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Posted in Boys humiliated by girls on 2011-01-03 08:11:26

CHAPTER 5 Back to the camp.

It was now the first week of June and over two weeks had passed since my ordeal, with not a word from any of them. Then one lunchtime Nigel, Simon, and Paul found me. Nigel said the girls are bored and need to play with a $%!@. Well it's not going to be mine I said. We know it is said Paul. Just you look at the photos, handing me a set of about ten. I looked at them, I was nude in them all. The water bottle between my legs, toothpaste on my $%!@, and worst of all, a boy $%!@ in my mouth. Just some of the good ones said Simon, adding Ann is going to sell some around the school, if you do not come to the camp tomorrow night at six. Okay tell her not to sell any, I will come, but please no night-light under my $%!@ this time. I will tell Ann he said, but she dose wast she likes. Please no night- light it was so painful. Well Nigel said you was so stubborn, if you just got on with it the girl's wouldn't have need to be so ruff. I added if she uses it again I will tell the police what you get up to at the camp. The next day at around six I made my way to the camp, along the unmade road, throw wood across the stream, and then up into the camp. Nigel and Simon were all reed there, but there was no sine of the girls, or Paul. Are the girls coming I asked. Ho yes said Simon at about six thirty. Paul then arrived, he most have been following me all the way in, just in case I turned around and went back, or some think. It's aright he said adding he been on his own all the way. Let's get on with it then, get stripped down to your paints Nigel said. I stripped off, and the boys tied me between the trees as before. Soon after the girls arrived, Ann Sue Jane plus two new girls. This is Cindy and Claire said Ann, as she groped me. He was a good boy last time, but you are going to be even better this time. She then added, yes that's right Cindy is one of the girls that you keep pestering. Cindy then said I hope you have been practising your gobbling technique, I would love to see it. No Ann please not that, I beg you not that I said. Why did you come sow willingly if you didn't wont to play the game said Jane. I added I am not going to do that again no way, I don't mind being striped and played with, but please no gobbling. We will see a bout that said Sue as she put a canvas bag on the ground behind me. She then went with Ann to chat to the boys. Jane told Cindy and Claire that It was all right to give me a grope, but not to drop my pants. Cindy got straight to work pulling and twisting my $%!@ about, but Claire how was a lot younger than the other girls perhaps only nine or ten years old, just stood to one side. Jane took hold of Clare's hand and put it on my leg, it's Okay Claire just think of him as a toy. Cindy let Claire have a little feel of him now. Jane then moved Clare's hand slowly on to the leg my pants, then up on to my knob, it's Okay it's only a toy for us girls to play with. It's wet she said quietly, has he $%!@ his self. No said Jane it isn't wee-wee, she then explained that when a boy gets sexually aroused his $%!@ gets hard, and a small amount of thick sticky dribble comes out. Cindy now took hold of Clare's hand and worked it around my ball and $%!@, saying do you know what a boy $%!@ look like. Yes I have seen drawings of boy's in my sister's books, but I have never seen a boy nude she said softly. The boy's made their way out of the camp, Ann and Sue returned, Sue saying how is my little sister then, as she patted Claire on the back. Okay I have groped him she said with more confidence in her voice. Then handing Cindy the scissors Ann said no time to wast cut them pants off. Ho he is a hairy one Cindy said as my pants hit the ground. Sue took hold of Clare's hand and placed it on my $%!@, saying there you are I toll you a boy would be nude, and that you would be able to touch him. Claire said, Jane told me to think of him as a toy. Sue added it might at times look like we are hurting him but its all a game, most boy like playing naughty games any way. Ann then whispered in my ear after last time we know that you can swallow spunk, so no spiting it out today. Then the canvas bag was opened, and Ann removed the ball ring. Jane and Sue set about attaching it to me as before, Jane holding my $%!@ out of the way and Sue fixing the ring on. Now the cord was attached, and I was pulled down to my knees as before. Claire and Cindy both watched closely, as Ann attached a thick but small carrier bag to the ring, then turning to Claire she said your first job is to fill the bag with stones from around the camp. Claire shot of a round the camp looking for stones. Sue then removed a one litre bottle of water from the canvas bag, the bottle had been modified by adding a twenty inch long strap to it's neck, and a cord near it's bottom. The strap was put over my neck, the bottle was then tied to my chest using the cord. Claire returned putting some stones in to the bag then scampered off to fin some more. Then from the bag Ann removed a gag, to with a small pipe had been added, she soon had me gagged. It was a good all round fit, but just to make shore of it a wide leather belt was put over the top. Sue Jane and Cindy where doing some think behind my back, soon a pipe was past over my shoulder. Claire returned putting more stones in to the bag, then scampered off. Sue can you clip this movement detector too his scrotum said Cindy Okay for a test said Cindy from behind me, Ann pulled on the bag of stones. This movement was detected, and I herd a humming sound from behind me, then water came from the pipe over my shoulder. Claire returned but Ann stopped her from putting the stones in the bag, saying put them on the ground for now, then get some more. Off Claire ran. Cindy now removed the bottle top and put one on that had two pipes coming from it, it's reedy said Cindy. Well done said Ann it look good, Cindy joined the pipe work up, saying the one from the bottom of the bottle goes to the gag. Then she slapped me hard on the bum, the pump pushed water up in to bottle. Ann said drink the bottle day and you can go home. I sucked on the pipe in the gag drinking as fast as I could, a litre was a lot to drink quickly, but I must try. The girls all started putting the stones into the bag, more and more the bag pulled on my balls, it was getting painfully but I must keep still, and drink at the same time. A big stone was dropped into the bag, I jumped a little the pump started and a good mouthful of water entered the bottle. I must keep still I told myself, and drink. At last the girls ran out of stones, Cindy and Sue went around the back of me Sue returning with the toothpaste in her hand. I heard Cindy adjusting some think behind me. Quick Sue Ann said he has nearly drunk it all, Sue put a big dab of paste on my foreskin and $%!@ed it in. I regaled and the pump started up, the bottle was nearly full by the time I had settled down. Cindy retuned and gave the thumbs up sign to Ann. Claire $%!@e the paste in a bit said Ann. Sue showed Claire three way of holding a boy $%!@ when $%!@ing him. Claire when for the thumb on top and the fingers underneath hold, her technique was not good, but I was soon regaling around. That's long enough Claire said Sue. I had just about drunk a quarter of the bottle, but now it was going to be full again. The water was now filling the bottle up, just before the pump stopped I noticed, that the water in the pipe coming over my shoulder was a yellowish colour. Cindy then told me that she had switched the water for urine, and if I move any more the urine will go down in to the bottle and get mixed with the water. I must drink it all now I told myself, but by now I must have drunk about one and a half litres, I would need to do a pee myself soon, I must try and drink it all. Ann whispered in my ear some time soon you will need to go wee-wee. We don't wont to stand in puddle of $%!@, so we are not going to let you go. The girls then started to fit a cap on my $%!@. Sue and Jane held me still, as Ann and Cindy fitted the cap on to my helmet. From the centre of the cap a pipe went down in to my urethra for a bout two inches. The cap was soon on the slowly a rod was pushed in side the pipe, this opened it up and blocked my waterway. Claire said I don't understand what doses the cap do. Sue let me go an explained that boys $%!@ comes out of their $%!@s. I know that said Claire, adding so he will not beadle to pee. He can try but it;s well capped off said Jane. Claire giggled then said, but why stop him from going to wee-wee. The game we want him to play is naughty and will be unpleasant for him said her big sister, adding so we need to persuade him to do it. I had just about drunk a quarter of the bottle no way was I going to drink it all so I stopped trying. My need to $%!@ was getting grater by the minuet. The girls all senses this and stood around giggling, he must need to go soon said Cindy, poring water on the ground in front of me. Ann explained to Claire he cannot pass any $%!@ so it will get more and more uncomfortable for him, and he will start to move about to hold it back. If he moves the pump will start up said Claire. Yes so it will said Sue, adding he will get to drink girls urine then, watered down at first but soon getting stronger and stronger. Cindy whispered in my ear, I work all this out, good isn't it, no need for the night-light this time. I know that you are going to suck the boys off for me.

CHAPTER 6 Not again.

