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User: Ratchet:Deadlocked:Pimp Daddy



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Posted in Who really built the great pyramids? on 2007-08-15 20:02:17

None of us can actually say how they were built because none of us witnessed it.Therefore I believe nobody is right or wrong it is merely an estimation.

Posted in UFO's Existance on 2007-08-15 19:56:49

Well if you meant aliens, i would think that we would be pretty ingnorant to think were the only intellegent lifeform in the universe. So, yes I believe UFO's exist.

Posted in Friends on 2007-08-13 19:53:31

Yeah the best groups are the troublemakers and cool kids,the nerds (NERDS ARE COOL),and the sports freaks!!! www.leaffanzonly.piczo.com

Posted in Ages at which girls can overpower boys on 2007-08-13 19:37:37

boys are stronger!!!Thats how it should be you ingnorant feminist!!