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User: Punished Angelle


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I remember the first time I asked my mother to spank me in front of my friends. I had stayed over at one of my best friend's for a weekend, along with 2 other of my closest friends. We made a lot of noise , and woke her mother up. She worked very late and was very angry at us. She had my friends bend over the couch, bared their bottoms and whipped them with a belt until they were all three black and blue. All three of my friends told her I had been the only one that had not been part of the rambunctiousness, so she did not spank me. After I got home, I had a long talk with my mother and told her how I had been just as guilty, and deserved to get spanked just as much, or even far more so than the other girls had been. My mother fervently agreed and told me to go fetch the belt from the closet, and bend over the back of a chair. I was spanked until my bottom was black and blue. While in the corner crying afterwards, I told her I deserved a lot more, and that since I had witnessed them spanked in front of me, I should get spanked in front of them too. Again, my mother agreed. So the next weekend my mother called all three of my friend's mothers, and they brought the girls over to stay the weekend with me. The very first thing that happened was I told my best friend's mom that it really was all my fault, and had actually started the pillow fight and caused all three of my friends to get spanked. I then told her that it was not fair they got spankings, and I was let off, and told them my mother had spanked me, but it would only be fair if I was spanked again in front of them. So I bent over the chair again bare bottomed, and my mom spanked me just as long and hard as before with my bottom still marked from the spanking a few days before. She then handed the belt to my best friend's mother. She at first said I had been punished enough, but I begged her to whip me just like she had the other three, and after a few minutes, she did. Then my mom had her hand my other friend's mom the belt. She had no problems with it and spanked me too, as did the third mother. After that, I was spanked frequently by not only my own mother, but all three of the other moms in front of my friends. My mother spanks me not just in front of those three, but any of my friends that come over. There are a few times when I feel that I have been a very, very bad girl, I will ask as many of my friends over that will come to watch my mother spank me. I feel its better if the added humiliation of my friends seeing me bent over with my butt bare and get spanked long and hard to remind me that I am still just a little girl that needs to have her mother spank her to make her behave. The most that have watched me spanked at once was at my 17th birthday party. I had 8 of them over, and instead of the usual light swats and one hard one to grow on, I asked my mother to give me an "old fashioned whipping". She had me go cut a switch from the peach tree out back, then bend over the picnic table in the back yard with my dress up and panties down. She then whipped me until the switch was literally worn out on my butt and thighs.

Posted in l got spanked today on 2021-09-29 16:01:17

My mother, as well as my aunties switched from using their hands, to a slipper, or hairbrush when I was 8. I suggested that they start adding the cane when I was 13. Ever since then, I get bent over the knee and given long, hard spankings with the slipper, or hairbrush on my bare bottom, then must either bend over the back of the sofa, or kneel on my bed with my upper body lowered to the mattress, always legs spread open wide. I started getting only 4 strokes, but then I asked them to do 6 on my 14th birthday. I then asked for them to double this to 12 on my 16th birthday, as well as give me 16 plus one to grow on for my birthday punishment plus 6 extras for each time I miss count, and 12 if I pee myself. During actual punishments, I get 6 extras every time I forget to count my stroke, move out of position, or say any swear words, and 12 extra if I pee. There are also times I feel that I have been a very bad girl, and will bring one of them the slipper, or hairbrush and cane and ask to be punished. On these thrashings, I usually ask for extra strokes in sets of 6. The most I have asked for and received so far is 12 for the punishment, 12 extras for missing count, 12 for peeing, and then 24 that I asked for. The most I have got on a birthday punishment is 17 for age, 1 to grow on, 12 for missing count, 12 for peeing, and 24 because my auntie felt I deserved more. I am seriously considering asking them to increase my 12 strokes to 24 as I am taking at least that many anyway, and double the 6 to 12 for penalty strokes, and keep the 12 for peeing. All this is on top of having my bottom spanked with a slipper or hairbrush first.

I remember the first time I asked my mother to spank me in front of my friends. I had stayed over at one of my best friend's for a weekend, along with 2 other of my closest friends. We made a lot of noise , and woke her mother up. She worked very late and was very angry at us. She had my friends bend over the couch, bared their bottoms and whipped them with a belt until they were all three black and blue. All three of my friends told her I had been the only one that had not been part of the rambunctiousness, so she did not spank me. After I got home, I had a long talk with my mother and told her how I had been just as guilty, and deserved to get spanked just as much, or even far more so than the other girls had been. My mother fervently agreed and told me to go fetch the belt from the closet, and bend over the back of a chair. I was spanked until my bottom was black and blue. While in the corner crying afterwards, I told her I deserved a lot more, and that since I had witnessed them spanked in front of me, I should get spanked in front of them too. Again, my mother agreed. So the next weekend my mother called all three of my friend's mothers, and they brought the girls over to stay the weekend with me. The very first thing that happened was I told my best friend's mom that it really was all my fault, and had actually started the pillow fight and caused all three of my friends to get spanked. I then told her that it was not fair they got spankings, and I was let off, and told them my mother had spanked me, but it would only be fair if I was spanked again in front of them. So I bent over the chair again bare bottomed, and my mom spanked me just as long and hard as before with my bottom still marked from the spanking a few days before. She then handed the belt to my best friend's mother. She at first said I had been punished enough, but I begged her to whip me just like she had the other three, and after a few minutes, she did. Then my mom had her hand my other friend's mom the belt. She had no problems with it and spanked me too, as did the third mother. After that, I was spanked frequently by not only my own mother, but all three of the other moms in front of my friends. My mother spanks me not just in front of those three, but any of my friends that come over. There are a few times when I feel that I have been a very, very bad girl, I will ask as many of my friends over that will come to watch my mother spank me. I feel its better if the added humiliation of my friends seeing me bent over with my butt bare and get spanked long and hard to remind me that I am still just a little girl that needs to have her mother spank her to make her behave. The most that have watched me spanked at once was at my 17th birthday party. I had 8 of them over, and instead of the usual light swats and one hard one to grow on, I asked my mother to give me an "old fashioned whipping". She had me go cut a switch from the peach tree out back, then bend over the picnic table in the back yard with my dress up and panties down. She then whipped me until the switch was literally worn out on my butt and thighs.

Posted in Asking Parents for a Spanking on 2020-03-14 00:11:24

Your polls are very insightful, and well thought out, and your arguments above are also spot on. As a person who is very experienced with the topic I approve of this immensely. I first asked my mother to give me a "real" spanking on my 13th birthday. This was repeated a few times over the following year, and by age 15, I was asking her regularly for spankings. Over the next year, I added my auntie, and my best friend's mother to the list of those I was asking for regular spankings. By my 16th birthday, we all sat down and had a long talk about it, and we all agreed that what I needed was to be spanked frequently, and severely. I now am spanked by them on a regular basis, and will continue to be spanked by them for a long time to come.

I wish Misterpoll was not basically dead, and those of us with interests in such topics, whether academically, or just due to our own experiences could post new/updated polls.

Sincerely, Angelle

Posted in The Official Mister Poll Forum on 2018-06-24 22:43:44

Voting on polls has been broken for nearly a year. Making new polls has been dead at least that long! Answering forums on polls is also BROKEN! Seriously guys, fix this or take this site offline. You are gettin money from ads so your paid. If you can not keep your site working then shut it off. I am willing to bet you have not even got a live person looking at polls and putting them online. They ust sit there and nevr go throuh to visible status. What is up? Again, fix it or kill this site.