Look how is coming right on time it's the boys Nigel Simon Paul you like Paul's $%!@ I hear, Tom and Sam as well, five today how are you going to manage all that spunk. I needed a pee, I was now beginning to hold it back, I regaled a little the pump did not start up, then I regaled again this time the pump did started up. That's good whispered Cindy the urine is now mixing with the water. The pump stopped just as the bottle was getting full. Ann said that's a shame just a little longer and you would have got a nice little drink. Cindy whispered in my ear, I know spunk is not nice, but this pee is horrid trust me, if you say that you will suck all five boys off now, you will not need to taste it. Two minuets past, the boys started to get restless, and call Ann over. She returned saying that if we cannot get him to do it soon, one of us will need to do it instead. Cindy whispered in my ear, go on then $%!@ if you can, as she pulled on my $%!@. The pipe inside my $%!@ dug in, and I jumped the pump started up. Look girls the mix is moving up the pipe said Jane. Ann then said it's getting near the top, adding it will soon be in your mouth. Slowly it began to run out on to my tong, it horrid taste made me gag. It was not possible to get any of the mixture to run out of my mouth, so I was forest to drink it. The girls stood around giggling as I was made to drink mouth full after mouth full. The mixture was slowly getting stronger, as more urine mixed with the water. The pipe in the gag seem to have two outlets, one positioned at the back of my mouth, and one over the tip of my tong. Cindy whispered in my ear, such the boys, I signalled no. The mixture was getting stronger and stronger by now it must have been about 10% urine. A bitter taste fill my mouth, Cindy whispered suck the boys. Again I signalled no. The mixture was still coming up in to my mouth, and getting stronger by the second 15% then 20% soon it was up to about 25%. Ann said look how yellow the mix is getting now girls. Cindy whispered suck them, again I signalled no. The mixture just keep on coming, 30% urine 40% . What happens if he can take neat $%!@ said Ann. By now the mixture was about 50% urine. What happens then said Ann. He will give in before then said Cindy. She whispered suck the boys, again I signalled no. More and more it just keep on coming, it was getting harder and harder to drink now as it got thicker and thicker. Cindy whispered why not suck it will only get stronger. I nodded yes. She whispered all five of them. I nodded. See I tolled you Ann, he only got to about 70% No way would he drink neat $%!@, well not the first time any way. She stopped the pump, and made me swallow what was in my mouth, Sue then removed the gag. Ann called out to the boys, bring the platform over, he reedy for you now. Soon Nigel and Simon where pushing the platform between my open legs. Ann said how is going first then. Simon said that he was first, as he got his $%!@ out, and jumped up on the platform all in one move. Cindy whispered in my ear no peeing for you until the boys have all $%!@, so I suggest that you get on with it. Please let me have a wee first please I said. Jane said no get sucking, adding is it just uncomfortable or is it getting painfully yet? It very uncomfortable you now it is I said. Not long then and you will be in some pain. Then it will get so painful that you will not be able to hold it back, and you will try to $%!@. Just you think about how, doing a $%!@ but little getting out will fill. I suggest that you get on with it. I opened my mouth wide, Simon put his $%!@ in, and I closed my lips around it. The taste of his $%!@ was so-so sweet after all that urine. I begin to work on him, in-out in-out in-out went my lips over his helmet. In-out in-out in-out, Claire went to her sister and said is he going to wee-wee in his mouth. No said Sue not wee-wee, adding the boy is sucking on his knob to make him $%!@. My lips were now covered in dribble as I $%!@ed him with my mouth, I sucked hard on him and all at once he climaxed. Ann whispered don't stop suck on, and don't swallow it down yet. In-out in-out went my lips over his now rapidly softening $%!@. As he pulled his $%!@ out of my mouth Ann said now lick the residue from the end of his helmet, then you can swallow it down. Claire missed all of this as she was quizzing Sue, make him $%!@, I do not understand she said. Cindy and Sue then started to explain about boy's $%!@s and ejaculations, and how I was sucking on his $%!@ to make him have one. By now I was working hard on Tom, he was just about to go when he said. Little girl look at my $%!@ and you will see me $%!@. Sue quickly moved Claire to within two foot of my face, and holding her around the shoulder, bobbed down next to her. Whispering look at his $%!@, no don't look at me, watch his $%!@. Tom's timing was excellent he pulled his $%!@ right out of my mouth just as his first jet left the end. It hit me just under my left eye. A second jet hit me on the top lip then a third just about reached my open mouth. I put my tong out and licked all over his helmet. Claire said is that white stuff spunk then. Sue whispered yes, he came all over his face didn't he. By the time that Claire had asked her big sister, Where dose spunk come from? What is it for? Did he eat the fist boys spunk and is it tasty? I was working like a steam train on Nigel's $%!@ in-out in-out in-out. Sue whispered to Claire spunk is made in the boys balls, and yes he swallowed it all. Then she put her hand out and took a dab of spunk from my face, just try this little bit. Claire put her tong out and Sue smeared it on. Claire spat it out, and said it's horrible. She was now getting vary upset so Cindy bobbed down next to her as well, Why are the boys doing that to him? It's not nice, it's horrid stop them. Sue whispered in Claire ear, how much do you like riding on your pony. Claire said softly very very much. Well it the same for the boy being sucked, he likes being sucked very much. Adding their not hurting the other boy, he is just eating some think that is not nice. Mother makes us eat cabbage that's horrid. I was finishing Nigel off by now, only two more to do. When Claire said what douse spunk do. Ann said tell your sister then Sue. Up steeped Sam his $%!@ bent up at the end. I opened my mouth to take him in, as I did Claire said giggling look he got a mouth full of cabbage. She was now back happily watching me suck Sam off. Tell you sister about it then Sue. Sue then explained about $%!@ing and sucking a boy off, and about having sexual intercourse with a boy, and how spunk can make a girl pregnant. In-out in-out, went Sam's $%!@. Girls let boys do that said Claire. You must only have intercourse when you trust the boy said Sue. Adding most boys would pull a girls knickers down, and do it if given half a chance. The boy that's tided up was always looking up girls dresses in the playground, and he wonted to see one of us in the nude. So he needed to be punished, that's why we are playing with him. The others get sucked off, that stops them from pestering us for a day or two. Cindy said suck harder, do it or be punished. Yes suck harder said Claire. In-out in-out in-out , his helmet went. Sue stood up and whispered to Ann we can't let Claire watch Paul at work at might be too much. Claire and Cindy where now chanting more cabbage more cabbage eat more cabbage. Sam went his spunk hitting the roof of my mouth, now only the big boy to do, I told myself. Ann smiled at Claire and said we need to count the bag of stones, can you get down and get them, don't get any spunk on your clothes. Okay Ann Claire said as she pulled at the bag. Ann tock Claire over to the lean-to and thy sat down to count the stones. Ann said have you enjoyed seeing the boys $%!@s. Ho yes I have learnt a lot about boys to day, can I please come again? If you promises to tell no one about the game we play, not even you mum or dad you can. I promise Claire said. By now Paul was steeping up and undoing his trousers. He pulled them down as before, then he opened his boxer shorts and got his $%!@ and balls out. Bone day no dribble at all just like the last time. I opened my mouth and he pushed his $%!@ in, holding the back of my head, he pulled me on. Soon his helmet was down my throat, and my chin was touching his ball bag. Jane whispered in my ear no sucking on him. He then pull his $%!@ back, then as before the pulled me. The sequence was repeated twenty, then he pulled his $%!@ back. Now my lips moved to and throw over his helmet for twenty times, before he pushed his $%!@ all the way in again. His dripping continued but now at the back of my mouth, as before the pulling back and pulling me on sequence was repeated. Ann and Claire retuned, Ann telling Sue that Claire was okay and that she wonted to see what was going on. Then Claire said his $%!@ gone, No it hasn't gone it's just all the way in his mouth said Jane. Sue then said that's hard to do for more than five seconds or so at a time. Jane added yes all most everybody would be gagging after a second or two. Sue said but this boy is so good at it Claire he can take it for minuets at a time. How dose he get all of his $%!@ in, dose it bend round in side said Claire. Jane giggled and then said no it's out straight. Adding it goes right to the back of his mouth, and then into his throat. No way not down his throat said Claire. Sue moved her sister's right hand on to my throat, saying you can just feel it going down. No that's not his $%!@ is it exclaimed Claire. Yes it is added Sue move you $%!@ in and out a little Paul so Claire can feel him, adding that's in a long way isn't it. Then Claire giggled it all the way in. I know lets just see if said Ann, adding pull him back to the helmet position please Paul. My lips moved to over his foreskin. Now Sue you push his shoulders forward, and Jane you pull his head up. Now Ann tolled me to open my mouth wide, adding slowly in about two inches Paul. Keep your mouth open wide said Ann, now Cindy as I pull Paul's balls forward, you feed them in. Will there be room for them said Cindy. Let find out giggled Jane. That's one in Cindy said adding in a little Paul, then after a bit of pushing she said it's in, it's in, push Paul quick push. Now with his balls out of the way he was able to get an extra inch or two in my mouth. Jane said I can feel his $%!@ deep down in his throat now. Soon his $%!@ throbbed, and I felt sick as a large amount spunk flue down my throat. How back just a little then in-out in-out a little, his balls still filling my mouth, and his helmet deep down my throat. He let me gag on his $%!@ for a full minuet before finally removing his $%!@, and balls from my mouth. As Cindy removed the platform she said that was good fun. By now I was bursting for a wee. Please please let me have a $%!@ I said. Ann said you have been a good boy, but dose that mean you deserve a wee, I think not. Please let me, please please I need to go. What's in it for us, if we let you do a wee said Jane. I have suck five boys off, what more do you want from me I said adding please let me $%!@, please. Ann then said we want you to come back next Monday night. No please, no more I said, adding I been a good boy for you, and played along but no more please. Sue said but your so good at playing the games, and we look forward to finding new ways to punish, I mean tease you. Ann then said what if we make Monday your last time. Do you really mean that I said. Quickly adding no tricks, if I come it would be for the last time. Yes come play on Monday and we will call it a day said Ann. Adding but if you don't play on Monday, when we catch up with you, we will really punishment. Okay than I said I will come, now please let me have a $%!@. Jane slowly pulled the rod from the middle of the cap. I instantly began to $%!@, the pipe down my $%!@ stopped the free flow of urine, and made going painful, but I had to go. look said Cindy he couldn't even hold it back till the cap was off. When I had finished the cap on my $%!@, and the detector on my scrotum where removed. I was then untied and my clothes thorn at me, I ran out of the camp in the nude as before. I felt sick that I had let myself be used in that way again, and that the girls had used me to teach a ten year old girl about sex. I told myself I would never let them do that to me again, and no way was I going on Monday night.
Posted in Boys humiliated by girls on 2011-01-02 17:05:54

CHAPTER 3 My next half hour at camp.

