo, I am spanked at least twice a week minimum. All my spankings are given hard, resulting in welts and bruising. All my spankings are true punishment, but are enjoyed by both the one spanking me, and me.

Posted in Does spanking / smacking work? on 2012-05-23 18:34:24

OK the cookoo's nest let them out?