Not long at all perhaps. As in the distance a minuet or two later I herd voices, but hold on that's not boy's voices I can hear. That giggling chitchat is coming from a group of girls. Realizing that I had been left tied up for them, I straggled to get free. Soon the girls would find me tied between the trees, was I then going to get tossed off by one of them. Or are the girls going to! No I hope not, not tossed dry. Entering the camp from along side the lean-to the girls spotted me. Well the boys have done well for us today one of them said, adding I am Ann, and this is Sue and Jane. Ann was a tall slim blond girl not very big around the chest, but long in the leg. she was dressed in a short skirt, black tights, and a blouse, the top two buttons of which where open. Sue's hair was mousse brown in colour, she was of a fuller figure, big in the legs and $%!@. Sue was wearing blue trousers, blouse and a bomber jacket. The third girl Jane was a red head, and looked a hot bit of stuff. Her long dress flowed over her form showing off her nice $%!@, hips, and bottom. She was now groping me throw my pants, The other two girls soon getting a hand on my $%!@ and ball as well. Let's get his pants off said Sue, not yet said Ann. First get the camera out and tack some snaps of him in this panties. So I was photographed in my pants, the fist shot was of Ann pulling my pants open at the top and looked down at my $%!@. The second shot was of Sue groping my $%!@, and finally Jane was snapped using her teeth to pull down one leg of my pants. Now lets get his pants down said Sue. Okay Ann said but with his legs spread open we will need to cut them off not just drop them. Get me the scissors said Jane, I will cut down each leg of his pants, snip-snip my pants hit the ground. Jane added that's a nice hairy package you have, as she cut tufts of hair from around my scrotum. Snip-snip went the scissors keep still or you may end up ball-less she giggled. I was now tied up in the nude my $%!@ was all reedy dribbling. Watt next was I now going to be $%!@ed by one of them, or was I going to be tossed dry by all of them. No thank god. Ann photographed me as Jane and Sue set about attaching a ball ring to me. Jane held my $%!@ up out of the way, and Sue fixed the ring on. It must be a good tight fit between his $%!@ and scrotum said Ann. Okay said Sue its on. Jane then let my $%!@ go. Then using a length of cord Jane hooked an empty two litre plastic bottle on to the ring, the bottle swung to and throw between my knees. Sue garbed it and put about half a litre of water in to the bottle, then let it go. It swung around and pulled on my ball, put more water in Sue. As Ann photographed my grimacing face. Sue put another half litre in, fill it up he can tack it said Jane, so Sue filled the bottle to the top, saying we will get a good photo of his ball being pulled. Then Sue and Jane swung the now full bottle to each other throw my legs. each swing pulled my ball backwards then forwards, that's pulling them balls down Ann said, adding let see if we can get them down around his knees. After a minuet or so the bottle came detached from the ring and split open on the ground. That was no longer going to give them any fun I told myself. I knew it wasn't but by now my scrotum felt a foot long. Now lets get to work on his $%!@ said Ann with a dirty smile on her face. Sue showed me a $%!@ ring and said this is going on you $%!@, just behind your helmet. The ring had four small eyelets around the out side, from two opposite eyelets hung short lengths of string. Jane and Sue knelt down beside me, Jane pulled my foreskin back, as Sue pushed and twisting the ring over my helmet. That's holding his foreskin back nicely said Jane. The two strings now dangled down, one each side of my $%!@. The girls each took hold of a string, then just pulling the slack up tide the strings back to the ball ring. The strings are just to stop the ring working off Ann told me as she stood up. By now my knob was throbbing, my helmet enlarged and my dignity gone. Ann then rummaged in her bag bring out a tube of toothpaste, As Ann applied a liberal amount of the paste to my exposed foreskin she said, it will only take about five minuets for the toothpaste to make you nice and sore. In less than one minuet my $%!@ was getting hot. The girls just stood and watched me regale, that will warm him up said Ann. Put some more on, coat his helmet in it requested Sue. As Jane photographed my now swollen red foreskin, Ann applied a coat to my helmet, then just as she was going to put a second coat of paste on my foreskin, Jane said stop. No Ann this time put it down his eye. Jane pulled at my helmet opening my eye wide, Ann's little finger then pushed a small amount of paste in to my urethra. I bet that stings said Jane. Soon I was regaling and twisting around, again the girls stood giggling for a minuet or two, before Ann said I think that's will do. Jane began to gently wash my $%!@ with water. She tolled me that looks just right, very red around the foreskin and a nicely tenderised helmet. Adding that shod make the next part of the game so much more painful, sorry I meant to say fun. A cord was attached to the ball ring, then went around the eyelet in the ground behind me. Then some relief at last, as my leg ropes where slackened a little. Sue pulled on the cord as Ann and Jane slackened my arm ropes. Kneel down you sod Sue said as she pulled hard on the cord. Kneel down I resisted and Sue pulled harder. Why would girls want me kneeing down. Kneel down Sue said as she pulled harder still on the cord. I dropped down fist on to one knee, then on to both. The cord had pulled me down, but also pulled me back about a foot. My balls where now over the eyelet, and my hands where stretched well out in front of my body. The two girls now tightened my arms ropes, this pulled my hands forward even more. Then the two of them slowly tightened my leg ropes, this pulled my ankles out sideways. I was forced to hobble forwards, each time I moved my knees parted a little. The two girls tightened and tightened the ropes. By the time my body was back in-line with the trees, my knees where well apart, and my feet pointed out sideways. Sue tied the cord off to the eyelet, but not before pulling my balls back between my now open legs, then Ann fixing the other end of the cord to the bottom eyelet on the $%!@ ring. Ann and Jane in the mean time had gone to the lean-to, returning with a plywood platform, come steep arrangement, and a small black plastic bag. I guess the platform stood around eight or nine inches high, the top platform being about two foot long by eighteen inches wide. A steep was fitted to each side of the platform, one being about four inches high, and the other only around one inch high, both being a bout eight inches wide and a foot long. Mid way along the edge of the platform, on the low steep side, was fixed a twenty inch hight tee bar. The six inch long bar was in line with the platform edge, and had a small screw eye on each end. Soon the girls where manoeuvring the platform in to position, the lower steep fitting between my knees. A length of elastic was then tied to one eyelet on the tee bar. The free end of elastic was pasted through top eyelet on the $%!@ ring, and tide off to the other end of the tee bar. This held my $%!@ out straight, and up a little. Sue pulled on the cord from behind me, this swung my $%!@ down between my legs, she let the cord go, and elastic swung my $%!@ back up. Sue pulled on the cord again but keeping my $%!@ down this time. Jane promptly stepped up on to the platform and stood right in front of me, her dress torching my face. Her hands holding each side of her dress, now she slowly lifted her arms. One inch, two inches, tree inches, fore inches, five more inches of lovely legs where on show. Soon I would see the crouch of her knickers I tolled myself, yes just as I got site of them she let her dress go. Have a good look did you she said as she repeated the process one more time. Then she push her crouch in to my face before backing away as Sue let the cord go. So this why the girls wonted me kneeling down, so thy can tease me. I tolled myself perhaps thy think it will make me orgasm, or some think. Your turn Sue said Jane as the two of them swapped around, Jane now pulled the cord hard down, allowing Sue to stand right close in front of me. She them undone her trousers and lowered them to her knees, her tight little white knickers where now right in my face. Go on she said have a sniff of my $%!@, I bet you would love to see it wouldn't you, Sue added as she pulled up her trousers and got down. Sue said the boys are dew back soon, so we need to get a move on. Now it was Ann turn up on the platform, standing right up next to me see undone the side zip of her skirt and slowly lowered it two inches, then twisting it round a bit she lowered it an anther inch. I could now see the waistband of her black knickers. Then twisting and lowering her skirt an inch again before pulling it up, as she got down off of the platform saying that's all you are getting from me. Jane now let the cord go and my $%!@ swung back up. The elastic was now undone and the platform moved away, for the next two minuets or so the girls just sat on the platform giggling and whispering to each other. I herd the odd word or two, but was not able to make out what was going to happen to me next. I thought this can not the first time the girls have done this, as each of them knows just what to do next, I bet all this has happened to a good number of boys in the past. Did the others put up with being pulled about, and played with, or did some say yes to doing the stripteases. Then my thoughts turned to the return of the boys, and do I say yes to doing the stripteases or not. It's been a little unpleasant at times, but some games are like that. I tolled myself I have put up with the girls playing with me for this long, so why quit now. It's only a game after all, and I wouldn't have minded losing that game of strip cards. Any way having three girls playing with my $%!@ has been like a dream come true, if a bit rough at times. A minuet or two later the boys returned, and sat on the stools in the lean-to. Had fun girl's Paul asked? The girls replied with one voice yes. Is he going to do the stripteases for us added Paul? Are you asked Jane, again I shook my head to signal no. Ann then whispered in my ear, so you want some more do you. Ann turned to Sue and Jane and said shell we see how far we can make him go girls. He won't do the stripes so why not said Jane. Sue added lets make him pay for being so stubborn. Yes lets said Jane but which punishment do we use. adding he took a full W.B. on his balls, and the T.P. didn't make him that sore. Sue said we could redo the T.P. giving it more time. Simon added I have still got my plant dibble if you need it girls. I think the P.P. or the N.L. would work well on him said Ann. Sue added it's only his first time, do we need to use the P.P. or the N.L on him? First session or not, we need to make him pay some how said Ann. Jane then said I don't think the $%!@ press will make him go all the way, so lets use the. Jane don't say any more your spoil it for him said Ann. Then she whispered in my ear. I think Jane's right the $%!@ press would not make you give in, but the N. L. will. No boy has taken that for long, let's see how you cope with it. Right it's the N.L. for him girls she said out loud. I had worked out that W.B. was the water bottle and that T.P. was the tooth past, and Jane had let slip that P.P. was a $%!@ press, but what was the N.L. and why would it make me give in. Sue stood right in front of me, as Jane and Ann moved around behind me, now Sue moved closer her arms stretched out over my head. Then from behind me I herd the sound of a match being struck. Sue steeped back, slowly lowering her arms till her upturned hands where in front of my face. look what I have she said, holding a lit night-light out for me to see, yes N.L. is for night-light she said as she slowly lowered her hands. Her fingernails pushed against my chest and then my belly as she lowered it. The downward movement of Sue's hands stopped as her fingers reached my bellybutton. looking down I could see that, she was now holding the night-light between her thumb, and index finger of her right hand. With the pram of her left hand now cupped under my $%!@, she began to tip the night-light up. I jumped as the hot wax ran on to helmet. Now Sue slowly moved my $%!@ around, letting the hot wax drip on my helmet. Simon said it looks like the girls are going to have fun playing with this one. Slowly drip by drip my helmet was coated in white wax. That looks well waxed up said Sue as she pasted the night-light around my body to Ann. I tolled myself that was not so bad, not nice but no way was it going to make me give in. Now the platform was put back in front of me, then the elastic was rethreaded through the $%!@ ring, and tied off to the tee bar. Again the cord attached to my $%!@ was pulled, before the cord was released my now wax-coated helmet was pulled all the way up between my open legs. Like that you look like a girl Sue said. Then Ann whispered in my ear guess where that night-light is now, adding is it in my bag, or is it back in Sue's hand? No hear it is down on to the steep, right between your knees. I wonder what will happen to your $%!@, if Sue pulls on the cord. Sue whispered I think your helmet will only be inches from the flame as it passes over the night-light. I winced at the thought of my $%!@ being pulled over a flame. That's right Jane said think about how it might feel. Then giggling she added do you think it will be like a hand holding him tightly, or more like getting into a hot bath? Ann said perhaps it's like drinking hot tea Jane. or even like touching a light bulb. She then added I think it time for you found out. The cord was pulled all the way up again, and Sue whispered like that you do look like a girl. Then pointing to the lean-to, Ann said right now I bet the three of them wish you were a girl, and not a boy. Jane and Sue giggled, then Jane said I know let's see if you can perform a sexual act like a girl for them. You haven't got a $%!@ for a boy to fill with $%!@, so lets think. I know your bum! But hold it your bum hole is so low down we would need to untie you, to let a boy bugger you. That's not going to happen. so let me think, no $%!@, bum too low, and mouth gagged. It's a shame your gagged as your mouth would do nicely. We could take the gag off said Sue, adding Paul's always going on about how a good long suck is better than a quick bang. I straggled pulling on the arm ropes, but it was hopeless noway was I going to get free. Some how I don't think he likes the idea of $%!@ said Ann. I now knew what my punishment was going to be, I was to perform $%!@ on a boy. The cord was pulled again, but this time my helmet was held right above the flame. I was aware of the heat from the flame on my helmet, but it was not painful. Ann photographed my $%!@ over the flame. Then as the cord was released she whispered in my ear, wasn't that fun, adding it looked good from behind. She then said I bet you wish you had said yes to doing the stripteases now, are you reedy for oral yet? I shook my head to signal no. Come on you can do it giggled Jane, it only like giving a friend a $%!@, gigging again she added but using you lips. I shook my head again. Ann then asked me have you ever $%!@ed a friend? I shook my head. I bet you have she added. I shook my head again. You mean to say you have only ever played with your self? I nodded. Have you ever been nude in front of a girl before? I signal no. She then added so you have not been played with before, or played any sexual games at all? I shook my head again. Jane then said, Nigel told us girls that you seemed very excited, by the idea of playing strip cards. Adding that you where still more than a bit eager to play, even after he had explained it would only be a simple game of strip. Ann added did he tell you that you had a good chance of seeing one off us girls nude? I nodded my head. Well it's no wonder you wonted to play then Sue said, adding I bet he didn't say any think about you being tied up, stripped nude and sexually abused did he? I shook my head. Ann then said, so you had no idea that we intended to strip you, let alone make you our play thing? I shook my head again. Than Jane said this is going to be real treat, well perhaps not for you. Adding having a boy tided up and forcing him to do things is fun, but knowing he is a complete first timer is just brilliant. She quickly adding we have taken you from being an unsullied innocent boy, that only ever played with him self. To what will be a well used sex toy, in less than one hour. You know I really do think you will do anything to please us girls. I shook my head. Ann then said you shod now be thanking us girls for giving you an education, and not giving us, and your self a hard time. She added are you going to be a good boy and suck my brothers $%!@. I signalled no. That's not the right answer said Jane, as she held the small plastic bag out in front of my face. She then removed a wooden block about half an inch thick from the bag. Saying can you guess what this is for. Ann then whispered have you guessed yet? Well just in case you haven't, I will tell you. As I speak Jane is putting the block of wood under the night-light. My whole body shook as I through about the flame being that much nearer my $%!@. Perhaps it's all a bluff, and Jane didn't put the block under the night-light at all. That must be it, thy wouldn't dear pull my $%!@ down right over a flame, would thy. The cord was briefly pulled, and Ann whispered in my ear, definitely hotter wasn't it. I nodded and realized that the girls had only been toying with me before. Ann added we enjoy this part of the game, and by the way don't worry we have never burnt a boy $%!@ yet, will not badly any way. She then said are you reedy to suck. I signal no, telling myself I can take it, it wasn't that painful. The boy then chanted up one. Jane removed one more block from the bag, and put it under the night-light, then the cord was pulled. The heat from the flame made me jump this time. Ann whispered suck a boy off. I hesitated the cord was pulled again. I signal no, telling myself two pulls at that setting perhaps that's it, no more wooden block. But no the boys soon chanted up one, and again a block of wood appeared from within the bag, and was put under the night-light. The cord was pulled again, my downward stretched $%!@ was now only a few inches from the flame. I bit down on the gag as the heat hit my helmet. I throat how can one little flame hurt so much. Again Ann whispered suck a boy off, as Jane put anther block under the night-light. Then Sue pulled my $%!@ down over the night-light again, this time rocking my $%!@ to and throe at the bottom of the pull. I tried to yell no stop but the gag was so tight in my mouth little sound came. Now the wax coating that had protected my helmet from the worst of the heat started to melt. One drip of wax landed on the night-light, and made the flame briefly flare up. I tried yelling again please stop, but as before little sound came out throw the gag. The heat from the flame and the melting wax made it extremely painful indeed. The girl's all knew this, and giggled as Sue continued to work my $%!@ to and throe over the flame. By now I was nodding yes, yes. Ann then whispered I haven't asked you yet. Sue continued to work my $%!@ to and throe over the night-light. I was now franticly nodding my head. Ann said your burn his $%!@ soon Sue, we don't want that. He would need to see a doctor with a burn on his $%!@, and he mite end up telling on us. Jane added yes ask him Ann. Sue said just a bit longer, I like making boys beg and we don't want him to go back on his word, do we. No we don't but, he will do it just ask him. All right Jane I will ask him, you don't really want to suck on a boy's $%!@, do you? I was still nodding yes as Sue finally let the cord go. The boy's chanted up one. Jane removed a special one inch thick block form the bag, and showed it to me. This one will go nicely on top of the stack she said, adding I guess that your helmet will be less than three inches from the flame, when we next need to torture, sorry I mean persuade you. Ann whispered you are stubborn, and have put up with a lot more than any first timer that we have had before. Some suck on the second pull of the cord, or don't even get past the water bottle stage. That's not that much fun for us, well not like the fun we are having with you. But I am telling you now that at a distance of three inches or less the end of your $%!@ will get burnt, if the cord is pulled for more than the briefest of periods. No boy can take his $%!@ getting that hot for long, so I would behave myself if I was you, and do as you are tolled.

CHAPTER 4 How much can I take.

Right are we reedy said Sue, quickly adding perhaps now we can get on with the serious part of the game. Sue now beckoned the boys over, I throat about yelling for help, as Ann removed the gag from my mouth, but tolled myself to keep quiet. The the girls could leave me tied up, perhaps even with my $%!@ pulled down over the flame. If that was to happen my $%!@ would cook by the time anybody found me. I didn't really think the girl's would do anything like that, but I mite be left tied up nude all night. I knew now that the girl's had the power, to make me suck on a boy. I tolled my self it was just a case of how far would the girls make me go, and how soon would I need to give in, If only I could delay it long enough there may get bored, or need to go home. Not a very good plan I know, but it's all I can think of. That is apart from just getting on with it, and sucking one of them off, I could have done that a quarter of an hour ago, I tolled myself, and now be on my way home. No don't think like that, think positively, how can I delay doing it. The boy's now stood up and started across the clearing, quick think how can I delay it. Soon Nigel was standing on the platform in front of me, he unzipped his trousers, then reaching into his pants he pulled out his $%!@. It was about five inches long, and about one and a half inches across. He moved forward his helmet was now only inches from my face. Jane was reedy to photograph me, and Sue had the cord in her hand just in case. No please don't make me do it, please don't make me suck this $%!@ I said. Then quickly I added I don't really know what you want me to do. Jane then said we want you to make him $%!@, using your mouth. I know that but how, I haven't even seen it done before, let alone done it. Jane added your find a way. No please I said I will do anything but please don't make me suck, I will do the stripteases for you I will I will! Ann then whispered it's a bit too late for that, adding you said you would do it, so let's get you started. Nigel pushed his $%!@ forward rubbing his most sticky helmet along my now tightly closed lips. I was breathing in through my nose now, and suddenly became aware of his pubic aroma. I guessed the smell was a mixture of perspiration, urine and pre-ejaculation dribble. Ann whispered because this is your first time, we are going to let you slowly build up to it. adding quickly but you must do as you are told, or the cord gets pulled. Right lets get you started. First you need to taste his $%!@, put you tong out and lick around but not over his helmet. I started licking slowly a light sweet stickiness filled my mouth, I was surprised by the absence of any strong taste, not at all what I was expecting. Then Ann said you are doing good, now lick around his foreskin, Ann added the flavour under the foreskin is usually a lot stronger. Nigel pulled his foreskin back, and I licked around his $%!@, as I did Jane photograph me. Now my mouth filled with a much richer version of the same sticky flavour. Stop licking him said Ann, and start kissing his helmet, that's right she added as I kissed around the sides. I could now see a dewy like drip of pre-$%!@ forming on his helmet. On seeing this Ann said, good that's just what we've been waiting for, some nice dribble. Now full on she added, kiss his $%!@ full on. No please not full on, he's dribbling. Do it or the cord get pulled, that's a good boy she added as I started kissing the tip of his helmet. His per-$%!@ was now sticking to my lips as I was made to kiss him again and again. Soon strings of it went between my lips and his helmet. Kiss him again but this time open your lips a little Ann said, adding now open your lips a little more with each kiss, that's right. At the beginning of each kiss his throbbing red helmet was now between my lips, then it slowly slipped out as I kissed it. That's looks so good she said adding are you shore that this is your first time, Jane snapped a way. Now I thank it's time for a full on knob kiss added Ann. Just pop your lips right over his helmet, and on to his foreskin on the way in then slowly all the way out. No please I begged not that. Do it kiss his $%!@, do it now, come on lap up that dribble. Good she said as I kiss him, now again, and again. This time not so fast, keep it in for a count of five. In one two three fore five out. In one two three fore hold it, five out. Again In one two three hold it, fore hold it, five out good boy. I think you are reedy for your first suck now. Don't make me suck him please don't I said. Come on said Sue you have had his helmet in your mouth, and that's was not so bad was it. No not that bad I suppose, I then added but what if he $%!@ in my mouth. Jane then said not if, when he $%!@. Up to now I didn't really think the girls would make me do it, but now I knew this hole game, right from the start was all about making me suck a $%!@ Now all you need to do is suck on it instead of kissing it, go on just the tip of his helmet will do said Sue. No please not that please he will $%!@ in my mouth I said. Sue pulled on the cord. All right, all right I yelled as long as it's only the tip, it is only going to be the tip isn't it, That will do nicely Sue said adding very softly, for a start any way. I opened my mouth, and slowly Nigel moved forward, I now lost site of his helmet as he pushed it closer to my open mouth. Soon the tip of his helmet was between my lips, and I found myself giving it a gentle suck. That's not so bad is it said Sue, adding see it's not any different to kissing it really, go on suck on him again. Good boy that's the way said Jane, see you can do it. Now you just need to keep on sucking, don't stop or Sue will pull the cord added Jane. I sucked the tip of his $%!@ for a good minuet or so then Ann said that's good, but I think you can manage all of his helmet now. I know Sue said the tip would do, but she lied. We know you can do it, we have seen you kissing all of his helmet don't forget. So we know you can tack more than the tip in. Keeping my lips closed I resisted Nigel's first attempt to push more of his $%!@ in to my mouth. But then Sue pulled on the cord, I now let him slowly pushed his helmet throw my lips. My top lip rubbed on his foreskin as his helmet passed into my mouth. Soon his helmet was as far if not fever in my mouth, than ever before, and it was not aloud out after a count of five. Ann whispered in my ear now work your lips up and down over his foreskin as you suck. I slowly began working his knob in-out. I was now $%!@e Nigel with my lips, and thinking I hope he pulls out in time, and doesn't $%!@ in my mouth. Jane photographed my face as I sucked on him, Soon his thick sticky dribble was dripping on to my tong. It's sour taste filled my mouth. I pulled my head back, and stopped sucking for a moment or two. Ann said suck on him now, or be punished. I moved my head to one side, and spat out some of his dribble. As I did Sue briefly pulled the cord. I yelled stop stop that $%!@ing hurts, adding please let me go, I can't do it. No way are you going home yet said Ann, adding you just get on with it, or you know what will happen. I think he likes being punished said Jane, this time Sue hold his $%!@ down over the flame till he sucks. No please not that I said it so painful. I then felt the cord slowly pulling my helmet down. Okay I will do it I said. Then I started sucking on him again, in-out in-out in-out went my head, as I pushed and pulled my lips over his foreskin. I felt the cord slacken, and my $%!@ swung back up. Then Ann whispered you will need to suck a bit harder than that. I want to hear some pop slurp pop slurp sounds coming from you mouth as his $%!@ goes in and out. I begin to suck harder making the sounds she wanted to hear. How long dose it tack to suck a boy off I wondered, five minuets, ten minuets or longer. I had no idea. Pop slurp pop slurp whet my lips over his now dribble soaked shaft. You are doing good keep it going whispered Ann as I slowed down a little. Then my lips felt his $%!@ throb, and suddenly a jet of $%!@ hit the roof of my mouth, then a second weaker jet landed on my tong. I tried to pull my head back but Ann was holding it forward. She said no not yet, stay on him your not finished yet. Slurp slurp went my lips over his now rapidly softening $%!@. His thick stick seaman now coated my tong and lips. It's taste was not so bad after all. I had herd that it was vile, and feared it would make me sick. It was not nice but no way was I going to gag on it, well not in front of the girls. Nigel pulled his $%!@ out of my mouth, and steeped down from the platform. I spat out his $%!@, and then cough up some dribble. For the first time in my life I had just giving a boy a blow job. Good boy that was not so bad was it said Sue, quickly adding wasn't it fun? No it wasn't I replied, it was not nice at all. Come off it you enjoyed making him climaxed in your mouth she said. No I didn't it was horrid I said, adding you have made me suck a boy off, now please let me go, my legs and arms ache. Ann said we enjoyed making you do that, adding you didn't like it when my brother came in your mouth did you? No I said adding you know its not nice, now please let me go. Ann then said how shod I know if it nice or not, I have never sucked a boy off. Why make me do it then I asked? Just to see if we can said Sue. Ann added well that, and because it's so much fun having a boy naked, and making him suffer. Then so he will never forget us, we humiliate him even more, by making him give a blow job. It's just so spiteful of use I know, but we love it. How did you work this all out I added? Well it like this, It all started when I lost a game of strip, and Paul wanted me to suck him off. I said wouldn't it be more fun if, I got a boy to suck your $%!@ for me. He laughed and said all the way off, no boy would do that for you. I than added probably not willingly, but if the boy was tied up I think I could persuade him do it. Adding come on it will be fun. Just think how the boy will feel, as he is made to suck your $%!@. Okay make a boy do it by next week, or you will need to do it each night for a week. Two days later I lured a boy in to the woods by saying would he like to see my $%!@. Then just as I was opening my blouse, two of my girl fiends and Paul jumped him. We soon over powered the boy, and tied him up. Us girls then pulled his trousers, and paints down. This was all well and good, but how do we make him suck on Paul. Between us three girls we had only ever wanked two boy off before, so we had little idea of how to be rough with a boy. We knew that making him $%!@ was not going to get us far, so we just played with him for a time. Then Sue went to her bag for a cigarette, as she light it up I said jokingly lets light his $%!@ up as well. That's not a bad idea, well half an idea any way Sue said. Adding what if I held the lighter underneath him, then you slowly push his $%!@ down over it, using a stick. Soon the boy was begging us to stop. His $%!@ was pushed down over the lighter, again and again. Then he said the words we wonted to hear, I will do any think for you, but please stop. I said any think? Yes any think you want, and he did. We had five boys naked last summer, and each time we improved the game a bit. Then at home over the winter we all worked on some modification to the game, and now we know how to persuade a boy to do just what we want. Adding you are only the third boy to play the game this year, so sorry if some of the newer bits still need improving. She then added did you not know we intend to strip you? No I had no idea that any of this was going to happen. When the boys stripped me to my pants, and tied me up. I knew that I had been tricked, but I though it was part of an energisation test, or some think. Even when you girls started playing with me, I had no idea that you intended to make me suck a boys off. Not even when we made you kneel down said Jane? Yes I did have my suspicions then, but the boys where not around, and you all started to teased me. So it was not till Jane said It's a shame your gagged as your mouth would do nicely, that I know for certain what you had planed for me. I added I didn't think you could make me do that, but in the end I had no choice did I? Yes you had a choice said Ann you could have sucked when we first asked you to, or you could have held out a bit longer may be. It was your choice to suck when you did. The girls all stood about giggling for a minuet then Simon steeped up. He unzipped his trousers, and presented his $%!@ to me. It was bigger perhaps one inch longer, and a good quarter of an inch fatter than Nigel's. No no please not him as well, I said, adding I have done what you wanted, please no more. Ann whispered you cant just do one of the boys, that would not be fair would it, any way your so good at it. I beg you not the other two as well, please no more. Than as I pulled on the ropes I added please let me go, I beg you not again. Then Simon waved his big red wet knob in my face, he said have a good close look at him. Jane held my right eyelid open as he put his knob closer and closer to my eye. Look down my eye he said can you see all that nice spunk just waiting to be sucked out. I been saving it up for you, it shod be a nice big load by now, he added I haven't been for five days. His $%!@ was dribbling now as he slowly dragged it down my face. Jane let go of my eyelid, as he brushed his helmet along my lips. Now Simon pushed his $%!@ hard on to my lips saying open up than. I was slow at tacking him in, so the cord was pulled again. I intently opened my mouth wide, the end of Simon's dribble covered $%!@ entered my mouth. No licking or kissing for me this time just straight in. I sucked up and down on his helmet in-out in-out, his sticky dribble coating my lips and tong now. His dribble tasted different, was his spunk going too. No doubt I would soon find out, that is if the $%!@ in my mouth. In-out in-out pop slurp pop slurp went my lips over his foreskin. I tolled myself that two more loads of spunk would not hurt me, well not as much as that flame. I was sucking hard on him now to try and make him climax quickly. I had lost the game, so the sooner it was all over the better, but just how much more can I take. In-out in-out pop slurp pop slurp went my lips, in-out in-out over his foreskin went my lips. His dribble dyed up all at once. Was this it already, was he about to $%!@,. No such luck, his $%!@ was getting softer if anything. Ann whispered in my ear come on you are losing it, get him stiff or get punished. I put my lips around his foreskin and suck hard, in between sucks I started to moved my tong around his helmet. Slowly at first his $%!@ begin to stiffen, than all at once it got good and hard. He must like his helmet being thonged I tolled myself. So I almost stopped sucking and instead worked my tong over and over his helmet. Soon I tasted his dribble again, at first only when my tong lick his helmet, but the taste slowly filled my mouth as my tong lapped up more drips. I knew he was getting close to climaxing, when his knees started to shank. Then about ten seconds later he grabbed hold my heir, saying keep sucking on him. Then he added when I tell you open your mouth wide, we want to see just how much you get. Jane knelt down and got reedy to photograph the moment saying this shod be good. I must have slowed down or opened my mouth a little. As he then said come on keep sucking you don't wont spoil it now, I will tell you when. I sucked hard on him. then as I got to the end of the third intake of breath he said now now! I opened my mouth wide just as he yelled yes yes! His load begin pumping out into my open mouth, at first a three second long jet hit the back of my mouth. Then three more one second jets landed on my tong, and finally two big drips ran down on to my bottom lip. Sue whispered that was so funny. His $%!@ seamed thicker and tasted a bit saltier than Nigel's, I wondered as finished licking his helmet, does spunk always taste different from boy to boy. Simon steeped down and I spat his seaman out, please can I have a drink of water I said. No water for you, you just enjoy the taste of that spunk said Jane. Only one to go now then it will be all over, I will give him a good hard suck and make him come in no time at all I told myself. Come on let me get on with it then I said. Not so fast Ann said as she turned around and headed to the lean-to, beckoning the others over; two minuets or so must have past. Then on their return Ann whispered, because you managed to make Simon go so quick. We have decided that Paul shod give you a treat, so we are getting him to take you up a game stage or two. This only happens on a boy's second or third section , so think of it as a early present. I am not coming again I said. Yes you will said Ann, then she adding you didn't gag on Nigel or Simon's helmets, so let see how you cope with a full length in your mouth. No not all the way in please I said, adding I will suck him off, but please not that, not all the the way in. Than Jane said but your so good, all the first timers before you have just given in to quick, or have pass-out on us. Jane then whispered you are not going to faint on us I can tell, and by the way lets make it a gobble, and no a suck, do you now what that means? I think so I said softly. Well let's get it straight. Instead of you sucking like you are having a drink from a straw, when you gobble you swallow like you are eating. That shod prolong your punishment nicely, she then added gobbling doesn't usually make a boy $%!@ so quick, that is if he can control him self. So hopeful you will enjoy the full flavour of his $%!@, and his dribble for longer. Now do you now know what I want? Well do you? Yes but please don't make me do that, I will be a good boy and suck him off for you. I added and perhaps take a bit more $%!@ in, but please not that, not on my first section any way. Sue giggled and said so you want to play again do you. No I said it was a slip of the tong. Sue than added it will be fun to see how long Paul can hold back his climax for this time. Ann then whispered in my ear about twenty five minuets is the record so far. No please not that long, I beg you tell him to be quicker than that. Paul steeped on to the top steep, he undone his trousers, and pulled them down. He then opened his boxer shorts and got his $%!@ and balls out. His $%!@ was only about half erect but was already at least one inch longer than Simon's, perhaps even seven and a half inches long, and bone dry as well, no dribble on it at all. On seeing the size of him, I begged Ann please stop him, I will do anything else, but please not all the way in. It's too long I will gag. I know I will, don't make me do it please. Ann whispered but you're so good at sucking, now we need to see how good you are at gobbling. I was now wondered how is it that Paul was able to watched me suck the other two boys off and not get horny. The only thing I could think of is that he had played the game a lot of times, and had seen and done it all before. Ann said reedy for you treat now? I started to say no please don't, please not all the way in. But as I got to the word all, he pushed his $%!@ in, his helmet popped past my lips and in to my mouth. I cloud now fill my lips rolling his foreskin back. That shut you up said Ann. All reedy my mouth felt full, well fuller than before. I had only just taken Nigel and Simon's helmets in to my mouth, my lips had only just touched their foreskins on the inward strokes. But now my lips where well up on the body of Paul's $%!@, pulling his foreskin right back. He now made me moved my lips to and throw over his foreskin for ten times. I found myself giving his $%!@ a little suck, it just felt natural some how. Ann sore this and tolled Sue to punish me, which she promptly did. I stopped at once, thinking now I get it for sucking. Ann whispered in my ear I tolled you no sucking, do that again and your nice round helmet will suffer badly. That's right she said keep your lips tight around his $%!@, but don't play with it. Then holding the back of my head with his hands, Paul pulled my head slowly forward. My lips slid past his foreskin and on to his shaft, now more and more of his $%!@ was slowly entering my mouth. I thought when will he stop pulling me on, how much more can there be. Then his helmet reached the back of my mouth, but he still pulled me on. I felt his $%!@ bending as his helmet poked the roof of my mouth. Not bad said Jane but still short of the full length. Give him time said Paul as he rubbed the back of my neck, then he adding don't panic all the boy's have struggled with this part of the game, even when it comes at the end of section three. Then Ann whispered in my ear, he has removed his trousers so you can gobble on all of his weapon. You are not going to waste any of him are you. Sue giggled and said only two inches more. I thought to myself, two inches is longer than I had in my mouth before, let alone the five or so I must already have in my mouth. Tell him not to panic boys giggled Sue. Nigel now joined in by telling me. We know that his helmet is right at the back of your mouth, but it will need to slip down your throat if he is to get the rest of his $%!@ in. I gagged on him for a second or two, but was not allowed to back off. Then Simon added you just need to relax, and let him get him in the right place. Again I gagged for a second. I know it's the through of it down throat, just relax and you will cope said Paul as he pushed more of his $%!@ in. Ann whispered remember no sucking or your helmet will not look so pretty, and you may make him $%!@ to soon. We wouldn't want that to happen would we, it would spoil the game. As if I could suck where his $%!@ was in my mouth. He then pulled his $%!@ back but only about an inch, then he pulled my head slowly on, this sequence was then slowly repeated again and again. His $%!@ was getting bigger and harder with each thrust, how long must it be now I wondered. Ann whispered in my ear that looks so nice, adding I bet your enjoying that. Then on the ninth thrust his helmet rolled down into my throat, down and down it went, then finally my chin touched his balls. Sue said look look! it's all the way in. Now I was gobbling on his fully erect $%!@, and Ann whispered that's what we like to see a full on down the throat gobble. Then some relief as he pulled his weapon back, this time he made my lips moved to and throw over his foreskin for ten times. He was now fully aroused, and started to dribble on my tong. Still dripping dribble he gradually pushed his $%!@ in again. My mouth slowly filled till at last his helmet tickled the back of my throat, then push on down, soon my chin touched his ball bag. The girls stood giggling, as Nigel and Simon chanted gobble gobble gobble. His dribbling continued but down my throat now, not at all nice. The pulling back, and pulling me on sequence was sluggishly repeated ten more times. This pushed more dribble around the back of my mouth and down my throat. I bet that's nice said Ann, are you getting the full taste of him yet. Nigel said come on Paul make him taste more of your dribble, work it around his mouth. Paul then pulled his $%!@ back about four inches and worked his helmet around my mouth, and in to cheeks. I bet that's tasty said Sue as more and more dribble filled my cheeks. The girl's knew the taste of his dribble would now stay in my mouth for the rest of the ordeal. He gradually pushed his weapon all the way in again, the pulling back, and pulling me on sequence was repeated but this time twenty times Then it was back to the foreskin position my lips rolling his skin up and down up and down. He gradually pushed his weapon in again, down my neck his $%!@ went, down deep in to my throat. I gag for a second or two. With is helmet still deep in my throat, he begin to ram his pelvis up in to my face, ten times, each time his balls slapped my chin. Then it was back to the foreskin position my lips rolling his skin up and down up and down. I felt his $%!@ stiffen, and a jet of $%!@ shot from the front of my mouth to the back, then a second jet shot down my throat. Well thank god that's all over I said to myself. But no it was back to my chin touching his ball. Nigel and Simon had a new chant now, gobble gobble gobble in out in out work that spunk about. The pulling back of his $%!@ and pulling me on sequence was then slowly repeated for ten more times, only now pushing spunk down my throat not dribble. Each thrust now made me eat some of his spunk. Then it was back to the foreskin position, my lips moving his skin up and down again. This $%!@ throbbed for a second time and I felt a big puddle of $%!@ all around my tong. Now it was back to my chin touching his ball, and the pulling back of his $%!@ and pulling me on sequence. Ann whispered good isn't he, as Nigel and Simon chanted, gobble gobble gobble in out in out work that spunk about. By the time Paul had finally removed his $%!@ from my mouth he had managed to push most of his $%!@ down my throat. Ann said well done, that was about twelve minutes of good hard gobbling. Fun wasn't it, see you are good at gobbling as well as sucking. Sue and Jane removed the night-light, ball and $%!@ rings, and packed them away. Ann then said with a little practice you could be very good indeed. We would then need to add a stage or two more to our little game, just to keep you happy. I was then untied and my clothes thorn at me. I had a job to stand at first, and when I did I could only just walk. Run home to mummy now Sue said. Still in the nude I hobbled out of the camp, stopping at the old tree to get dressed. With no pants and a very sore $%!@ each steep was painful. I gingerly walked home and crept in to the bathroom and got cleaned up. The taste of Paul's $%!@ and all of that spunk was hard to get out of my mouth. All that and I still didn't get to see a $%!@, was I ever going to see a girl in the nude. But more important was what would happen if it ever got out at school that I had sucked three boy off. No one would understand or care that I had no chose in the mater, and that I was made to do it.
Posted in Boys humiliated by girls on 2011-01-02 16:59:55

CHAPTER 1 The invite.

I was a normal boy of fifteen, well all most fifteen. At school brake times I was always looking at the pretty girls, some times if I was lucky I would get a glimpse of a kicker leg or two. The best place in the playground for this was out side the boiler house, as a group of five or so girls usually sat on the steeps talking. Make-up clothes parties, and the latest party games, where the usual topics. Some times a dress would ride up, and then I would get a quick glimpse of upper leg. I was always hanging around hopping to get invited to one of the parties. Then one Monday in April one of the girls started to tell the others about an exchange party that she had been to on Sunday. She said Rose's parents had gone away for the day, so her brother had arranged a five a side exchange party. On Sunday morning the girls team still only had four players. So when Rose saw me at the paper shop, she invited me to join in, she asked have you played exchange before? No is it fun? Can be fun, but is always rude are you up for it? Yes please was my reply. Good Rose said see you at 12 then. Did you go one of the other girls asked? By now I was sitting around the back of the boiler house chimney, out of site of the girls. Not knowing I was there, she continued to tell them about the party. Bridget, Rose, Helen, and myself went in to Rose's bedroom, and the boys all went in to her brother's bedroom. That's no fun or rude one of the other girls said. That's just the start of the game she said, adding Rose then tipped the contents of a small cardboard box out on to her bed. We all sat on the bed, and sorted the items out. Four long rope ties, two shorter ties, one gag, one blindfold, a roll of toilet paper, and a pack of playing cards. Rose now tolled us that the long ties go around the bed legs, to hold a boy down, and that the paper is for cleaning him up. Than Rose said the short ties and the gag go on the hands, legs, and mouth of one of us girls. She then added the poor girl is then exchanged for a boy. Beth said but which one of us girls? Rose then added we need to cut the cards to find that out. The one of us with the lowest number in the cut loses, is that all right she said. Yes we all replied. Rose cut the cards first, a ten well safe. Than Bridget cut the cards, a six. Now it was my turn, only a five. My hart was pounding now, was it going to be me she said. Next Helen cut the pack a nine, only Beth to go now. My hart was now in my mouth, as Beth cut the cards. It was only a two she had lost, she was now begging us not to give her to the boys. Saying please its only my second time at a naught party. Please don't give me to the boys, I have never had my knickers down in front of a boy before. I have only ever let them touch my $%!@, so please don't give me up, please their strip me nude. We grabbed her arms and tided them together, she was now kicking out at us, but we soon had her legs bound at the ankles. She was still begging us not to do it, their strip me nude she cried as Helen gagged her. Rose said if that's all they do your be a lucky girl. Then after a minuet or two we carried her to the exchange point on the landing. The poor thing was now trembling from head to toe with fear. She knew the boys would strip her nude, but what else would they do. Then the boys appeared on the landing one of them was bound, and gagged just like Beth. The exchange tock place and we carried the boy in to Rose's bedroom. We put him up on the bed, and tided him down in seconds. Then we started to undress him. First Bridget and I removed his shoes and socks, then Rose and Helen removed his tops. A cheer came from the boys room we know this meant poor Beth was now most likely topless. Next we all worked on the boys trousers, carefully pulling them down so as not to disturb his pants. The outline of his $%!@ was now visible, as it pushed his pants up at the front. Now a big cheer came from the boys room, we all knew that meant Beth was now nude. Rose and Helen slowly downed the boys underpants, pulling them out on each side, this keep the waistband tight down over the top of his legs. Now slowly his lower body was exposed, then some pubic hair began to appear above the waistband. Lower still and the base of his $%!@ was now showing, his $%!@ was now bent flat down in his pants. Slowly more and more of his $%!@ and balls appeared, now only his helmet was in side his pants. We all cheered as his $%!@ popped out. His pants where then pulled all the way down, we untied his legs and removed his trousers and pants, then we retied his legs. He was now only wearing the gag, he was as good as nude. His $%!@ stood up like a lamppost, as we tock turns groping him. You didn't touch his $%!@ said one of the girls. Yes I groped him. We now herd Beth saying no. no not that please not that! Helen said the boys must have removed her gag all reedy, we all knew the boys only needed her mouth free for one thing. We now herd one of the boys saying you will do it, or this probe goes up your bum hole, he added the contacts on it go to this battery. Again we herd Beth's voice please no she cried, followed by no don't put that up my bum, please no. Then came a yell and the words yes, yes I will do it. We herd a boy saying to all of us, followed by a yell and yes, yes all of you. Knowing that Beth was being forced to do the rudest things made Bridget angry. So she set about the boy $%!@, she worked on him till he was right at the point of climax, then stopped. Again and again she worked him right up, only to let him down. I had never seen this done before she was slowly torturing him. Some how Bridget know gust when to slow down or stop. Then after about five stops she let him go. Spunk shot from is $%!@ and landed all over the place, it was just like a fountain. Good job it was a new roll of toilet paper, as Bridget used a lot of it mopping up his $%!@. You didn't $%!@e him then a girl said, adding quickly was that the end of the game? No it was not the end, far from it. From time to time we could still hear Beth saying, no more please, or no not my bum please not my bum followed by a yell, and a cough or two as she began to work on the next boy. Then Helen put the blindfold on him, as Rose reached up her skirt, and pulled down her knickers. Soon she was kneeling over the boy's head, she then lifted the front of her skirt up. Now she remover the gag from his mouth, asking him have you ever been down on a girl. No he said. Well you are going down on me now she added, as she lowered her self down on to his face. You can start licking me now she said as her $%!@ reach his face. Come on you can do it, lick me off. Helen got hold of his $%!@ and pulled it hard upwards that made him start licking. More, more Rose cried, lick me more, as she pushed her crouch down in to his face. More, more lick me more Rose cried, soon her whole body shock with the thrill of an orgasm. As soon as she had dismounted, Helen removed her knickers, saying I wont a bit of that. She was soon up on him, her $%!@ in his face. Lick me lick me she said. Soon she to had an orgasm, yes, yes, yes she cried as she climaxed. Emerging from behind the chimney, my $%!@ rock hard in my pants. I said I bet you dropped your knickers then. The girls then realized I had heard ever word, and tolled me to $%!@ off you pervert. That's good coming from someone that's watched, as a boy was forest to go down on two girls I said. $%!@ of or I tell a teacher that you been looking up my dress said one of the girls. Then looking down at my crouch. Rose said, or we may just need to get your trousers down. I walked away. That's a typical boy Rose added it's aright for you to look up a girl's dress, but if we wont to look at your undies you run away. I was now thinking was that boy lucky or not, would I like to be the selected boy at an exchange party or not. I am not well hung but not small ether, average but for the hair, I must be the hairiest boy in that year if not the school. So the girls would have a good time pulling my hairs. But you need to get an invite first I tolled myself, before you get to be selected. But if I wasn't selected I would not only get see a girl nude, but get to touch her as well. Would that be more fun than being played with I asked my self. Then I wonder what had happened to Beth at that party, how fair did the boys make her go. Then one day a week or so later, I was approached at lunchtime by a boy. Hello I am Nigel he said, adding have you seen the $%!@ on that one over there? To which I replied, I have never seen any $%!@ let alone ones that big. I did not mean out he said, quickly adding would you like to get your hands on a pair of $%!@? Ho yes I answered, as the bell for the end of lunchtime sounded, and we when off in different directions. Nigel said I will see if I can fix it for you. The next day Nigel found me at lunchtime, and said just looking at the girls as usual. I answered yes just looking. Then he said my sister Ann knows two girls that would like to play a game of strip cards with you, are you up for a game of strip cards he added. When and where was all I could blurt out of my mouth at first, then after a few seconds I said would we be playing strip poker? Adding I don't know how to play poker. Nigel replied no not poker its to slow, we play a simple card game. How do you play I asked. Well Nigel replied you all have seven items of clothing on at the start of the game. A pack of cards is put face down, and then you tack turns to turn the top card over. Yes go on I said. Well if the card you turn up is a number card, the game moves on to the next player. But if the card is a picture card, you most remove one item of your clothing, before the game moves on. The game is over when one player is nude, it's a quick simple way to play strip. Sounds like fun I said. He then said we are playing a game on Monday night, if you want to join in, meet me at the old post office in Church road at around five. I will be there was my replay as Nigel casually waked away. My first thought was one of seeing a girl in the nude for the first time, then I thought I might lose and end up nude in front of the girls. Do I go or not, just thinking about it was making my $%!@ go hard. I told myself that Nigel had said his sister know of two girls that would play, plus Nigel and myself that's four at lest. That's odes of one in four of bring nude, a bit risky. But if Nigel's sister Ann, and another boy played the risk of being nude would be down to one in six. I tolled myself to go for it, I am fourteen and had not even seen a girl's $%!@ yet, let a lone seen a girl in the nude. At long last I had an invite, not to just any old party, buy to a game of strip cards. Every time I though about it my $%!@ got hard. It was only Friday how could I hold out till Monday night, I just couldn't stop thinking about it. What if I end up nude, are the girls going to laugh at me, and my hairy privets. What if one of the girls ends up nude. What if one of the other boy ends up nude. What if I come in my pants before the game is over.

CHAPTER 2 My first half hour at camp.

Monday the weather was fine and dry, good for a game of strip I told myself. The day dragged on and on, then at last school was over and I ran home. I had a wash and changed in to my seven items of clothing. My parents where not home from work yet, so I left them a note saying that I was going round a friend's house, and would be some time. At twenty to five I made my way a long to the post office, all the time thinking this is not happening to me. At last I may get to see a girl in the nude, I may even get to touch a girl's privet parts. I turned in to Church road, the post office was now only two shops away. Just thinking about playing the game was making my $%!@ hard again. Nigel was standing by the post box, as I approached he jockeying said, hello got clean panties on just in case you lose, quickly he adding come on this way follow me. We soon turned into an unmade road then after about two hundred yards we joined a public footpath. The path witch was not well used crossed a field, and then entered a wood. Soon we where deep in the wood, and well out of site of anyone on the road. I now asked him is your sister going to play strip tonight? Just try and stop her he said, adding playing strip cards was her idea in the first place. You see she likes seeing boys in the nude, and she enjoys playing with the loser's $%!@. If you lose then you get played with? Of course you do, is that a problem? A problem, no not a problem I said, I just didn't think girls liked playing with boy $%!@s. By them self most wouldn't he said, but get a group of hot little vixens together, and just you watch. Adding and yes before you ask, my sister has ended up nude more than once, and I have been nude before now. I then said but you sister is older than us, dose she not mind being naked in front of younger boys. That's the risk she tacks playing strip cards, one of you must end up nude. Shortly the path opened out in to a small clearing, pushing a bush to one side he said along here. The first part of this hidden path was only just passable, the trees being low to the ground, and the under growth long. I asked do you know how old the girls are? My sister Ann as you know is two years older than us, the other two are thirteen and fourteen I think. He added thirteen to sixteen year old girls look very nice in the nude, don't you think? Yes I like them at about fourteen I said. I had no idea really as I had only ever seen photos of girls nude, and never that young. I told myself that no amount of photos could be like having a girl in the nude for real any way. The path opened out a little, by now we where well off the public footpath. At a big old tree we crossed a small stream, using a plank of wood. Then we went up a slope and along a twisting path into a clearing. This is the place he said do have a look around, but keep the noise down. He went to the little lean-to made out of old doors and windows, and uncovered a row of stools. The clearing was about twenty five foot across, and dee shaped the entrance and lean-to being set on the straight side. To the left was an old tree stump, a loop of rope dangled a bout six foot above the stump. Nigel called out softly; the person that loses the game of strip stands on that stump, in the nude for ten minuets their hands in the loop of rope. I toll myself that a girl sanding up on the stump would show, well not just her $%!@ off. To the right two tall trees stood about seven feet apart, separated only by a big holy bush. Never tree had any branches for the first ten foot or so of trunk. The trees had two screw eyelets in them, one eyelet just about a foot of the ground, and the other at about seven foot up the trunk. Nigel then crossed the clearing and stood next to one of the trees. Then he told me that anybody found cheating is tied to one of the trees, and punished. Usually by striping them nude, and gang $%!@ing them. Are girls punished like that, or just boys I asked. His reply was boy or girl that's the punishment, adding two weeks ago a boy was found to have eight items of clothing on at the start of a game. The girls punished him all right, he was tied to this tree and stripped nude, and $%!@ed non-stop for about forty minuets. The girls only stopping briefly to swap around. Each girl working on his $%!@ for a bout five minuets at a time. Not even stopping when he went I said. No not stopping at all, the girls only ending the poor boys ordeal when he was finally tossed dry. I must have looked puzzled, as he then said. You know what to be tossed dry means don't you. No I don't, I naively added is it when your foreskin gets dry. No it's when you are tossed off again and again till you get the felling of having a climax but no spunk comes. Adding usually it's by the fourth ejaculation that a boy has no spunk left in his balls. That's when he is said to be tossed dry. His ball by then have shrink to about half-normal size and have tighten right up. Just being tolled about it that was making my $%!@ hard again. Nigel then said my sister tolled me about a boy that six girls had worked on, slowly over two hours making him come five times, before he was dry. He then added it's not a pretty thing to see a boys $%!@ being work on non-stop, let alone have it done to you. Is that final dry ejaculation painful I said quickly adding have you ever been tossed dry? No way he said, but a girl has tossed me off twice in half an hour, not non-stop, but still hard on the old $%!@ and balls, Adding I know the boy two weeks ago was in a lot of pain by the end. He toll me only yesterday that he had all most past out at one point near the end, and that his foreskin was red for over a week. Somebody coming I said with excitement, was it Ann and the girls! No it was two boys. Hello I am Paul and this is Simon we are friends of Nigel and Ann. Bought Simon and Paul where big lads, not fat just well built, and bought looked about two years older then myself. I asked them, have you come for the game of cards. Simon said for the game of strip, oh yes. Have you played before I asked? Yes we play a lot of different strip games, all are good fun added Paul. He then added how about you. This will be my first time, then I added I do hope that one of the girls ends up nude. When do we need to get started said Simon, to which Nigel replied now would be good. This must have been a prearranged signal, as Paul garbed one of my arms and Simon garbed the other. I cried out, let me go, what are you doing. Then I was pushed face down to the ground, the two boys still holding on to my wrists. Stop stop I yelled. Keep the noise down Nigel said. I cried out again let me go. Shut up you big baby said Paul. It was only then that I realized how naive I had been, and that Nigel had tricked me in to thinking that we where going to play a game of strip cards, with a group of girls. Let me go I yelled adding no no as Nigel put a gag in my mouth. This will keep you quiet he said as he tided it tightly around my head. What did the boys want with me, had I upset one of them some how, or what! Nigel quickly tied a rope around my ankles, and pegged a loop of it to the ground. Paul and Simon now pulled on my arms stretching me out straight. Nigel was now able to pull my jumper up my back this was soon followed by my polo shirt. The boys turned me over, Simon and Paul still held on to my hands, pushing them down to the ground. Nigel stood over me, his feet between my elbows. He reached down and draw the hem of my jumper up, pulling it slowly over my head. The upward movement continued until my head popped out of the collar. Now for your polo shirt he said pulling at it's hem, soon it too was up over my head. Then after rolling the selves as far up my arms as possible, he tock hold of my right arm. This aloud Paul to pull the selves from my arm. Now from his pocket he produced a small dog collar. The collar fitted with a short length of rope was attached around my wrist. He then held my arm down by the rope, and said Okay this side. Nigel then held my left arm, Simon was now free to repeat the process on his side. The boys had striped me to the waist in next to no time, just thinking about it was making my $%!@ go hard. Seeing this Nigel said look he is enjoying it. The peg holding my legs down was removed, and I was then carried kicking and regaling, over to one of the two trees. I was now stood up my back to the tree, my arms where tied to the upper eyelet, using the ropes attached to the collars. I was now thinking about what Nigel had said the trees where used for. Am I going to be $%!@ed by them, or perhaps even be tossed dry? My trousers were undone, and Paul slowly pushed them down to the rope around my ankles. I hope he is not going to. Nigel stopped Simon from saying any more adding just get him undressed. Next a loop of rope was put around each of my knees and around behind my legs. Simon bent down in front of me and removed my shoes and socks along with the rope around my ankles. Paul now pulled the rope around my knees upward and to one side. My right foot was now off the ground, and Simon was able to slip my trousers from my leg. Paul now pulled the rope upward and to the other side. My left foot was now off the ground, and Simon now slipped my left leg from my trousers. My $%!@ felt harder than ever now. Simon and Paul then moved the holy bush from between the two trees, the bush was only in a big pot and not in the ground at all. Then Nigel placed an old rug from the lean-to on the ground, positioning it mid way between the two trees. He then set about screwing an eyelet in to a tree root just behind it. The boy then untied my knees and arms, and I was pulled over to the rug. I knew that soon I would be tided up between the trees. So I put up a straggle but working together the three of them managed to fix a dog collar to each of my ankles. Then my legs met the same fate as my arms. I was now standing on the rug between the trees, facing the lean-to. My arms tied to the upper eyelets of the tree, and my legs tied to the lower ones. Looking down at the rug I could see that it must have been used a good number of times before, as two almost threadbare peaches ran out sideways from beneath my feet. Then I noticed that the entire middle section was stained a yellowish colour, and right in front of me the rug was covered in small white patches. I had no doubt in my mind that urine and $%!@ had caused the staining, and that I may well be adding to them soon. I wondered are my pants coming off now or what! Simon then tolled me what the boys wanted me to do for them. He said you are going to strip at three parties, that's one party for each of us. You will entertain up to twenty girls each time by doing a stripteases, that's a fully nude one strip by the way. I shook my head to signal no. Paul and simon pulled on my leg ropes, my feet went from being about one and a half foot apart too being three feet apart in seconds. You will do three full strips for us. I shook my head. Nigel moved to about two feet from my left side, then using a stick he begin to toy with my privets. You will do three full stripteases for us he said. I shook my head. The stick was laid on the top of my $%!@, and then raised up about a foot. Do the strips said Nigel. I shook my head. The stick was brought swiftly down hitting my $%!@ full on. Do them Nigel said as he hit my $%!@ again and again. My paints tock most of the impact, so this flogging stung more than hurt. I shook my head to signal no. Nigel turned towards Simon and Paul saying pull on the ropes. Slowly my legs opened by six or seven more inches, before being tided off again. Soon Simon was behind me, saying are you going to do the strips for us. I shook my head again. Reaching over my left arm he showed me a plant dibble, saying look what I got for you. He then moved it around to my back, and I could feel the point of it moving down my body. Soon the tip of the dibble was pushed under the waistband of my pants, and in to the crease of my buttocks. No no stop I said not that. Well Simon said do them for us. No please no. I felt the tip push on down my crease. No please I said as the tip of the tool found my anus, and I pushed my self forwards. I am their then Simon said as he twisted the dibble around a bit. Now I could feel my pants getting pulled down, as Simon lowered the handle on the dibble, Them gust as the tip began to push it's way in, Paul said it's a pity we haven't got more time to work on you. He then added with your legs spread apart like that, it would be easy to make you do the stripteases, but we must go. Just give me two minuets more and he will do the strips for us, I know he will said Simon. Come on Simon no time for any more of that. See you later said Simon as the he put my clothes in a carrier bag. Nigel tested the ropes, as Simon said you will regret saying no to us. Then as the boys made their way out of the camp, Simon put the carrier bag on a stool in the lean-to. Bye then Paul said adding your clothes are over here when you need them. I was left tied up, wearing only a gag and my pants, my arms and legs spread wide apart. I straggled but was not able to get free, I then wondered how long was I going to be left like this, and shod I have said yes to doing the stripteases for them. As the minuets past my legs began to ache. I tolled myself that when the boy return I may well need to signal yes to doing the stripteases for them, especially if the dibble is used on me again, but how long was it going to be before the bastards return.